Lord Hanuman Aarti

Hanuman Aarti

About Hanuman Aarti

Hanuman Ji, a wholehearted devotee of Lord Rama, is worshiped for his soulful devotion towards Lord Rama. The deity with magical powers to build or destroy anything, at his strength of character, is looked upon as a symbol of power and force. He can do anything from moving the mountains to swallowing the sun and overpowering the evil. Devotees perform his Aarti to take his blessings.

|| Aarti ||

  • Aarti keeje hanuman lalaa ki,
    Dusht dalan raghunath kala ki

    Jake bal se girivar kape,
    Rog dhosh jake nikat na jhake

    Anjani putra maha baldai,
    Santan ke prabhu sada sahai

    || Aarti keeje ||
  • De beera raghunath pathaye,
    Lanka jari siya sudhi laye

    Lanka so kot samudar si khai,
    Jat pawansut dwar na layi

    || Aarti keeje ||
  • Lanka jari asur sanhare,
    Siyaramji ke kaaj shaware

    Laxman murchit pade sakare,
    Aani sanjeevan pran ubare

    || Aarti keeje ||
  • Paithi patal tori jam-kare,
    Aahiravan ki bhuja ukhare

    Baye bhuja asurdal mare,
    Dahine bhuja santjan tare

    || Aarti keeje ||
  • Sur nar munijan aarti utare,
    Jai jai jai hanuman uchare

    Kanchan thar kapor lau chayi,
    Aarti karat anjana mai

    || Aarti keeje ||
  • Jo hanuman ji ke aarti gave,
    Basi baykunth param pad pave

    || Aarti keeje ||

|| Aarti in Hindi ||

  • आरती कीजै हनुमान लला की,
    दुष्ट दलन रघुनाथ कला की

    || आरती कीजै ||
  • जाके बल से गिरिवर कांपे,
    रोग दोष जाके निकट न झांके

  • अनजानी पुत्र महाबलदायी,
    संतान के प्रभु सदा सहाई

  • दे बीरा रघुनाथ पठाए,
    लंका जारी सिया सुध लाए

  • लंका सो कोट समुद्र सी खाई,
    जात पवनसुत बार न लाई

  • लंका जारी असुर संहारे,
    सियारामजी के काज संवारे

  • लक्ष्मण मूर्छित पड़े सकारे,
    आणि संजीवन प्राण उबारे

  • पैठी पताल तोरि जम कारे,
    अहिरावण की भुजा उखाड़े

  • बाएं भुजा असुरदल मारे,
    दाहिने भुजा संतजन तारे

  • सुर-नर-मुनि जन आरती उतारे,
    जै जै जै हनुमान उचारे

  • कंचन थार कपूर लौ छाई,
    आरती करत अंजना माई

  • लंकविध्वंस कीन्ह रघुराई,
    तुलसीदास प्रभु कीरति गाई

  • जो हनुमान जी की आरती गावै,
    बसी बैकुंठ परमपद पावै

    || आरती कीजै ||

Vidhi for Performing Aarti

The Aarti cannot simply be performed by the singing the poem. There are certain things required for the Aarti to be conducted with proper Vidhi Vidhaan. The things you need include—flowers, bell, incense stick, uncooked rice, dhoop batti, a copper lota, Diya along with oil and batti.

Begin with lighting the diya in front of the lord's idol. Then light the incense sticks and begin the Aarti as you ring the bell continuously, followed by offering the flowers and rice to the lord. You can keep some fruits as the Prasad to distribute after the Aarti.

Benefits of Performing Hanuman Aarti

It is believed that if you perform the Hanuman Aarti every Tuesday, you are bestowed upon with strength, courage and strong willpower. Lord Hanuman is appeased and helps the devotes to overcome financial instability and fulfil desires.

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