Planet (Grah) Pujas

Planet (Grah) Pujas

Puja for Planet

Each planet has its own effect either positive or negative and they directly affect us as per our horoscope. One should find out what are these effects one one’s life and should get performed the Planetary pujas to get the best out of these effects. The planetary pujas help by reducing the negative effects and also at the same time by helping in increasing the positive effects.

The Maha Dasha plays an important role in one’s current life and performing the puja of the Maha Dasha lord will help your overall wellbeing and also also for the fulfilment of your desires. Know more about them on each of the planet pujas.

Lord Surya Sun Puja

Surya (Sun) Puja

Surya puja is done for better career, to gain authority, health, prosperity, for good eyesight, strength, courage, success and cure of chronic diseases etc. Those undergoing the Maha dasha, Antar Dasha and Pratyantar dasha of planet Sun should perform this puja.

Chandra Moon Puja

Chandra (Moon) Puja

Chandra Puja is dedicated to the Moon God. Chandra Puja helps in increasing concentration, providing mental peace, control of emotions and to get rid of mental depression, it helps in developing a pleasing personality. Those undergoing the Maha dasha, Antar Dasha and Pratyantar dasha of planet Moon should perform this puja..

Mangal Puja And Homam

Mangal (Mars) Puja

Mangal puja helps in reducing the malefic effects of the Mars (Mangal), helps to control over anger and aggression. It blesses with a happy marital life, gain of property, and win over enemies. If you are running with Mars (Mangal) dasha or Sub-period of Mangal then you should certainly perform the Mangal (Mars) Puja.

Budha Mercury Puja

Budha (Mercury) Puja

Those who are weak at studies, experience lack of concentration, have skin related health issues, problem related to nervous system etc., should worship Lord Mercury (Budh). This puja bestows the devotee with the gift of good intelligence, sharp memory, knowledge, and education and at the same time, it enables to control of the speech and speaking aspect of the native..

Guru Jupiter Puja

Guru (Jupiter) Puja

Worshipping Guru grants pure, aesthetic life and good health & wealth. Jupiter puja is done for childless couples. The Guru Puja results in cure from physical illness, progeny, good education, valor and longevity of life. Performing this puja and Homa ensures that you are away from all kinds of health disorders, diseases, and ailments.

Shukra Venus Puja

Shukra (Venus) Puja

Shukra is the Sanskrit name for Venus, one of the Navagrahas. The radiant celestial guru of the demons. This puja is performed to get spouse, love, marriage, comfort, luxury, beauty, prosperity, happiness, all conveyances, art, dance music, acting, passion and sex.

Shani Puja

Shani (Saturn) Puja

Saturn or Shani, the son of Surya and Chhaya is also known as 'eeshwara' (The Supreme). Saturn can make a person a king or a beggar according to the native's karmas. A prayer to this deity will mitigate the hardships one will have to face during bad times. The worshipper is blessed not only with removal of the problems and worries, but a life that one desires.

Rahu Puja And Homam

Rahu (Dragon's Head) Puja

Rahu Puja and Homam is best for removing obstacles, difficulties, financial problems, health related issues, hidden enemies. The Rahu puja should be performed when a person is having planet Rahu in malefic position, also who are undergoing the rahu mahadasha and antardasha. By getting the Rahu puja done one receives the blessing of Lord Rahu.

Ketu Puja And Homam

Ketu (Dragon's Tail) Puja

Ketu Puja is dedicated to God Ketu. This puja gives a person courage and strength to fight illness, it bestows worshipper with peace of mind during the periods and sub-periods of Ketu in life. This puja and Homa are very important in winning over your enemies getting wealth and prosperity. It also helps to get success in Business.

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