Pujas for Successful Career

Pujas for Successful Career

Puja for Career

For all your issues related to career or even for overall betterment in your career these pujas are a real help. These pujas are done by our purohit ji in temple on auspicious days and with the right vidhi vidhan. The pujas for the betterment in career will help you getting your desires fulfilled.

You can go ahead and read all about it in the pujas one by one and get to know which puja will help you in your career growth. Or you can also reach out to our astrologer to know the best suited vedic puja for your career and financial growth.

Lakshmi Narayan Homam

Lakshmi Narayan Homam

Lakshmi-Narayan Puja is performed for the purpose of gaining legitimate wealth. Those who are involved in job/business or are facing financial problems may perform this Homam to receive the blessings and grace of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Narayan (Vishnu).

Nandi Puja

Nandi Puja

Lord Nandi puja is done for gains in career and profession, good health, increased longevity, win over enemies and win in court case (litigation) too. We arrange Puja or Homam by learned Purohit, along with reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homam done.

Mahalakshmi Puja

MahaLakshmi Puja

Maha Lakshmi - The Goddess of Wealth & Fortune. This Puja and Homam is done for improvement in Financials and also for recovery of dues.

Lakshmi Kuber Homam

Lakshmi Kuber Homam

Worshipping Kuber and Lakshmi together brings prosperity, fame, wealth, divine happiness, mental spiritual satisfaction and materialistic comforts.

Ganapathy Puja

Ganapathy Puja/Homam

Ganpati Puja and Homam are done for prosperity, happiness and fulfilment of all wishes.

Lord Vishnu Maha Anushthan

Lord Vishnu Maha Anushthan

The Lord Vishnu Maha Anusthan has helped many to resolve the problems in one's career and finances.

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