Free Manglik Check
Check here if you have a Mangal / Manglik or Kuja Dosh in your kundli/horoscope. This Free Mangal dosh check will help you to find out if you really have this Mangal dosh or not. This also helps you to clear any doubts you have about the Manglik dosh.
Askganesha Free Manglik Check is one of the most used Mangal dosh confirmer.
Simply click the button below then fill the birth details and submit and you will get to know if the Mangal dosh is there or not. You will also get to know the easy to follow vedic remedies.
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Read Customer Reviews
Manglik report is a great report. provide it for free of cost and do not ask for a penny like those pundits now a days. I am glad I came across this website.
I have tried many services of Recently I tried its Manglik report for free of cost first which gave me helpful details and later I paid for the more detailed version which was extremely helpful.
What is the Manglik Dosha
Mangal dosha or kuja dosha is referred to the placement of the planet in the Ascendant (lagna), 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house in the birth chart (Natal chart) or horoscope is called as Manglik dosh and the person is called Manglik.
As per Hindu/Vedic Astrology mangal dosha is strongest when the planet Mars is either in the seventh or the eighth house.
Manglik Dosh Problems
The most likely troubles and problems associated with Manglik dosh are disharmony and disputes between the husband and wife, absence of desired peace and comfort in domestic life, some permanent disability to the non-manglik spouse, or even untimely or accidental death of the non-manglik spouse , these troubles and problems are mostly speculated, it is always advised to get the horoscope checked in complete and not just rely only on the Manglik dosh.
Is your horoscope afflicted with Manglik Dosha?
According to the rules of Astrology, an able astrologer can tell about the Life, longevity, health, natural tendencies, body, vitality, sorrows, gain, wealth, name, honor, dignity, fame, pleasures and sickness of the native. If the ascendant is afflicted with malefic planets, there will be injury or any other affliction to Head, face, brain, nerves, facial bones, upper jaw and pituitary glands.
The Ascendant has a vital importance in Vedic Astrology. In Western Astrology, more attention is given to Sun and Sun sign while in traditional Astrology, Moon, Moon Sign and Ascendant play an important role in analyzing the future and other things concerned to the native
You can check your horoscope for the presence of Manglik dosh or kuja dosh here.
Do you have Manglik Dosha?

Read Customer Reviews is one of the best astrological websites that I have come across. I used its manglik report which was to the point and gave me exact report and it was of great help. I got really happy after knowing that I am not a manglik by this report.
What happened was that my mother went to a pundit who told her that I am a manglik and she got really worried. I was very apprehensive about that baba as he asked for a lot of money in order to solve my manglikdosha. I then tried the manglik report service of which told me that I am not a manglik and even reassured me by its paid service.
Manglik Dosh service is a great service provided by askganesha. It is true to its basic core.