Education Astrology Services gives the best astrology services and guidance related to education, success in exams, win in competitions etc.

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Ask Education

Ask A Question on Education

Do you have burning desire to know the answer to your question like : Will I clear the exam? Or Will I be able to win in the completion? Or Will I get admission to the college of my choice? Or any similar question then this is the perfect astrology service for you. You can get the answers related to education, studies, competitive exams etc through our expert astrologer.


Education Report

Looking to find the best education line or wanting to know how the studies are going to be in the coming years then get the Education report made by our expert astrologer who would prepare the horoscope analysis and would give you the predictions in relation to the education aspect.


Success Report

If you wish to know all about your horoscope in relation to your actual capabilities and strength to succeed in desired exams and interviews then this is the best astrology report for you. Why worry when you can plan the things better. Know the favorable periods to go for the exams and also how to get better grades and positions.


Best Suited Gemstone

You can maximize the potential of the planets by wearing the most suited gemstones which act as a magnifier of the effects of the planets. By increasing the positive effects of the planets in your horoscope you can gain edge over others in education or in competitions.


Auspicious Time Report

Auspicious time report or commonly known as Mahurat report would help you to know the auspicious time for going for an examination/ competitions, filling out of forms etc. As the time of filling the form or even submitting the form is important as the stars during that time if positive would help you gain better results. Find auspicious time or mahurat in life.


Talk to Astrologer

Consult directly with astrologers over the Phone. You can avail this service when the Astrologer is online or with appointment.

Year Ahead

Year Ahead Report

The report would provide you your horoscope analysis for the next 12 months in regards to education, competitions, studies and cover special remedies to make your year ahead a smooth sail for education.


Best Remedies for Education

Having problems in concentration, not feeling upto the mark, not getting the desired results even after hard work ? Well you need to get the horoscope analyzed for the malefic combinations and should get the rectified through the ancient know vedic remedies.

Life Report

Education analysis with Life predictions

This report would not only provide you the analysis of the horoscope in regards to education but also on other aspect of life. The aspects of life such as career, finance, travel, health, marriage, married life, property and vehicle etc would be covered. Apart from this you would also get to know the most suited gemstone, the right remedies and other additional information would be provide.


Best Puja Remedies (for Education)

Best puja for betterment in Education and win in competitions: Maa Saraswati Puja This puja of Maa Saraswati blesses the person with intelligence, confidence, increased mental tendencies etc. By getting this puja done one increases concentration, win in competitions , gets better grades.


Yantras for Education

The blessings of Maa Saraswati can be got through the worshiping of Saraswati Yantra (Recommended Yantra for betterment in Education and also for better position in competitive exam). This yantra enhances the persons mental abilities and helps in getting better in education and win over competitions. You can get this energized yantra through us and gain betterment in education.

Mantras for good education and higher studies

The best Mantra for eduction is Saraswati Mantra. Saraswati is the Devi or Goddess for intellect knowledge and wisdom, so by chanting this mantra one can get enhanced wisdom, knowledge etc. Other Mantra for education that can be opted is: Buddh Mantra

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