Travel Predictions

Complete Travel Astrology Predictions, Readings and manually prepared Reports with Remedies based on Indian Vedic Astrology Horoscopes and Charts

Personalized Services for Travel

Check all our 11+ Astrology Services
Ask Travel

Ask A Question on Travel / Journey

Get astrological answers to your question related to travel, settlement abroad, visas etc. Questions like: When will I go abroad? are also answered. Ask A Question is highly reliable astrology system. Along with the answers you would also get remedies related to your query.


Travel Report

This special report on travel will help you to know prospects of your horoscope in regards to travel to a foreign land. Get to know all about the favorable periods, visa, benefits during travel etc.


Gem Consultancy

Know the best gemstone to improve prospects of getting visa and to improve chances of travel abroad. Modify planetary effects by the use of most suited gemstone particularly for you. Ask expert astrologer for a best gemstone.


Mahurat Report

Auspicious time plays an important role in destiny. Get the planetary positions in your favor. Get to know the auspicious time for applying visa, move out for travel, start of journey etc.


Remedial Consultancy

Our expert astrologer will suggest unique Astrological remedies to solve any obstacles in your travel/travel plans. With the help of Remedial consultancy Report get to know effective Vedic remedies for solving all kinds of troubles and tensions, without inflicting harm on anybody. Find out the best astrology remedies as per your horoscope.

Life Report

Get the correct analysis of your horoscope in regards to major aspcts of life such as love, marriage, career, finance, travel, health, child birth, property, vehicle, education, etc. the complete life report will help as a guide through this path of life. You will also be suggested effective remedies which will help you to make the things better.


Talk to Astrologer

Consult directly with astrologers over the Phone. You can avail this service when the Astrologer is online or with appointment.


12-Month Travel Report

The 12-month Travel report will help you to channelize your dreams related to travel & make the full use of the good phases of your life so that you can enjoy travel.


Suggested Yantra

Recommended Energized Yantras for Travel.

1) Get the Kuber Yantra

2) Ganesh Yantra

3) Shee Yantra..

Mantras For Travel

Mantras benefited for Travelling

Mantras are energy based sounds that improve your aura and help you further to remove the hurdles coming in the way of your travel. Recite Hanuman mantra as it removes any kind of misfortune. The other mantra for travel that you can opt is: Ganesha Mantra

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