Pujas for Travel / Journey

Pujas for Travel / Journey

Puja for Travel

We all wish to travel and see the world around us. Sometimes our stars do not support us. For any kind of hindrance in your travel plans or moving abroad, we have a puja. These pujas help you in removing the hindrances from opportunities to travel as per your wish. The pujas are done with complete Vidhi Vidhan and with all Vedic rituals by our purohit ji in a temple on an auspicious mahurat.

Read about all these pujas and select one suitable for your travel-related issues. You can directly contact Askganesha astrologers to know about the best-suited puja for you.

Gajanan Homam

Gajanan Homam

At times there are unexplained and unexpected obstacles in one’s travel. This causes a lot of stress. Lord Ganesha is Vighnharta one who removes obstacles and by praying to Lord Gajanan the obstacles in travel are removed, visa issues are solved, papers are accepted and one is blessed with safe journey. If you are facing issues in travel then book this puja now.

Hanuman Puja

Hanuman Puja

Lord Hanuman Puja is done by many to solve issues related to travel. By performing this Puja one gets strength and energy which helps to clear the obstacles and remove the hindrances. At times there is also lot of competition in getting the visa and by performing the Lord Hanuman puja one gains edge over the others and gets the paper work done faster. Why wait simply perform this Lord Hanuman puja.

Sarv Dukh Nivaran Yagya

Sarv Dukh Nivaran Yagya

When your deep desire for travel is not getting fulfilled it causes stress and anxiety which further causes issues in other areas of life. This is the time to get the Sarv Dukh Nivaran Yagya done. This yagya has benefited many devotes in getting over the issues coiming their way in regards to travel and also at the same time to remover other stress and sadness causing issues of life. Reserve the Yagya for yourself as slots are limited.

Nazar Dosh Nivaran Puja

Nazar Dosh Nivaran Puja

At times there are unexplained hindrances which occur and bring obstacles in travel. These are without any reason , its seen that many times its because of evil eye or negative energy which could be by someone close to you. In this case you can protect yourself from this Evil eye or the negative energy by performing the Nazar Dosh Nivaran Puja. Click the Read more button and get all the information realted to it.

Manokamna Poorna Mahayagya

Manokamna Poorna Mahayagya

If travel or settlement is your deep desire and its not getting fulfilled then its time to get the Manokamna Poorna Mahayagya. This is special yagya done by two experienced purohits over a period of 11 days. This Maha Yagya has helped many to fulfil their deep desire to travel, get Permanent Resident papers, foreign settlement and good life abroad. Book this Manokamna Poorna Mahayagya today and get your desire of being on foreign land fulfilled

Sarv Graha Puja

Sarv Graha Puja

When you wish to travel and stay abroad or even travel within the country then by by worshipping all the planets together to get the blessings to remove obstacles and have a good journey this Sarv Grah puja is done. The Sarv Grah puja also helps in reducing the malefic effects of the shadow planets Rahu and Ketu. With the blessings of all the planetary Lords you get high energy to overcome any problem.

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