Pujas for Money & Finance

Pujas for Finance & Money

Pujas for Finance and Money

Having issues in wealth creation, going in debts, want to increase your financial standing? If the answer is YES then simply perform the puja(s) listed below. These pujas have helped many to overcome financial issues and bring prosperity in one’s life. Like others if you also get these vedic pujas and remedies done you will feel the abundance and happiness coming in your life.

Doing these pujas with faith and devotion has brought well being in their life. Get one done for yourself today and feel the change. We always send 100% proof of the vedic remedies done.

Lakshmi Narayan Homam

Lakshmi Narayan Homam

Lakshmi-Narayan Puja is performed for the purpose of gaining legitimate wealth. Those who are involved in job/business or are facing financial problems may perform this Homam to receive the blessings and grace of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Narayan (Vishnu).

Gajanan Homam

In Hindu culture Gajanan or Lord Ganesha is always worshipped before starting any Ritual or event. Lord Gajanan (Ganesha) eradicates all difficulties faced by an individual.

Lakshmi Kuber Homam

Lakshmi Kuber Homam

In Hindu religion Goddess Maa Lakshmi is the Goddess of Wealth and riches whereas Lord Kuber is the keeper of the wealth for Gods. Worshipping Kuber and Lakshmi together brings prosperity, fame, wealth, divine happiness, mental spiritual satisfaction and materialistic comforts.

Mahalakshmi Puja

MahaLakshmi Puja

Maha Lakshmi - The Goddess of Wealth & Fortune. This Puja and Homam is done for improvement in Financials and also for recovery of dues.

Vishnu Sahasranamam

Vishnu Sahasranamam

Vishnu Sahasranam is 1000 names of the God Vishnu. Vishnu Sahasranam Strota is indeed is a hymn eulogizing the Goddess, by recitation thousand names of him. Vishnu Sahasranam describes the names of Lord Vishnu the Supreme Being.

Lakshmi Narayan Maha Yagya

Lakshmi Narayan Maha Yagya

Lakshmi Narayan Maha Yagya helps you invoke material wealth and abundance. Goddess Lakshmi is the consort of Lord Vishnu (Narayana), and praying to them can bestow the devotees with wealth and prosperity

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