Pujas for High Education

Pujas for High Education

Puja for Education

The pujas for education are dedicated for overall intelligence and also for the success in education. These pujas have helped many to get success and betterment in their field of education and helped in overall growth too.

The pujas like the Maa Saraswati Puja and the Maa Gaytri puja are the one’s which are the most performed for gaining of intelligence and knowledge.

Saraswati Puja

Saraswati Homam

Goddess Saraswati (Sarasvati) is the wife (consort) of Lord Brahma. Out of all the God and Goddess she is the one who possesses the powers of speech, wisdom and learning. Maa Saraswati has four hands representing four aspects of human personality in learning; mind, intellect, alertness and ego.

Budha Mercury Puja

Budha (Mercury) Puja

Budh or Mercury Puja is done to appease the planet Mercury (Budh). Planet Mercury is considered to be associated with knowledge and wisdom and so to appease him.

Guru Jupiter Puja

Guru (Jupiter) Puja

Guru or Brihaspati Puja is dedicated to planet Jupiter. In Vedic astrology, the planet Jupiter is known as Guru Brihaspati and Devagura. Jupiter is a benefice planet and considered to be the most auspicious, helpful, generous and beneficent of the planets. Guru represents sacred scripture, wisdom, benevolence and philosophy.

Maa Gayatri Puja

Maa Gayatri Puja

This bestows with knowledge, confidence and intelligence. It helps in getting good marks, clearing exams, win over competition and increasing concentration. The devotee gets self-confidence, self-worth, and self-advancement after performing this puja and Homam. One should perform this puja for self and also for children on regular basis. Book one for your family now.

Maa Saraswati Maha Anushthan

Maa Saraswati Maha Anushthan

The Maa Saraswati Maha Anusthan has helped many to be blessed with intelligence and aptitude. This 11 day puja is considered the best for getting success in education, to remove obstacles, for win in competitions and also develop one's natural talent.

Sarasvati Sahasranam

Sarasvati Sahasranam

Sarasvati Sahasranam is a collection of thousand names of the Goddess Sarasvati representing attributes and qualities of the goddess. Students having difficulty in grasping and memorising should certainly listen to these Sahasranam of the Goddess Sarasvati.

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