Deity Pujas

Deity Pujas

Puja for Deity

Your deity is the one who has the power of fulfilling your desires and helping you in making your life better. One who prays to the deities regularly is blessed with abundance of happiness and wealth.

Each deity is has a special power and performing the pujas for the particular deity helps one channelize these powers to help make life better.

You can read all about the Deities and their powers on their respective pages.

Lakshmi Narayan Homam

Lakshmi-Narayan Puja is performed for the purpose of gaining legitimate wealth. Those who are involved in job/business or are facing financial problems may perform this Homam to receive the blessings and grace of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Narayan (Vishnu).

Gajanan Homam

Gajanan Homam

In Hindu culture Gajanan or Lord Ganesha is always worshipped before starting any Ritual or event. Lord Gajanan (Ganesha) eradicates all difficulties faced by an individual.

Lord Shiva Puja

Lord Shiva Puja

Lord Shiva is one of the Gods in the trinity or trimurthi of the Hindu Gods apart from Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu. He is more widely called as Mahadeva.

Lord Satya Narayan Puja

Lord Satya Narayan Puja

Satya means Truth and Narayan means the one that abides in everybody and everything. The Satyanarayan Puja mainly worship Lord Satyanarayan as he is the embodiment of eternal truth and is the most commonly performed ritualistic prayers in Hindu families.

Maa Durga Puja

Maa Durga Puja

Durga, in Sanskrit means "She who is incomprehensible or difficult to reach." Goddess Durga is a form of Shakti worshiped for her gracious as well as terrifying aspect. Mother of the Universe, she represents the infinite power of the universe and is a symbol of a female dynamism.

Shiv Parvathi Puja

Shiv Parvathi Puja

Shiv Parvathi Puja is for early marriage and happy married life. Goddess Parvathi and Lord Shiva are considered to be the perfect match i.e. Shiv and Shakti

Radhey Krishna Puja

Radhey Krishna Puja

The Radha-Krishna love is a legend. It is Krishna's relationship with Radha, his favorite among the 'gopis' and is a model for male and female love. Those seeking true love in their life or are having issues in their love life should perform the Radha Krishna puja.

Saraswati Puja

Maa Saraswati Homam

Goddess Saraswati (Sarasvati) is the wife (consort) of Lord Brahma. Out of all the God and Goddess she is the one who possesses the powers of speech, wisdom and learning. Saraswati puja blesses one with eloquence, concentration, memory, education and success in the examinations.

Mahalakshmi Puja

MahaLakshmi Puja

Maha Lakshmi - The Goddess of Wealth & Fortune. This Puja and Homam is done for improvement in Financials and also for recovery of dues.

Maa Katyayani Puja

Maa Katyayani Puja

This Puja is performed for the purpose of early and timely marriage of the girl or boy. In many cases it has been found that the girl or boy marriage is delayed due to many obstacles such as Mangalik Dosh or due to other doshas in the horoscope or Kundali.

Goddess Sita

Maa Sita Puja

Goddess Sita is the consort of Lord Rama, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. She is the looked upon as the goddess with virtuous qualities. Maa Sita puja blesses girls with good husband and happy and long marital life.

Maa Parvati Puja

Maa Parvati Puja

Goddess Parvati is the consort of Lord Shiva. She is the mother to two Lord Kartikeya and Lord Ganesha. This puja blesses with a good husband, happy children and a long and happy marital life.

Maa Gayatri Puja

Maa Gayatri Puja

Maa Gayatri represent Mata Saraswati, Mata Lakshmi and Mata Parvati, all three in one form. Maa Gayatri puja bestows with knowledge, wealth and happiness. It helps in getting good marks, clearing exams, increasing wealth, bettering the financial position.

Nandi Puja

Nandi Puja

Lord Nandi puja is done for gains in career and profession, good health, increased longevity, win over enemies and win in court case (litigation) too. We arrange Puja or Homam by learned Purohit, along with reciting the Vedic mantra of the particular Devi or Deva along with the Homam done.

Lord Vishnu Puja

Lord Vishnu Puja

Lord Vishnu is one of the lord of the Hindu Trinity apart from Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva.This puja blesses with a long and happy life, good relationship, worldly comforts, successful career, courage to face the difficulties of life, and salvation.

Lord Narsimha Puja

Lord Narsimha Puja

Lord Narasimha Puja - the 4th incarnate of Lord Vishnu. Narsimha puja removes all obstacles from life, giving wealth, and prosperity. It dispels all fears and the person accomplishes all goals of his life removing sorrow and getting spiritual happiness.p>

Lord Krishna Puja

Lord Krishna Puja

Krishna Puja is performed to attain love, happiness, finance, business, health and for fulfilling various other desires. This puja also invokes divine love between couples and brings love, romance and happiness in married life. It benefits the seeker of true love.

Lord Rama Puja

Lord Rama Puja

Lord Rama is worshiped with devotion by all. The Lord Rama puja blesses one with harmony with spouse, better understanding and trust. This puja blesses with harmony and love in family life and endows great strength, nobility, wisdom, and endows with skills like grace, truth and gentleness.

Gajanan Homam

Gajanan Homam

In Hindu culture Gajanan or Lord Ganesha is always worshipped before starting any Ritual or event. Doing this Puja regularly provides health, wealth, prosperity and peace of mind. All obstacles in the path of financial security are removed.

Lakshmi Kuber Homam

Lakshmi Kuber Homam

Worshipping Kuber and Lakshmi together brings prosperity, fame, wealth, divine happiness, mental spiritual satisfaction and materialistic comforts. This puja is done to get the blessings of Lakshmi and Kuber.

Hanuman Puja

Hanuman Puja

The Hanuman puja strengthens a person to fight all illnesses, get a good health. Puja will be done with right vidhi vidhan through experienced purohits. Hanuman Puja is dedicated to God Hanumana.

Bharoiv Puja

Bharoiv Puja

Bhairon puja is done to win over enemies. When the planet Rahu is malefic or weak in one horoscope, this puja is highly recommended.

Maa Kaali

Maa Kali Puja

Maa Kali Puja is beneficial in innumerable terms like keeping off the bad eyes of people ceasing your growth and development, delays in marriage, failure in progeny, ill health, poor concentration and decision making.

Shesh Naag

Shesha Naag

Shesha naag puja is considered amazing to remove kal sarp dosha from the kundli of a person. It is considered best to get this puja done with the help of a knowledgeable Purohit.

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