Shree Ram Chandra Aarti

Ram Chandra Aarti

About Shree Ram Chandra Aarti

Lord Ram, also known as Ramachandra is the seventh Avatar of Lord Vishnu. His physical life on earth can be traced back to the times of the Satyuga. He is the principle character of the Ramayana and is worshiped in Hindu culture, being placed on one of the highest positions. Lord Rama is worshiped with devotion by all. The Lord Rama puja blesses one with harmony with spouse, better understanding and trust.

Lord Rama is the symbol of chivalry and virtue. As praised by, Swami Vivekananda – Lord Rama is "the embodiment of truth, of morality, the ideal son, the ideal husband, and above all, the ideal king." Lord Vishnu had incarnated on this earth in the form of Lord Rama to destroy the Demon Ravana.

|| Aarti ||

  • Shri Ramchandra kripalu bhaju mana harana bhava bhaya darunam,
    Navakanja-lochana kanja-mukha kara-kanja pada-kanjarunam,

    || Shri Ramchandra kripalu ||
  • Kandarpa aganita amita chhavi nawalina niraj sundaram,
    Patapita manahu tarita ruchi suchi naumi janaka-sutawaram,

    || Shri Ramchandra kripalu ||
  • Bhaju dinabhandu dinesha danava-daitya-vansha nikandanam,
    Raghunanda anandakanda kaushalachanda dasharatha-nandanam,

    || Shri Ramchandra kripalu ||
  • Sir mukuta kundala tilaka charu udaru anga vibhushanam,
    Ajanu bhuja shara chapa dhara sangrama-jita khara-dhushanam,

    || Shri Ramchandra kripalu ||
  • Iti vadati tulasidasa shakara shesha munimana ranjanam,
    Mam hridaya-kanja niwas kuru kamadi khaladala ganjanam,

    || Shri Ramchandra kripalu ||
  • Navakanja-lochana kanja-mukha kara-kanja pada-kanjarunam,

    || Shri Ramchandra kripalu ||

|| Aarti in Hindi ||

  • श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन हरण भवभय दारुणं,
    नवकंज लोचन, कंजमुख, करकुंज, पदकंजारुणं
    श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन हरण भवभय दारुणं |

    || श्री राम श्री राम ||
  • कंदर्प अगणित अमित छबि, नवनीलनीरद सुन्दरं ,
    पट पीत मानहु तडीत रुचि शुचि नौमि जनक सुतावरं
    श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन हरण भवभय दारुणं |

    || श्री राम श्री राम ||
  • भजु दीनबंधु दिनेश दानवदै त्यवंशनिकंदनं ,
    रघुनंद आंनदकंद कोशलचंद दशरथनंदनं
    श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन हरण भवभय दारुणं |

    || श्री राम श्री राम ||
  • सिर मुकुट कूंडल तिलक चारु उदारु अंग विभुषणं ,
    आजानु भुजा शरा चाप धरा, संग्राम जित खर दुषणं
    श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन हरण भवभय दारुणं |

    || श्री राम श्री राम ||
  • इति वदित तुलसीदास शंकरशेषमुनिमनरंजनं ,
    मम ह्रदयकंजनिवास कुरु, कमदि खल दल गंजनं
    श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन हरण भवभय दारुणं |

    || श्री राम श्री राम ||

Vidhi for Performing Aarti

The essentials to conduct the Aarti include: flowers, bell, incense stick, dhoop batti, a copper lota, Diya along with oil and batti, roli, red cloth, tulsi leaves and moli. Begin with lighting the diya in front of the Lord’s idol and putting Tilak on the lord’s forehead. Then light the incense sticks and begin the Aarti as you ring the bell continuously, followed by offering the flowers and rice to the lord. You can keep some fruits as the Prasad, to distribute after the Puja. As the Aarti ends, put tilak on everyone’s forehead and tie the sacred thread (moli) on their wrists.

Benefits of Performing Ram Chandra Aarti

Lord Rama bestows wisdom and prosperity upon his devotees. It is believed that one who worships the lord is able to lead to hassle free life and a strong understanding with partner is developed. God protects his devotees from diseases and blesses them with an ailment free life. The lord guides and helps to achieve moksha and set oneself free from the materialistic world.

A devotee of Lord Rama will always be considerate about his dignity. He will be honest, kind and do the right thing without concentrating on its result.

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