Maa Santoshi Aarti

About Maa Santoshi Aarti
Santoshi Mata is the humblest and soft spoken Avatar of Goddess Durga. She is the epitome of calmness and contentment. The Goddess resides in the lotus flower. She is pictured as living in the lotus flower situated in a milk sea. This symbolises that even though the world is full of miseries like sufferings, selfishness and evil, the purity of one’s heart, spreads goodness all around.
The mother of Satisfaction preaches that if you put a stop on all the wrong doings you will achieve the satisfaction that is missing in your life and will be able to gain calmness.
|| Aarti ||
Jai santoshi mata maiya jay santoshi mata,
|| Jai santoshi mata ||
Apane sewak jan ki sukh sampati data || -
Sundar cheer sunahari maa dharan kinho,
|| Jai santoshi mata ||
Hira panna damake tan shringar linho || -
Geru laal chhata chhavi badan kamal sohe,
|| Jai santoshi mata ||
Mand hansat karunamayi tribhuvan jan mohe || -
Svarn sinhasan baithi chanvar dhure pyare,
|| Jai santoshi mata ||
Dhoop dip madhumeva bhog dhare nyare || -
Gud aur chana paramapriy tame santosh kiyo,
|| Jai santoshi mata ||
Santoshi kahalai bhaktan vaibhav diyo || -
Shukrawar priy mant aaj diwas sohi,
|| Jai santoshi mata ||
Bhakt mandali chhai katha sunat mohi || -
Mandir jagamag jyoti mangal dhvani chhai,
|| Jai santoshi mata ||
Vinay karen ham baalak charanan sir nai || -
Bhakti bhavamay puja angikrit kije,
|| Jai santoshi mata ||
Jo man base hamare ichha fal dije || -
Dukhi daridri rogi sankat mukt kiye,
|| Jai santoshi mata ||
Bahudhan-dhany bhare gharsukh saubhagy diye || -
Dhyan dharyo jis jan ne manvan chhit fal payo,
|| Jai santoshi mata ||
Puja katha shrawan kar ghar aanand ayo || -
Sharan gahe ki lajja rakhiyo jagadambe,
|| Jai santoshi mata ||
Sankat tu hi niware dayamayi ambe || -
Santoshi maa ki arati jo koi nar gaave,
|| Jai santoshi mata ||
Riddhi-siddhi sukh sampati ji bharake pave ||
|| Aarti in Hindi ||
जय संतोषी माता, मैया जय संतोषी माता,
|| जय संतोषी माता ||
अपने सेवक जन को, सुख संपति दाता || -
जय सुंदर चीर सुनहरी, मां धारण कीन्हो,
|| जय संतोषी माता ||
हीरा पन्ना दमके, तन श्रृंगार लीन्हो || -
जय गेरू लाल छटा छवि, बदन कमल सोहे,
|| जय संतोषी माता ||
मंद हँसत करूणामयी, त्रिभुवन जन मोहे || -
जय स्वर्ण सिंहासन बैठी, चंवर ढुरे प्यारे ,
|| जय संतोषी माता ||
धूप, दीप, मधुमेवा, भोग धरें न्यारे || -
जय गुड़ अरु चना परमप्रिय, तामे संतोष कियो ,
|| जय संतोषी माता ||
संतोषी कहलाई, भक्तन वैभव दियो || -
जय शुक्रवार प्रिय मानत, आज दिवस सोही ,
|| जय संतोषी माता ||
भक्त मण्डली छाई, कथा सुनत मोही || -
जय मंदिर जगमग ज्योति, मंगल ध्वनि छाई ,
|| जय संतोषी माता ||
विनय करें हम बालक, चरनन सिर नाई || -
जय भक्ति भावमय पूजा, अंगीकृत कीजै ,
|| जय संतोषी माता ||
जो मन बसे हमारे, इच्छा फल दीजै || -
जय दुखी, दरिद्री ,रोगी , संकटमुक्त किए ,
|| जय संतोषी माता ||
बहु धनधान्य भरे घर, सुख सौभाग्य दिए || -
जय ध्यान धर्यो जिस जन ने, मनवांछित फल पायो ,
|| जय संतोषी माता ||
पूजा कथा श्रवण कर, घर आनंद आयो || -
जय शरण गहे की लज्जा, राखियो जगदंबे ,
|| जय संतोषी माता ||
संकट तू ही निवारे, दयामयी अंबे || -
जय संतोषी मां की आरती, जो कोई नर गावे ,
|| जय संतोषी माता ||
ॠद्धिसिद्धि सुख संपत्ति, जी भरकर पावे ||
Vidhi for Performing Aarti:
The things required for the Aarti include roli Akshat, uncooked rice, Puja ki Thali, Flowers, Dhoop Batti, Incense stick, Photo or Idol of Goddess Santoshi, A Red cloth, Aasan, Supari, Coriander seeds, Cotton seeds, Lotus Flower Seeds, Dry whole Turmeric, Silver coin, Some sweets as Prasad, and lotus seeds. Begin with lighting the diya in front of the goddess’s idol. Then light the incense sticks and begin the Aarti as you ring the bell continuously, followed by offering the flowers and rice to the lord. You can keep some fruits as the Prasad, to distribute after the Puja.
A fast must be observed to appease the lord. You can perform the Aarti in the temple or your house and later on offer food to poor kids.
Benefits of Performing Maa Santoshi Aarti:
There are immerse benefits of worshiping Maa Santoshi. You can achieve inner peace with her blessings and attain contentment and satisfaction which is otherwise missing in your life. She blesses her devotees with sincerity, tranquillity and purity of mind and soul.
Maa Santoshi clears all the hassles from one's life and opens the path to be freed from this materialistic world. She lets her devotees achieve Moksha and attain salvation in the next life.