Maa Saraswati Aarti

Maa Saraswati Aarti

About Maa Saraswati Aarti

Goddess Saraswati is the wife (consort) of Lord Brahma. Out of all the God and Goddess she is the one who possesses the powers of speech, wisdom and learning. Maa Saraswati has four hands representing four aspects of human personality in learning; mind, intellect, alertness and ego.

Saraswati Devi is the provider of education, intelligence and speech. In case where a man stammers it believed that his stammering gets controlled by performing Goddess Saraswati Puja followed by Aarti.

|| Aarti ||

  • Om Jai Saraswati Mata, Maiya Jai Saraswati Mata,
    Sadgun, Vaibhav Shalini, Tribhuvan Vikhyata ||

    || Om Jai Saraswati Mata ||
  • Chandravadini Padamasini Dyuti Mangalkari,
    Sohe Hans – Sawari, Atul Tej Dhari ||

    || Om Jai Saraswati Mata ||
  • Bayen Kar Mein Veena, Dayen Kar Mala,
    Shish Mukut Mani Sohe Gale Motiyan Mala ||

    || Om Jai Saraswati Mata ||
  • Dev Sharan Mein Aye Unka Uddhar Kiya,
    Paithi Manthra Daasi Ansur Sanhar Kiya ||

    || Om Jai Saraswati Mata ||
  • Ved- Gyan- Pradayini Gyan Budhi Prakash Karo,
    Moh Gyan Timir Ka Satwar Naash Karo ||

    || Om Jai Saraswati Mata ||
  • Dhoop Deep Phal Mewa Puja Swikar Karo,
    Gyan Chakshu De Mata Sab Gun Gyan Bharo ||

    || Om Jai Saraswati Mata ||
  • Maa Saraswati Ki Aarti Jo Koi Jan Gave,
    Hitkari Sukhkari Gyan Bhakti Pave ||

    || Om Jai Saraswati Mata ||

|| Aarti in Hindi ||

  • जय सरस्वती माता ,जय जय हे सरस्वती माता,
    दगुण वैभव शालिनी ,त्रिभुवन विख्याता ||

    || जय सरस्वती माता ||
  • चंद्रवदनि पदमासिनी , घुति मंगलकारी,
    सोहें शुभ हंस सवारी,अतुल तेजधारी ||

    || जय सरस्वती माता ||
  • बायेँ कर में वीणा ,दायें कर में माला,
    शीश मुकुट मणी सोहें ,गल मोतियन माला ||

    || जय सरस्वती माता ||
  • देवी शरण जो आयें ,उनका उद्धार किया,
    पैठी मंथरा दासी, रावण संहार किया ||

    || जय सरस्वती माता ||
  • विद्या ज्ञान प्रदायिनी , ज्ञान प्रकाश भरो,
    मोह और अज्ञान तिमिर का जग से नाश करो ||

    || जय सरस्वती माता ||
  • धुप ,दिप फल मेवा माँ स्वीकार करो,
    ज्ञानचक्षु दे माता , भव से उद्धार करो ||

    || जय सरस्वती माता ||
  • माँ सरस्वती जी की आरती जो कोई नर गावें,
    हितकारी ,सुखकारी ग्यान भक्ती पावें ||

    || जय सरस्वती माता ||
  • सरस्वती माता ,जय जय हे सरस्वती माता,
    सदगुण वैभव शालिनी ,त्रिभुवन विख्याता ||

Vidhi for Performing Aarti:

The things required to conduct the Aarti include: flowers, bell, incense stick, dhoop batti, a copper lota, Diya along with oil and batti. Begin with lighting the diya in front of the goddess’s idol. Then light the incense sticks and begin the Aarti as you ring the bell continuously, followed by offering the flowers and rice to the lord. You can keep some fruits as the Prasad, to distribute after the Puja.

A fast must be observed to appease the lord. You can perform the Aarti in the temple or your house and later on offer food to Brahmins.

Benefits of Performing Satya Narayan Aarti:

The Lord Vishnu is the creator of the world. Everything that exists is created by him. The Vishnu aarti helps the devotees to attain a long and hassle free life. A person who conducts the Vishnu puja and performs the Aarti is capable of attaining Moksha and salvation in the after-life. God smoothens the life of his devotees by providing them with mental and physical relief and a happy and harmonious life.

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