Manglik Dosha

About Manglik Dosha
Manglik is a common word today. But who is Manglik, astrologically or what is Manglik Dosha is not known to common man. However nearly all believe this myth. During matching of Horoscopes of a boy and a girl before marriage people consult Pundits, which results into rejection of most agreeable match of boy and girl and mental pain to love birds.
The myths related to the Manglik Dosha are:
- If one of the horoscopes of boy or girl has Manglik Dosha, the other one will die after marriage.
- If in the above case death will not take place, there will be a lot of problems faced in the lifetime.
- If girl is a Manglik and boy is not a Manglik girl is inauspicious even to her in-laws. Even one of the in-law may also die.