Horary Astrology

Prashna Kundli Get answer of your question.

Horary Astrology

About Horary Astrology (Prashna Kundli system)

AskGanesha.com's Ask A Question is highly reliable and is based on the method called the Horary Astrology (Prashna Kundli system). Horary Astrology has a scientific approach as any other branch of astrology and it is a divine and sublime method of fore-seeing events from the position of the planets at the moment when one propounds seriously a question about any important matter.

Our Astrologer receives queries regarding Longevity, Health, Success or Failure, Love, Time of Marriage, Divorce, Result of Examination, Job, Gain by Lottery or Stock Market, Success in Litigation & Legacy etc.

You should feel free to ask any question that worries or concerns you most of the time. The problem area may differ from person to person. The question can be of any sort but one thing that has to be kept in one's mind is that the question should be clear and the question should be a genuine one. This system gives correct results when the questioner is serious to know the answer.

According to the accurate system of astrology the zodiac is divided into segments based on the Rashi lord, Nakshatra lord and sub lord.

So, there are 249 segments in the zodiac, and when a querrent comes with a question, they are asked a number between 1 and 249. This determines the ascendant and the planets are placed in the chart for the time of query (disregarding the actual ascendant for the moment). So when a querrent gives a number from 1 to 249, he/she is actually identifying a particular Sub Division which is later used to draw a horoscope. The horoscope is then interpreted and the answer is made on the exhaustive analysis of the horoscope.

So when a querrent gives a number from 1 to 249, he/she is actually identifying a particular Sub Division which is later used to draw a horoscope. In this method Time of Query and Place of Query is important.

The series of questions and queries never seems to end in one's life. Here we deal with the problems of our clients that are primary causes of concern to them. Common men are going to solve the problem with their personal experience or according to the best of their knowledge or assumptions. Whereas an astrologer gives advice only after ascertaining the cause of complaint. For example in some cases he may advice you to surge ahead and sometimes you might be advised to maintain a low profile and let a particular time frame pass off with the least discomfort.

The horary astrology has been successfully used to give the correct answers.

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