Ayurvedic remedies for reducing obesity

Ayurvedic treatment is considered to be the most effective and best for any disease. The biggest feature of Ayurvedic treatment is that it does not have any side-effects. Many Ayurvedic remedies, such as consuming cumin seeds are considered very effective. So let's know about Ayurvedic remedies for reducing obesity.
- Caraway - Caraway seeds water not only reduces obesity but also keeps the body's digestive function healthy. To get rid of obesity problem, soak 2 teaspoon celery in a glass of water and leave it overnight. Soak this water the next morning and mix it with a little honey and drink it. Regularly doing this will give you quick benefits
- Cinnamon and honey - Combination of cinnamon honey is very effective in Ayurvedic remedies for reducing obesity. Cinnamon is a herb which helps normalize blood sugar levels in our body and reduce weight. To prepare this mixture, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of warm water and leave it for half an hour. After half an hour add one teaspoon of honey. Drink half a cup of empty stomach in the morning and keep the remaining water in a cool place. Drink the remaining water before going to bed at night
- Lemon juice - Lemon is the easiest and effective outside of home remedies for obesity. Lemon eliminates excess fat from the body by improving our digestion. To do this remedy, add 3 spoons lemon juice, one spoon honey and half a teaspoon black pepper powder in a glass of water and mix well. Drink it on empty stomach in morning, use it regularly and get benefits soon
- Curry leaves - Curry leaves also reduce the excessive fat of our body, as well as reduce cholesterol levels. You should include at least 10 curry leaves in your meal every morning
- Green Tea - Green tea rich in many nutrients and can be the best option for reducing obesity. Daily Tea consumption of 3-4 cups of green tea will be effective for you.
- Cumin and Fat - Cumin is a very good alternative to obesity-reducing domestic remedies. As soon as cumin seeds eliminate excess fat from our body, cholesterol levels also decreases. First take a litre of water and add 2 spoons cumin seeds. Now leave it like this overnight. Drink water after filtering the next morning. Or you can also consume cumin powder with curd..
Diet that enables in reduction of Obesity
It is generally believed that strict dieting will reduce the obesity of the person hwereas it actually does not effect much. By doing this we only become physically weak, so if we are thinking of reducing obesity, proepr diet and exercise is best idea. It is very important to know what to eat and what not to.
Do's and Don'ts
- Reduce the consumption of sweet foods. You take honey in place of sugar in the food
- Do not consume milk products like cheese and butter, but you can drink hot milk. Do not use cold drink; instead you can get chaach
- Use lukewarm water instead of drinking cold water. Do not eat junk foods at all instead, you can consume germinated grains
- You can eat everything else except the above-mentioned food items, but you need to take care of some other things. Often, obesity-reduction measures begin with person's diet, but in the absence of proper information, they start making wrong decisions, which in turn results in their health
- Do not skip breakfast, eat plenty of vegetables. Keep difference between meals
- Use calorie-free beverages. Keep drinking plenty of water
- Do not be hungry for a long time
- Eat a balanced diet, incorporated more Fibre and Bran, also eat salads mainly
Exercise to reduce obesity :
- One reason for weight gain is lack of physical activity. Our body is likea machine, the more it runs, the more active it will be, it gets rusty if it does not work. It is therefore necessary to exercise regularly, it is to burn fat from our body and we remain healthy internally.
- Exercise for 150 - 300 minutes this will be required in a week. If there is no change in body or weight then you increase the time of exercise. Workouts with high intensity - By doing intense workouts in less time, the fat deposited on our body gradually burns and obesity is reduced
- Walking - Walking is very beneficial in reducing obesity, you need brisk waling every day for at least 20 minutes
- Skipping - Skipping not only reduces weight but is also keeps one in better shape You take a skipping rope and start jumping with its help
- Swimming - Swimming is a very good workout to reduce obesity. It reduces fat as well as maintains fitness
- Dance - Dance is also a kind of exercise that can do the job of reducing obesity. Half hour daily will burn your body fat.