Baby Names

Female Baby Names Starting with "J"

  • Jessica (Meaning of Jessica is: Wealthy)
  • Jhalak (Meaning of Jhalak is: Glimpse; Spark; Sudden motion)
  • Jhankar (Meaning of Jhankar is: Murmur)
  • Jheel (Meaning of Jheel is: Lake)
  • Jilpa (Meaning of Jilpa is: Life giving)
  • Jinal (Meaning of Jinal is: Lord Vishnu)
  • Jivantika (Meaning of Jivantika is: One who gives life)
  • Jiya (Meaning of Jiya is: Sweet heart)
  • Joelle (Meaning of Joelle is: French)
  • Jolie (Meaning of Jolie is: Pretty)
  • Jonaki (Meaning of Jonaki is: Jugnu*)
  • Jonina (Meaning of Jonina is: Dove)
  • Josh (Meaning of Josh is: Emotion)
  • Joshita (Meaning of Joshita is: Pleased)
  • Jowaki (Meaning of Jowaki is: Fire fly)
  • Joyce (Meaning of Joyce is: Youthful)
  • Juhi (Meaning of Juhi is: Flower)
  • Jui (Meaning of Jui is: Flower)
  • Julia (Meaning of Julia is: Youthful)
  • Juliana (Meaning of Juliana is: Youthful)
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Male Baby Names by Letter

Female Baby Names by Letter

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