Baby Names

Female Baby Names Starting with "P"

  • Pratiksha (Meaning of Pratiksha is: Awaiting)
  • Pratima (Meaning of Pratima is: Idol)
  • Pratiti (Meaning of Pratiti is: Faith)
  • Pravallika (Meaning of Pravallika is: Flower)
  • Praveena (Meaning of Praveena is: Skilled)
  • Pravesha (Meaning of Pravesha is: To enter)
  • Prayerna (Meaning of Prayerna is: "Bhakti, worship)
  • Prayuta (Meaning of Prayuta is: Mingled with)
  • Preet (Meaning of Preet is: Love)
  • Preetha (Meaning of Preetha is: Happy)
  • Preeti (Meaning of Preeti is: Satisfaction)
  • Preksha (Meaning of Preksha is: Beholding)
  • Premila (Meaning of Premila is: Full of love)
  • Prerena (Meaning of Prerena is: Direction)
  • Prerna (Meaning of Prerna is: Inspiration)
  • Prianka (Meaning of Prianka is: Favourite)
  • Prina (Meaning of Prina is: Pleased)
  • Prinita (Meaning of Prinita is: Pleased)
  • Prisha (Meaning of Prisha is: Morning)
  • Prital (Meaning of Prital is: Loved one)
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Male Baby Names by Letter

Female Baby Names by Letter

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