Baby Names

Male Baby Names Starting with "M"

  • Mayank (Meaning of Mayank is: Moon)
  • Mayur (Meaning of Mayur is: Peacock)
  • Meet (Meaning of Meet is: Friend)
  • Meghraj (Meaning of Meghraj is: King of clouds)
  • Mehal (Meaning of Mehal is: Cloud)
  • Meherdad (Meaning of Meherdad is: Given by the sun)
  • Mehul (Meaning of Mehul is: Rain)
  • Mihir (Meaning of Mihir is: Sun rays)
  • Mika (Meaning of Mika is: Little raccoon)
  • Mikul (Meaning of Mikul is: Comrade)
  • Milan (Meaning of Milan is: Meeting`)
  • Milind (Meaning of Milind is: Bee)
  • Misal (Meaning of Misal is: Example)
  • Misbaah (Meaning of Misbaah is: Lamp)
  • Misri (Meaning of Misri is: Mixed sweet)
  • Miten (Meaning of Miten is: Male friend)
  • Mitesh (Meaning of Mitesh is: The one respected)
  • Mithun (Meaning of Mithun is: A person with few desires)
  • Mitrajit (Meaning of Mitrajit is: A pair)
  • Moazzem (Meaning of Moazzem is: Friendly)
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Male Baby Names by Letter

Female Baby Names by Letter

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