Baby Names

Male Baby Names Starting with "S"

  • Snehakant (Meaning of Snehakant is: Lord of love)
  • Sochisth (Meaning of Sochisth is: Brilliant)
  • Sohan (Meaning of Sohan is: Handsome)
  • Sohil (Meaning of Sohil is: Beautiful)
  • Somali (Meaning of Somali is: Moon's love)
  • Somanshu (Meaning of Somanshu is: Moonbeam)
  • Somesh (Meaning of Somesh is: Moon)
  • Someswar (Meaning of Someswar is: Lord of the moon)
  • Soni (Meaning of Soni is: Surajiv)
  • Soumava (Meaning of Soumava is: Moon's light)
  • Soumil (Meaning of Soumil is: Friend)
  • Sourabh (Meaning of Sourabh is: Fragrance)
  • Sourish (Meaning of Sourish is: Lord Vishnu)
  • Sparsh (Meaning of Sparsh is: Touch)
  • Sridatta (Meaning of Sridatta is: Given by God)
  • Srinikesh (Meaning of Srinikesh is: Lord Vishnu)
  • Srivar (Meaning of Srivar is: Lord Vishnu)
  • Srujan (Meaning of Srujan is: Creative)
  • Stavya (Meaning of Stavya is: Lord Vishnu)
  • Sthavir (Meaning of Sthavir is: Lord Brahma)
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Male Baby Names by Letter

Female Baby Names by Letter

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