10 Signs of Toxic Relationship

10 Signs of Toxic Relationship 10 Signs of Toxic Relationship

Is this world no longer as beautiful as it was when you fell in love? Has argument taken over the romance in your relationship? Is he/she not the same or was little weird from the beginning, unlike other better halves or boyfriend/ girlfriend? When all emotions are overshadowed by fear, criticism, and abuse, the relationship is toxic. Continuing it for long would be suffocating unless it is fixed. Want to know more about toxic relationships, take a look at the 10 red flags of relations being toxic or 10 Signs of Toxic Relationship.

10 Clear Indications of Toxic Relation

10 Clear Indications of Toxic Relation

1. Continuous Criticism– The degree of criticism is never low if you botch it up or even if you don’t. When you know appreciation is overruled by constant criticism, you are living in the wrong world with the wrong person. Criticism of mistakes is obvious but can be handled in more polite words of advice. When a person doesn’t smile at you and instead has frowned brows always, this is a red flag to you.

2. Fear to express yourself bluntly- In a healthy relationship freedom is imparted by a partner to express yourself. If you have to think twice or many times before telling your partner, beware this could be a toxic relationship. Also, if the response is always No or has anguish for you, this is a huge sign of you are in a trap of a toxic relationship.

3. Mutual respect- Have you developed a feeling of inferiority due to the nagging of your partner? If you aren’t getting respect as an individual and are made to feel good for nothing, you are looking for happiness in a toxic relationship that stores nothing but disgrace for you.

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4. Lack of emotional and physical security- The responsibility of giving emotional and physical security lies on both partners. But, when you can’t count on him/ her to be with you during tough times or even a bit of dilemma is an indication that you don’t have back physical and emotional security from the relationship. One is usually alone enjoying thick and combatting thins in a noxious relation.

Lack of Trust and Respect in Relationship

Lack of privacy in relationship

5. Lack of privacy– Privacy should exist even between couples who are assumed to have the closest relationship. Either of the two, whether male or female, should be allowed to have his/her own private space. The choice of not spilling the beans regarding anything should not lead to derogatory or abusive behaviour on the part of others. In other words, if breathing space is lacking in your relationship, you are a victim of a toxic relationship for sure.

Know About: Key Principal of a Successful Relationship

6. Low self esteem– Were you confident and bold, but constant badgering by your partner has developed doubt in you for yourself? If you have lost faith in yourself, or you are critical of yourself always and don’t even hesitate to use negative words for yourself due to the other person then the relationship is undoubtedly toxic. The transition from confident to developing an inferiority complex is usually an outcome of a toxic relationship that you must not live in for a long time.

7. Suspicious attitude– If you have to convince him that you aren’t lying or he always sees you with suspicious eyes, you are playing with the thorns of a toxic relationship which is bound to trouble you. Trust is vital in every relationship and the relationship lacking it would not remain beautiful for long. Many relationships and families have parted due to suspicion.

Toxic Realtionship

8. Take you in seclusion- When your partner has ended your social life with no friends, family, colleagues, etc to chat and hang out with, you have been isolated by a toxic person.  Such a person doesn’t like his/her partner to get involved with anyone.

Also Read- Remedies for Improving Relationship

9. You can’t make your own decision- Do you have to rely on your partner for every decision despite having potential? When your opinions, decisions, and desires are subsided by your partner with loud behaviour and anguish, you are a victim sailing in the boat of toxic relations in which your identity is criminated.

10. Physical and verbal abuse– This is the most prominent sign of a toxic relationship where one of the partners doesn’t mind physically and verbally abusing the partner with no guilt. If it is practiced often out of the heat of the moment and in fits of anger, you need to recognize the toxic tendency of an individual. Step out of it immediately before it is too late.

Conclusion: Breaking Free from Toxic Relationships

It is being said that prevention is always better than cure. Astrology can help prevent you from becoming a victim of a toxic relationship through match-making reading involving compatibility and gun milan. Contact a proficient astrologer for honest suggestions and who else can be a better choice than the awarded and trusted astrologer at Ask Ganesha? Talk to an astrologer to stay happy with best relationships.

Also Read- Attract your Soulmate

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