7 Doshas in Birth Chart

04 November, 2024
7 Doshas in Kundali 7 Doshas in Kundali

The world prevails with good and bad, and astrology is also not untouched by it. On one side, where Raj yoga gives the joy of royal life to the natives, many doshas make life difficult. The good part is that every dosha has remedies to curb its malefic impact on the natives of the birth chart. Here, in this blog, we look to acquaint you with the 7 doshas in birth chart that must be acted upon through remedial measures to get the least affected by them.

7 Astrological Doshas that create Difficulties in Life

7 Doshas in Kundali

Naag Dosha:

If the planet Rahu is placed in the 5th house of your birth chart, then you are suffering from Naag Dosha. When Rahu is in the native’s horoscope’s fifth house, a strong Naag Dosh is created, according to astrology. It is different from Kalsarpa Yoga impacting different zones of life of individuals from progeny, health and education.

Naag Dosha

Probable Impacts of Naag Dosha:

• Infertility- Even if one of the couples has Naag Dosha in Kundali, the couple will either have complete infertility issues or difficulties in having a child.

• A child with a physical disability- An Individual having Naag dosha in the birth chart may have a physically challenged child due to it.

• Challenged Education- Such individuals face difficulties in education also. They may take frequent breaks in studies or may not have a good education.

• Disrupted career- These people face difficulties in their careers and don’t have flying and extraordinary careers. Their journey of life will be less than mediocre.

• Deadly disease with no cure- Folks with Naag dosha in their natal chart may at any age suffer from incurable disease and succumb.

• Disturbed family life- The Naag dosha doesn’t allow individuals to have a peaceful life with healthy bonds. Life will be flooded with disputes.

Astrological Remedies for Naag dosha

• Worshipping Lord Shiva is the best remedy to lead a life unaffected by this dosha.

• Performing Sarpa Puja under the guidance of expert priests.

• Praying Naag Devta regularly can aid you remains unaffected.

• Offering prayers at Naga serpent temples.

• Wear Gemstone to inactivate the impact of Naag Dosha. You may consult astrologers for Gemstone Consultancy report to get this dosha inactivated.

• Charity and good deeds have the calibre to remove doshas from life. Feeding milk to snakes and taking care of them.

Chandal Yoga:

Chandal Yoga

Chandal Yoga is said to be in a birth chart when Rahu and Ketu are found in conjunction with Jupiter in any of the houses. The outcomes of this yoga depend upon the house of the birth chart where three planets are conjunct. Chandal yoga when in the house of marriage, natives will have broken marriages or may not marry throughout their lives. If it is in the house of health, individuals may suffer severe health problems.

Impacts of Chandal Yoga

• Strained relationship- Individuals with Chandal yoga will have strained bonds with family members and their better half. They don’t get the happiness of a happy marital life unless cured.

• Confused mind-set- People born with Chandal yoga are majorly confused in life and have low self-esteem and confidence. They usually struggle in making decisions due to Rahu.

• Life under debt- They spend life under debt mostly.

Remedies in this case depend upon the house where two planets form chandal yoga. Get the Personalized Remedial consultancy report to find the remedies for Chandal Yoga and more.

Angarak Dosha:

Angarak Dosha

Angarak Dosha occurs in a natal chart when Rahu or Ketu are found with the Mars in any one house. The impact of this dosha depends upon the house it is formed in. Native would have disturbed marital life or would be divorced, If it is in the house of marriage. Likewise, when it is in the house of money, the individual will have to fight the scarcity of money for a lifetime. Money may be lost or an individual may become the scapegoat of recurrent thefts. The person with this yoga is usually short-tempered and impulsive.

Impacts of Angarak Dosha

• This Dosha results in addiction to intoxicating things

• Individuals may have discontented relationships.

• Long Suffering from a life-threatening illness.

Potential remedies against Angarak Yoga are as follows:

• Donation of blood at least twice a year.

• Recite Sundar Kand and Hanuman Chalisa every Tuesday and Sunday.

• Lit diya every Saturday and Tuesday in front of Hanuman ji.

• Visit Angareshwar Mahadev Temple in Ujjain and veneration of the deity eradicates the impacts of this dosha.

Pitra Dosha:

Pitra Dosha

Pitra Dosha is formed when the Moon or Sun either aspects or occurs in a house with Rahu or Ketu. The impact is more rigorous when they conjunct in the first, fifth, eighth or 9th house of the natal chart. This dosha never lets the native have complete happiness. Life is hindered by obstacles, illness, financial crunches, delays or marital issues.

Remedies for Pitra Dosha:

• Chant Gayatri Mantras

• Feeding Crows and Dogs

• Offer Tarpan to Ancestors

• Perform Pitra Dosha Nivaran Puja

• Perform Shradh of Forefathers

Pishach Yoga:

Pishach Yoga

When Rahu or Ketu conjuncts Saturn in the horoscope then the planetary configuration is said Pishach Yoga. This yoga has a paranormal effect on the individual having in his natal chart. This at times leads to severe consequences and a completely disturbed life from childhood to the last breath of the individual. At times, a person doesn’t lead a normal life and remains in seclusion.

Natives with such kind of combination of Saturn and Rahu or Ketu often are soft victims of ghost attacks, have more than normal enemies, suffer from evil eye effects, have scary dreams issues and are victims of black magic. The generic remedies are chanting Hanuman Chalisa, Bajrang Ban, Hanuman Mantra, visiting Mehandipur Balaji temple, etc. However, meeting an expert astrologer who can provide personalized remedies is advised as despite of same ruling planetary combination, the remedies may differ.

Vish Dosha:

Vish Dosha

Vish Dosha is said to prevail in a Kundali when Saturn and Moon aspect each other or are in one house. An individual having Vish Yoga in his horoscope doesn’t find life exciting and is in a shell of discontent or frustration. They have shattered lives with mental, physical, intellectual and emotional disability. People with Vish Yoga in the natal chart are aimless. This Yoga also subside the benefits of other ruling benefic planets in the natal chart of the individual. Such kind of people leads a secluded life with no bonds with family members and outsiders. They are depressive and stressed.

Frequent Rudra Abhishek Puja of lord Shiva by the affected person helps in reducing the impact of Vish Yoga. Likewise, chanting the Mantra of the Moon and Saturn daily can aid in nullifying to a large extent the adverse impact of this Yoga. Intake of milk during the night should be avoided and must take care of their diet. Mediation and yoga can bring the individual out of the shell of a depressive state.

Manglik Dosha:

Manglik Dosha

Manglik Dosha causes a threat to the marital life of the native. This dosha is primarily checked at the time of marriage. Manglik Dosha is said to be present in a Kundali when Mars placed in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses. Natives face problems in marital life and their partner also gets affected by this Yoga to an extent.

Impacts of Manglik Dosha

• Delayed marriage is one of the outcomes of this dosha.

• Early demise of husband after marriage.

• Constant Financial losses after the marriage of partner.

• Elevated mental stress to partner.

• Obstacles in the life of partner of natives.

Chanting of Mangal Chandika stotram every day, Kumbh Vivah and the most effective Mangal dosh nivaran puja should be done to reduce the effects of the Manglik Dosha. Ganesha Worship and applying Kesar Vermillion daily is suggested to the natives of Manglik Dosha. Wearing silver Kada can aid in reducing the impact of Mars. Feeding jaggery, roti to Dogs and monkeys aids in reducing the impact of Manglik dosha. Worship of lord Kartikeya aids in protecting the natives from the impacts of Manglik Dosha. To save the male from the adverse impact of the Manglik girl, as a remedy she is made to marry the idol of Lord Vishnu or banana tree.

Do you have any of the following dosha in your birth chart? Get your birth chart prepared and analyzed by the expert astrologer at Askganesha and lead a life unaffected and unharmed by doshas.

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