According To Astrology, Know How the Lines on Your Feet Can Tell Your Fate and Characteristics

04 April, 2023
According To Astrology, Know How the Lines on Your Feet Can Tell Your Fate and Characteristics According To Astrology, Know How the Lines on Your Feet Can Tell Your Fate and Characteristics

Human feet are like a mirror. They may not be the most beautiful part the body but they can have the power to tell a lot about human personality. Just like a palm can be read, human feet, especially the toes, can tell enough about who the man or woman is,  what type of personality he/she is and what the areas of interest are there.

Foot reading, like palm reading is regarded as a common practice in India for more than 5000 years. In the great epics we notice the incidents of foot reading of both men and women before wedding. Lots of anecdotes are scattered in this regard on various pages of different scriptures. Hence we can easily come to the conclusion that foot astrology or demining the characteristics of a man or woman was prevalent in the ancient periods and historical periods too. Foot reading was conducted before wedding. That reading revealed who would be the husband or wife. Various issues came to knowledge the moment the astrologer or the proficient pundit declared clearly about th fate of the said persons. 

The proverb, put the best foot forward is still prevalent among the people round the globe. The moment one is going to start a new project or endeavor it is generally reminded him or her to put the foot at the perfect track. That mans before going to start any project one should take proper care and have clear idea of the thing he/she is going to take part in. This proverb reminds us of the importance of feet in our life. Like both hands, both legs are important too. Though in some scriptures it is often described that eyes are the windows to a person’s soul, and the palms are the windows to a person’s fate. But one must not be oblivious of the fact that the power of feet bears essence of a human being’s total existence.

Various Health Issues and Feet

Feet can speak volumes about a person’s health and obviously of general well being. So, in this particular article, we are going to tell what feet have to say about a person’s total well being, his nature and everything related to his lot and health.

In ancient scriptures there are galore of discussions regarding foot shapes that are sure to represent personalities of different individuals. Each foot shape says of different qualities and personality traits. So, it is not any exaggeration to throw light on various foot shapes and discuss in details what they reveal after all. 

First Comes the Egyptian Toe

The moment the word Egyptian comes to the forefront it must be brooded that there is some missing link with Egyptian astrology. Probably the idea infiltrated into Indian astrology from the galaxy of Egyptian wisdom. As per foot astrology it is a very common type of foot noticed everywhere in our domain. Egyptian toe is distinguished sharply by a long big toe, followed by the other toes. This aspect makes an angle of forty-five degrees. The total foot is sharply at an incline and the Egyptian foot of which we are going to discuss, is a bit longer and narrower than other prevalent shapes. People who have Egyptian toe are fond of royal grandeurs and constant pampering. They are friendly but are highly mysterious and too much secretive. They generally don’t like to express their inner thoughts and like to keep things to themselves secretly.

All about the Roman Toe

Where Egyptian comes to the arena of astrology can the Romans lay far behind? According to foot astrology the Roman foot is a pretty common foot type too. The special characteristics of the Roman toe are thus, the first three toes form a straight line. They are followed by the other two in a very sharp descending order. People who have this foot type possess extreme charisma. They are loyal and courageous. They can do whatever they can for their friends and dear and near ones. They never hesitate to sacrifice their own comforts and happiness for the sake of the friends’ well being. They are highly adventurous and are fond of discovering various cultures diving into the ocean of social history.

Greek Toe that is Ready to Ignite Fire

This type of foot is often regarded as the flame foot or to be more specific fire foot due to its shape. The Greek foot reveals that the second longer toe is larger than the rest of the toes. People having this type of toes are highly charged with bubbling energy. They are highly sportive, active, and at the same time creative. These people are packed with enough enthusiasm. Generally these types of people are self-starters and feel like going all alone. But sometimes they seem very impulsive and fall victim to tremendous stress. These type of people with Greek toes are found among athletes, public speakers, artists and curious researchers.

Peasant Toe Telling the Saga of Ordinary Men

The specialty of this foot is that it is known as a square foot. The main characteristics of the foot are that all the remaining toes are of the same length. People with such Square foot are believed to be extremely loyal, cool, practical, and absolutely reliable. They are too patient to brood over various decisions and logically try to dive into any matter. With high judgmental power they are able to solve any problem looming large and are hence the ideal persons to resolve various issues and conflicts. They are extremely honest and are highly need in a society where arguments and feuds are frequent.

All About Rare Extra Small Toe

This foot has a tiny pinky toe as an authentic feature. This type of foot is rare and people, who possess it, generally can boast of an open personality. They go on constantly to make a great number of friends and are highly sociable. They seem to be secretive about any soft topic or they are highly secretive. Generally they avoid all types of confrontations and they despise to discuss any issues openly with others. They like that type of friends who they can highly trust on.

Wide Set Toe, the Toe of a Traveler

A lot of gap between the toes or once the toes are stretched far apart, it is nothing but a traveler’s foot. People who possess such types of foot are highly adventurous and long for traveling a lot. They fail to settle in one particular place and frequently aim at moving here and there after their own accord. Highly adventurous they are always on the quest of new happenings, new people and new fun and frolics. They are always in love of exploring the areas of their specific interest and always pay attention to their hearts.

Stretched Toes Indicating Independence

A gap between the big toe and the rest of the toes forms type of foot. People with this type of foot are independent and always enjoy their freedom.  Highly confident and very sure of their opinions hey always try to do after their own choice. They always prefer all sorts of outdoor activities. 

Feet Those tell About One’s Love Life

The fourth toe highly speaks of one’s relationship. If the toe pad of the said toe seems pointed, they are overburdened with this area of their life, the love life so to say. If there is redness on the top of the toe, it seems that anger is associated with the said person’s love life and if a purple-blue toe is noticed it is indicated that the person said is badly hurt in love.

The second toe is referred as the toe of emotional attachment. It holds a lot of secrets about a person’s conjugal life. If the length of the second toe of a person seems to be bigger than the thumb, wives of such male natives seem very obedient and cooperative. 

Other Secrets Revealed

Those, whose veins in the feet are visible, grow old at an earlier phase. Such people should never be oblivious of their health. On the other hand, people whose feet are not so neat, fail to win the favor of luck. Misery, bad health, poverty are their close friends. 

Cracked heels tell that the owner of the foot is a decisive leader and can handle all kinds of problems elegantly. Swollen feet indicate that the owner is having a hard time to express emotions.

The Nails Never Negligible

So far we have tried to bring before you everything regarding foot astrology aka what the foot tells of a person’s characteristics. The nails should not be ruled out. They too tell a lot about one’s personality and health. If the nails seem vertically rigid it is indicated that there is a metabolic imbalance in a person’s body.

If the nails are horizontally ridged they can speak highly of the person having gone through a period of prolonged stress. 


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