Amavasya Dosha: May It Not be Formed in Your Natal Chart

03 January, 2023
Amavasya Dosha: May It Not be Formed in Your Natal Chart Amavasya Dosha: May It Not be Formed in Your Natal Chart

Amavasya Dosha is caused when there is a conjunction of Sun and Moon in a zodiac sign in the natal chart. The influence of the dosha/impact is so strong that the Moon loses her strength and total positivity fails; the victim is bound to fall into acute weakness under the very influence of the malefic dosha. Due to the presence of this defect in the kundli, the person has to face various troubles both physical and mental.

On the day of Amavasya or the new moon, the power of the Moon is weakened due to the strong energy of the Sun. As a result of this inauspicious Sun Moon Amavasya Dosha there come numerous problems in numerous health problems, financial catastrophes, obstacles in career etc.

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This particular combination is too strong to thrust a great impact on one's life. But there are many factors resulting in this effect. The dosha is decided on the appropriate placement of the Moon in a man’s horoscope. According to the astrologers, one of the best ways to eliminate the harmful effects of Amavasya Dosha is to make arrangements of Surya Chandra Amavasya Dosha Puja or there may be other remedies as per the opinions of different proficient persons dealing with this grave problem.

Planetary alignment and Sun Moon Amavasya Dosha

The conjunction of Sun and Moon is known as Amavasya Dosha and it comes under Tithi Dosha. Tithi is nothing but a lunar day of new moon or full moon day. If a person is born on an Amavasya day, he has this malefic dosha and is considered very inauspicious.

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The Moon is called the indicator of both the mind and emotions. If the Sun, that represents the soul in a zodiac sign, comes together with the Moon or Chandra it forms Amavasya Dosha, powerful enough to affect physically and mentally.

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According to the Vedic astrology a lunar day comes when the Moon transits 12 degrees from the Sun. The intensity of the very Dosha varies depending on the degree of conjunction between the Sun and Moon. Rahu rules the very Tithi of Amavasya (moon phase), so to have Amavasya dosha in a natal chart is considered very inauspicious.

Effects of the Sun Moon Amavasya Dosha on each zodiac sign


An Amavashya/ New Moon’s placement in this sign will make a person feel that he will surely want to switch from one job to another.


The new moon in this very sign upholds the intensity of Taurus sign and the native will be able to deal with various difficulties in life.


The nature of Gemini zodiac is dual. S/he may be excited in this very moment and on the other s/he feels worried and depressed.

Cancer zodiac sign

Moon is the ruling planet of this zodiac and hereby is badly affected by the very Dosha. The energy of the moon is totally lost and decayed.

Leo zodia sign

Amavasya or new Moon will not be positive for people of this zodiac and the native will be totally lost in day dreaming. The man will surely not be able to find solutions to the problems that come before him/her.


The Amavashya Dosha will keep Virgo people down. They will be responsible for the family matters and the approaching time will be very difficult.


Many changes in the life of the people of this zodiac will be noted. The natives may need the good stuffs but they will not always have them.


People of this zodiac can be more hopeless and they will not be sure what will happen to you in the next moment.


If one is under the sign of Sagittarius, you will love adventurous activities more.


People of this sign can expect strong gains from the activities they love to do, but career-related issues will always be there.


People of this zodiac will have to fulfill their plans to bring change in the society and will have to face many obstacles in life.


Many dreams will come true for the people of this zodiac, but still they will be sad for not getting what they want being afflicted by the Dosha.

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How Amavasya Dosha can affect you

If this dosha is present in a person's horoscope, there can be many problems in life such as-

  • Native's relationship with mother will be very bad
  • The native will not get blessings of his mother
  • Many inauspicious events may happen in life
  • Physical and mental health problems occur
  • There is financial crisis in the life of the native
  • They may face career related problems

Remedies for Surya Chandra Amavasya Dosha Puja

The pujas described in scriptures include Kalash Puja and worship of other deities like Ganesha, Shiva, Matrika and Navagraha. In the worship there will be chanting of 7000 times Surua Shlokas and 11000 times Chandra Shlokas and their Veej mantras. Yagna is also performed to remove the ominous effects of amavasya dosha in the horoscope.

During the day of new moon, the moment Sun and Moon rest together in any house of the horoscope, then Amavasya Dosha or Amavas or New Moon is created. This problem is considered one of the most inauspicious horoscope- problems.

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The Moon, the Soul

The moon is considered to be the soul of the horoscope in astrology, and when the moon becomes dark, then it is understood what will be the condition of the human mind. It is also said that the moon reflects the human mind. The sun in astrology is fire and the moon is water, the elements of both the two celestial bodies are different. The human body mostly consists of water. As moon is in the same house with the Sun, the Moon has no power of its own.

The effects of Amavasya Dosha

The moon has its full effect on human mind and brain. Moon controls them. When the moon becomes weak, the person fails to comprehend anything and mostly suffers from the mental ailments or he does not make out what to do and what not. He cannot understand what is going around him.

In human body and brain, the water element may increase or decreases to some extent. Both the conditions are detrimental to health. The mind goes on wandering without any specific aim or purpose. Bad thoughts appear and depart every now and then. Illusions, violent ideation, negative thoughts flash in mind. Some uncanny thoughts also appear on the mental plane and instill fears and phobias.

Moon and Human Mind

If the human being has no control over the mind, thoughts trouble the mind a lot. It is the impact of the very Amavasya Dosha that human mind faces tremendous turbulence. Due to this dosha all kinds of thoughts keep rising in the mind. If headache comes frequently for continuously a few days, then some bad thoughts appear and create panic. But as a matter of fact it is actually mere headache of sinus or something ocular. Sometimes chest pain due to some gas or other reasons mimics heart attack. The tormented man is so disturbed that it is hard to come over and day after day the person engulfs in chronic fear. It becomes very hard to get out of it; such negative thoughts come due to bad impact on moon.

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Unprecedented Things on the Offing

Many times people fail to understand what is going on in their lives. The unexpected upheavals make the humans very upset.  Kundli is the guiding chart of human beings. It tells about the past, present and future and, tells them too whether some unfavorable things are likely to happen in the near future.

As human lives are linked to the celestial bodies that shape them every day, humans are nothing but puppets at the hands of these celestial bodies. Beside the place, time and date of birth, the celestial bodies and their specific positions at the time of their birth also affect the lives. According to Vedic astrology, when unfavorable conditions between the planets arise, then it is thought that there is a defect in the horoscope. If there are inauspicious planets in 12 houses in the horoscope, they create inauspicious yogas.

What the Scriptures Say

According to the various scriptures, the ancestors visit their homes, every Amavasya – so it is the duty of every person to begin charity – as much as he can. Similarly there are other remedies mentioned in various ancient scriptures to evade the Amavasya Dosha. There are proficient persons or astrologers who can lead the inflicted person with such malady.

To Conclude

In modern times people are science oriented and rest in the jet age. But still humans when fall in some type of mysterious problems and fail to find the way to come out, they have no other way than to belief in something beyond human knowledge. Amavasya Dosha is one such problem that makes the human lives a hell and snatches all type of glee and happiness from mind.

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