How to Outsmart Everybody on Annaprashan Muhurat 2023

02 January, 2023
How to Outsmart Everybody on Annaprashan Muhurat 2023 How to Outsmart Everybody on Annaprashan Muhurat 2023

Annaprashan Muhurat 2023 reminds us of an auspicious occasion when the child takes its first meal. To be precise it is the repletion of an age old process. In Sanskrit, Annaprashan means taking Anna or Rice for the first time. This is the occasion when the child tastes the essence of rice for the first time. It is an age old ceremony for the newborn and is a famous custom in India. It marks the initiation of consumption of solid food in a little one's life. Once this Annaprashan ritual is completed, the parents may introduce other foods in the baby's diet to help it wean off breast milk, cow milk or tinned milk. 

Feeding the newborn breast milk for the first six months is highly important for its nutrition. However, it has been regarded since long periods that around six months, solid or semi-solid foods should be tried. The age old custom has not been discarded by modern medical science too. The first rice feeding of a newborn is an important occasion celebrated as Annaprashan.

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According to Hindu beliefs, Annaprashan is an auspicious moment to feed the infant nourishing nutrients for the first time. To choose the right time to arrange the occasion is to be given much importance. That’s why an auspicious date and time are always looked for. This search of the auspicious time needs expert opinions of astrologers or pundits. It is our venture to go for Annaprashan Muhurat 2023 is all about the auspicious occasion..

How to Fix the Date and Time of Annaprashan

Either the natal nakshatra or the zodiac sign of the child is important to determine the Annaprashan or Annaprashan shuva muhurat. During the traditional Hindu celebration of Annaprashan, the kid is offered small amounts of numerous food items. There are combinations of salty, sweet, sour, and spicy items to have the child its first taste of a different flavor. It should be taken care of that the child shouldn't be fed anything that it can’t digest. Hence there may be varieties of items but their cooking should be taken care of lest the process does not alter the digestion system of the little one.

Significance of Annaprashan Muhurat 2023

It is vital to calculate the auspicious time for the joyous occasion. This calculation of time is known as "Muhurat." It is the child's nakshatra or birth star that is important while calculating the Muhurat of Annaprashan. For boy child, one can calculate the Shubh Muhurat for Annaprashan at 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th month from the time of its birth. For the girl babies, the 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th months from the time of her birth are taken care of. In Hindu religion all occasions are based on Shubh Muhurat and it helps one to achieve success and happiness.

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Annaprashan Muhurat 2023: When to observe?

Annaprasana Muhurat called 'the rice feeding' ritual too, is performed when the baby is between 5 and 12 months of age. If we deep delve into the matter we can easily analyze the fact that the time is chosen for Annaprashan only when the child is able to digest rice and other grains. If the child has weak digestive system then the experts are of opinion that it is better to postpone the occasion for the time being and fix it for another auspicious date.

Auspicious Annaprashan Muhurat 2023 Timings are as following:

4 January 2023, Wednesday           07:09 - 24:01

6 January 2023, Friday         24:14 - 28:38

23 January 2023, Monday   25:27 - 31:13

25 January 2023, Wednesday         20:05 - 31:13

26 January 2023, Thursday 07:09 - 10:28

27 January 2023, Friday       09:11 - 31:09

30 January 2023, Monday   22: 15 - 31:08

Shubh Muhurat for Annaprashan in February 2023

2 February 2023, Thursday 30:18 - 31:09

3 February 2023, Friday       07:09 - 18:58

22 February 2023, Wednesday       06 :54 - 27:25

23 February 2023, Thursday           25:34 - 30:52

24 February 2023, Friday    06:52 - 24:32

Shubh Annaprashan Muhurat 2023           Time in March

1 March 2023, Wednesday 06:47 - 09:51

22 March 2023, Wednesday           20:21 - 30:22

23 March 2023, Thursday   06:22 - 27:42

27 March 2023, Monday     17:28 - 30:17

30 March 2023, Thursday   23: 31 - 30:13

31March 2023, Friday          06:13 - 25:57

Shubh Annaprashan Muhurat 2023 Timings for April are so-

5 April 2023, Wednesday    21:45 - 27:15

6 April 2023, Thursday         06:51 - 10:04

24 April 2023, Monday        10:12 - 26:07

26 April 2023, Wednesday  11:28 - 29:45

27 April 2023, Thursday      05:45 - 13:39

Shubh Annaprashan Muhurat 2023 Time is as follows-

3 May 2023, Wednesday     05:39 - 23:50

22 May 2023, Monday        05:27 - 10:37

24 May 2023, Wednesday   05:26 - 27:01

29 May 2023, Monday        11:49 - 28:29

Annaprashan Muhurat in June 2023

1st June 2023, Thursday      13:40 - 18:59

2nd June 2023, Friday          06:04 - 06:53

19th June 2023, Monday     20:10 - 25: 14

21 June 2023, Wednesday   05:24 - 15:10

28 June 2023, Wednesday   05:26 - 27:19

30 June 2023, Friday            25:17 - 26:17

Shubh Muhurat for Annaprashan Sanskar in July 2023

3 July 2023, Monday            06:48 - 11:02

19 July 2023, Wednesday    05:35 - 07:58

24 July 2023, Monday          13:43 - 29:38

27 July 2023, Thursday        25:28 - 29:40

28 July 2023, Friday 05:40 - 14:52

Shubh Annaprashan Muhurat 2023 Timings

18 August 2023, Friday        22:57 - 29:52

21 August 2023, Monday    05:53 - 26: 01

23 August 2023, Wednesday          05:54 - 08:08

28 August 2023, Monday    18:23 - 29:57

30 August 2023, Wednesday          21:02 - 29:58

31 August 2023, Thursday  05:58 - 07:05

Auspicious Annaprashan Muhurat 2023 Timings are as following:

18 September 2023, Monday         06:07 - 12:39

21 September 2023, Thursday        14:15 - 15:35

25 September 2023, Monday         06:11 - 07:56

27 September 2023, Wednesday   06:12 - 22:19

28 September 2023, Thursday        29:07 - 30:13

29 September 2023, Friday 06:13 - 15:27

Shubh Annaprashan Muhurat 2023 Time goes thus:

16 October 2023, Monday  06:22 - 19:35

19 October 2023, Thursday 21:51 - 24:32

23 October 2023, Monday  17:45 - 30:28

26 October 2023, Thursday 12:25 - 30:30

27 October 2023, Friday      06:30 - 06:57

Shubh Muhurat for Annaprashan Sanskar in November 2023

15 November 2023, Wednesday    27:49 - 30:44

16 November 2023, Thursday        06:44 - 12:35

17 November 2023, Friday  25:17 - 29:01

22 November 2023, Wednesday    18:37 - 23:04

24 November 2023, Friday  30:23 - 30:52

27 November 2023, Monday          13:35 - 14:46

Shubh Annaprashan Muhurat 2023 Timing is so:

13 December 2023, Wednesday     27:10 - 31:06

14 December 2023, Thursday         07:06 - 09:47

15 December 2023, Friday  08:10 - 22:31

18 December 20 23, Monday          15:14 - 25:22

21 December 2023, Thursday         09:38 - 31:10

22 December 2023, Friday  07:10 - 08:17

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Significance of Annaprashan Ceremony

Annaprashan is such a ceremony where solid food is introduced to a baby aged not more than 6 months, for the very first time. Babies depend on breast milk after birth, at least for six months. After that, it is crucial to introduce solid food for the first time. The parents are all well aware of the fact the first solid meal of the time should be introduced in an auspicious day. Hence the auspicious occasion is carried on following all rituals prevalent in the Hindu culture and ancient scriptures.

Is Annaprashan celebrated in all parts of India?

Annaprashan is celebrated across India under different names. There is slight variation of customs. Annaprashan is called Mukhe Bhaat in West Bengal, Bhath Khulai in Himachal Pradesh,  Choroonu in Kerala. This is not the limit. There may be different other names of this auspicious occasion, Annaprashan.

How to Observe Important Rituals at Annaprashan Sanskar?

To observe Annaprashan ritual the customs that are followed are pretty interesting. On this very occasion the maternal uncle of the child is invited. He has been given the right to feed the child solid food for the first time. According to the custom, the baby is placed on the lap its maternal uncle, who feeds the baby his first solid food. Other family members there after get the chance to feed the child. On this occasion many guests are invited, a big party is thrown and the baby gets numerous gifts.

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During this occasion an interesting part is also noticed. Many things like pens, books, golden ornaments, food and a small lump of clay kept on a plate are displayed before the baby. The child is given an option to choose one object out of many placed before it.

The baby's choice will help to know about its preferences, areas of interest. For example if the kid picks up a pen or a book, it is decided that in the long run the kid will be a scholar. Similarly if it picks up clay, it is expected that the kid will have interest in farming the moment it will grow up. Nevertheless, selecting a book or pen or clay implies that the child will be learned, mundane and son of soil type. It is nothing but a ritual. Thee is nologic behind it.

Food to be considered at the Annaprashan Occasion

On the very Annaprashan occasion, semi-solid and solid food is offered to the child. For this auspicious event, food items that are prepared are mainly rice, pulao, kheer, payasam, dal, sambar, fish curry (for non vegetarian family) etc. on different plates.

Precautions before performing Annaprashan Muhurat 2023

It is a vital thing that the child is for the first time introduced to new food items beyond its domain. So it must be taken into utmost care that the total occasion must have a hygienic fervor. Hygiene by all means should be maintained during the total occasion at least with which the kid is associated with. Everyone should keep it in mind that the baby is going to have solid food for the first time. Hence it is necessary to take into account some factors.

The parents should feed the baby what it likes at that very moment. It is unethical to force the baby to take food. It is after the baby’s choice what it will take or not. The man who will go to feed it first, must take care of the fact the child should be feed with extreme caution without making any haste. In the current moment there are arrangements of photo-shoots and other arrangements like video graphing etc. For these purpose the baby has to go through different critical phases. It has to be ready for different poses.

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The parents should keep it in mind that though this is the very first occasion their kids are going to take the taste of solid food and come before a big gathering of people, the child’s temperament should be taken care of. Extreme hustle bustle can make the kid disturbed so it must be kept in mind. The stuffy places should be avoided. An open space is always being the first choice. Again the food that will be served should be thoroughly scrutinized. The person who will cook the baby’s dishes must take care of that the dishes must not be spicy, pungent, chilly, hot, too sour or too sweet. Easily digestible food should be added in the menu.

Always keep a doctor at hand so that if some health concerns appear all on a sudden, the doctor may help the kid then and there.

Hygiene First then Occasion

I have told before that hygiene is the top priority during the total occasion; otherwise it will turn into a mess. Everyone who will feed the baby must clean their hands and then feed the baby to avoid infections.

Dress of the baby should be taken care of too. Soft and comfortable dresses should be worn so that the baby does not feel uncomfortable during the rites.

To conclude

Annaprashan Muhurat 2023 is elaborated with precision in the article. But total care should be taken at the style and type how the auspicious occasion will be celebrated. The kid’s parents should be aware of the fact that though this is a pleasant occasion going to occur for the first time. It must be framed in the moment’s album. But by ameans all exaggerations should be avoided to spoil the very occasion.

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