Astrological Practices To Get Richer In 2024

14 January, 2024
Astrological Practices To Get Richer In 2024 Astrological Practices To Get Richer In 2024

As the celestial dance unfolds in 2024, each zodiac sign is bestowed with unique guidelines to embrace and pitfalls to sidestep, guiding us through a year of cosmic influence and personal growth.

Being rich and able to lead life lavishly is the ultimate aim of every human being. Living with the wish and hope to be rich one day would be a fantasy with minimal possibilities of turning true. Apart from hard work, what also works is astrological remedies. This blog contains remedies to be rich exclusively for 2024

Try on following astrological remedies to add your name to the list of rich folks in your social circle-

 A few things of astrological importance to attract money–

  1. Bring home Basil plant - The Tulsi plant is the human quintessence of the goddess Tulsi which is the source of positivity. The deity’s plant may be brought into the home on the first day to have a year with fiscal bountifulness. Watering the Tulsi plant daily will pacify you mentally and its blessings will help you in attracting money.
  2. Fish Aquarium - Nurture the shoal of fishes in an aquarium in your house this New Year to attract money.  Mere bringing it home isn’t enough, its continuous look after and happy well-fed fishes ensures the flow of income inside the home. Try this New Year and invest yourself wholeheartedly to walk upwards on the ladder to affluence. 
  3. Get peacock feathers - Peacock feathers are the epitome of lord Krishna. Feather was placed over the crown of Krishna and is adored by the followers of the Goddess known to be the best flutist. Embark your home with some Feathers of the most beautiful bird in the world to march towards richness. 
  4. Get your home beautiful turtle alive or crystal - Tortoise is Goddess Yamuna rides on and has a connection with the goddess of affluence, Lakshmi. It evolved during the churning of the ocean. The epitome of an auspicious turtle in crystal, sand placed in the north direction or above acts as a magnet in attracting money for the owner of the house.   

To get rich, you must pay off your debts completely. Check out the remedies to finish your debts

Pujas or veneration to become rich

If you like to welcome abundance along with the New Year, the following types of religious practices and venerations can be highly effective in becoming a cash cow.

  • Adore Lord Kuber and Goddess Lakshmi - This is highly important as the god of treasure which you like to invite this year in your home and life. Get an authentic Kuber Yantra in home and worship it. Know which direction to place KuberYantra and the mantra to chant while worshipping God Kuber. Know the right mantra to chant for Lakshmi Kuber Mantra for real and unending blessings.
  • Offer Water to the Sun – This is another highly effective practice to enjoy the blessings of being rich. A pinch of Kumkum, flower and little sweetener (sugar) ensures mental peace and fullness of wealth.
  • Lit diya on Tuesday and Saturday to Lord Hanuman- Procure the blessings of deity Hanuman by lighting diya on Tuesday and Saturday evenings every week. You can also do it on Tuesday only. Offering Bundi or Jaggery to Hanuman can also be extremely effective in procuring wealth in 2024. 
  • Spread the essence of Kapur in the house-  Kapurwill be immensely beneficial in bringing home luck, positivity, and lushness.  Using camphor during aarti or veneration also spreads positivity and blesses the family with wealth. 
  • Mop the house with salt water – This is an ancient proven remedy that has been in practice for ages. Mop your house with a few pinches of salt to become rich.   

 Affirmations and manifestations

The Cosmos provides what you manifest and affirm to become. With the optimistic approach to attain wealth and happiness, manifest to be rich. You get what you sow and eventually cultivate.  

Also Read: Effective yantras for attracting Luck

Get customized reports as per your birth chart by highly-practiced astrologers at Ask Ganesha to open the doors of wealth to your life.

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