Astrological Reasons behind Accidents

12 August, 2024
Astrological reasons behind accidents Astrological reasons behind accidents

Are you vulnerable to accidents? Do you feel that bandages were meant for you only as you get injured often or it was wise to take medical insurance because you are prone to accidents? Few people assume it to be due to black magic and paranormal factors also. Astrology can throw light on your dilemma as to why you are prone to accidents irrespective of the intensity of the accident. A few Yogas, dasha and planetary configurations could be the reason for you falling victim to accidents frequently. If astrology can help you identify the reasons, it can certainly aid you with remedies to restrain accidents. Let's dig deep into astrological reasons behind accidents with potential remedies to take a narrow escape from them.

Due to certain planetary positions in the birth chart, a person has to face an accident, whatever his zodiac sign is. If the conjunction of some planets is extremely harsh and difficult, then do not worry, there are some remedies too which will not let the conjunction of those planets harm you. First of all, let us look at the conjunction of those planets which are a danger bell for you and alert you before knowing the remedies.

Astrological Planetary Conjunctions That Increase Accident Risks

Astrological Planetary Conjunctions That Increase Accident Risks

Rahu-Mars in 2nd house

When an individual has a Rahu-Mars planets union in the 2nd house or Lagna, the life of such a person would include multiple or frequent accidents. Accidents can occur anywhere, you don’t have to be on the road always, driving or walking. Sometimes, accidents can occur while you are in the safest place in the world, i.e in your home.

This Position of Moon & Mars in the Horoscope

Another planetary configuration that keeps the windows for accidents open always in your life is when Mars is positioned in the heart (center) or at a triangular position from the Moon in the natal chart. The possibility of meeting with an accident for such a person is shockingly high. Such folks shouldn’t even make a careless attempt to cross the road or when driving. Be careful guys, if the Moon and Mars are in such positions.

Also Read: Remedies for planet Moon

Ascendant Saturn with No Cover of Auspicious Planet

When ascendant Saturn is ruling your birth chart and no auspicious planet is there in the horoscope to pacify the native, injuries are likely to be part of their life. Such people have to be extra cautious while being on height whether on mountains or at sky scrapping buildings.

Mars in the Ascendant of the Horoscope

Person having Mars as the ascendant in the birth chart must safeguard their head and brain. Such people must not drive without a helmet to protect their brain while driving a two-wheeler. In case of an accident or a fall, such a person is likely to have injury to interior organs.

Also Read: Mental Health and Astrology

Union of Saturn with the Sun & Mars

When Saturn is found in conjunction with either the Sun or Mars in the 5th house of birth chart, the natives are likely to become victims of ruckus, disputes, riots, etc and get injuries. These People should abstain from being a part of any kind of quarrel.

Variable Zodiac & Variable Ascendant

As per astrology, folks with variable ascendant and variable zodiac have greater possibilities of getting injured. Cancer, Aries, Capricorn, and Libra are open to physical injuries more often than other zodiac signs.

Yogas for Injuries and Accidents

Yogas for Injuries and Accidents

Astrological Yogas are also gauged by astrologers to study the reasons and prospects of accidents in birth charts by astrologers. Take a look at a few chief Yogas that are considered by astrologers to understand the risks of accidents in a birth chart.

Vipreet Raj Yoga

Said to be an antonym of Raj Yoga, the individual having in his birth chart is exposed to the risk of accident. The Vipreet Raj Yoga is said to exist in a birth chart when malefic planets such as Saturn, Mars, or Rahu encroach the 6th, 8th, or 12th house with no assisting benefic planet. The presence of this yoga signifies higher possibilities of accidents.

Also Read: Raj Yoga in Kundali

Shrapit Yoga

Individuals born with this Yoga are said to generate a tendency to have accidents due to the alignment of Rahu and Saturn. This Yoga indicates Karmic impacts in the birth chart. Folks born with this yoga have misfortune following them rigorously. These people shouldn’t make decisions impulsively and avoid getting involved in adventurous activities. However, the impacts of this yoga can be lessened by engaging in charity, positive karma and by following religious rituals.

Kemadruma Yoga

When the Moon is alone in a birth chart with neither benefic nor malefic planet along, Kemadruma yoga is said to exist. This yoga weakens the mental and emotional state of the native, making his mind fickle and weak and making him unable to think intelligently. Such folks decide unwarily, without estimating risks and often meet with an accident due to it. They should engage in practices that foster mental strength.

Durudhara Yoga

This yoga is said to exist in a birth chart when Mars or Saturn, the malefic planets, are stationed in the 4th, 8th, or 12th house of a natal chart. Those with this yoga need to practice extra caution while dealing with the machinery, driving and travelling. Accidents are of many types and people born with this yoga are exposed to accidents, mishaps, risks of fire, etc.

Grahan Dosha

This Dosha is said to be present in a birth chart when it shows a lunar (Chandra Grahan) or solar eclipse (Surya Grahan) in close union with malefic planets such as Rahu, Ketu, Saturn or Mars. This is a deadly association that indicates great vulnerability to accidents. Such people must be vigilant and extra careful.

Remedies to Prevent Accidents

Remedies to Prevent Accidents

Chant Mantras

The mantra to chant is different for every individual depending upon his/her planetary configuration in their respective birth chart. If any planet is found in a malefic state, chanting its mantra as per the guidelines of the expert astrologer is a must. Proper pronunciation must be learned and should be enchanted for a definite number of times. To know about the mantras as per your birth chart talk to the best astrologer at ask Ganesha.

Sarv Graha Shanti Puja

Sarv Grah Shanti puja is highly productive in pacifying any of the inauspicious yoga or any malefic planet liable for accidents.

Wearing Gemstone

The impact of the malefic planet and dosha in the birth chart can be overcome by wearing the right gemstone. Wearing any wouldn’t work since every planet is associated with a gemstone. Get yourself Gem stone consultancy report to find the best gemstone as per the ruling planetary configuration in your birth chart.

In Nutshell

Astrology should be used as a tool to know the possible risks in one’s life. Seeking astrological remedial assistance to safeguard yourself or your loved ones is fair. Follow the guidelines; secure yourself and your loved ones from possible threats of accidents. Knowing the risk of an accident to you shouldn’t mean that you would stop walking on the road. Bring in awareness and get safe. It is rightly said by someone that prevention is better than cure, therefore avoid accidents instead of curing your injuries with the aid of right astrological guidance.

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