Best and Worse Friends as per Zodiac Sign

29 July, 2023
Best and worse friends as per zodiac sign Best and worse friends as per zodiac sign

Want to know whether he or she would prove to be your best friend or not? Check out the friendship compatibility according to zodiac signs to be sure that you have the best person by your side in the name of friendship. In this Blog we will find out Best and worse friends as per zodiac sign.

Revealing the Truth


Aries are impulsive, dynamic, go-getters, energetic, and straight forward. They prefer somebody that can match their liveliness and enthusiasm. They can gel up best with folks with the zodiac sign of Sagittarius and Leo. Folks of these zodiac signs motivate, understand, and support each other well as they are all ruled by fire signs. Likewise, Gemini and Aquarians can also turn out to be good pals to those born in the Aries zodiac sun sign.

On the other hand, Aries should avoid getting cozy with the folks with Pisces and cancer as zodiac signs. Folks of these two sun signs are highly sensitive and do not appreciate the blunt and outspoken nature of Aries.


Dominating, stubborn and ambitious are folks with the zodiac sign of Taurus. They can have a great friendship with Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces, and Cancer. These friend zodiac signs of Taurus do not believe in confronting and can be a good friend with similar passions like focused love for luxury, uncompromising attitude, and work morals.

However, the compatibility test of Taurus has nil results with zodiac signs such as Aquarius and Leo. No matter what, they can’t be good friends since they can’t put their freedom at stake by getting dominated by natives of Taurus. Tuning between them would be worse with no common interest as well as polls a part nature.


The intellectual sun sign, Gemini goes along well with the Libra and Aquarius. The similar approach and easy-going nature of Gemini and Libra aid them to prove the best for each other whereas Gemini and Aquarius both are bright and brainy zodiac signs having well-matched vibes. Above all their bond with blazing Aries is charismatic.

Conversely, Gemini doesn’t go along well with Gemini itself as they believe they are on always the right side of the court which will be opposed by another Gemini. They also are great eccentrics for friendship with Capricorn.


This highly sensitive and emotional zodiac sign can have great camaraderie with Pisces and Scorpio. Pisces being extra-sensitive wants and gives emotional assistance well to natives of Cancer. Scorpions get sways in emotions well and can be a great pick for emotional backing.

Cancer, however, is incompatible with Aquarius and Leo. Cancer is fond of luxuries and is a bit materialistic, whereas Aquarius isn’t. The trait of cancer being emotional and Aquarius logical also declines them to be good a good friend. Similarly, bossy, expressive, and stubborn Leo hardly settles on good terms of friendship with a Cancer native.


Leo, the leader would have a close and cozy friendship with Aries and Sagittarius. Those born under the above two Sun signs no matter what would be best companions. You would find them always by the side of Leo born. The exuberance of Leo and the wisdom of Aries match with Leo well and make them the best buddies always.

Capricorn, Scorpio, and Taurus are enemy sun signs that do not go well with Leo. Leo and Capricorn are total oddities in friendship and relationship. The compulsive and bossy nature of Taurus is immensely troublesome for Leo as they hate to get ruled or have instructions. The basic difference in perception and viewpoint gives hard feelings to Scorpio and Leo.


This Sun sign perhaps has a maximum number of friends in terms of Sun sign as Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, and Scorpio are in its friend list. Though, Capricorn and Taurus are top on the list. Virgo enjoys the firmness and similar ethics with Taurus and often friendship advances to the degree of closeness like a relationship. Virgo and Capricorn both are determined, careful, and hard-headed making them friends close to heart.

Gemini and Sagittarius infuriate Virgo making the friendship a total disaster. The dissimilarity in the basic nature of the two like fixated, calm, and ambitious makes them incompatible friends with nothing in common. The lack of understanding between Sagittarius and Virgo rules out all the possibilities of being even average friends.


Libra-born would gel well best with Gemini and Aquarius. The first two can chat for long and long with common interests. They love to travel, explore new things, and perhaps are the major flirts. Like-minded not just think the same, but also goes well together, and this applies to Libra and Gemini the best. Libra and Aquarius both are knowledgeable scholars and can make great friends.

In the list of enemies of Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn top up at the top spots. Cancer natives are a bit cranky, moody, and hesitant, which isn’t commended by Libra at all since they are completely contrasting. The element of understanding and respecting personal space lacks between the two utterly. They are perhaps the worst friends as per the zodiac sign. Libra is the responsive zodiac sign that loves to socialize along with being open book. Capricorn doesn’t like to spill beans at all along with other traits like they don’t prefer much to socialize.


Scorpions having my way or high way attitude are found to have soul-filling friendships with Cancer and Pisces. Cancer native folks are good listeners and scorpions are best at communication, therefore these opposite poles attract each other and have unbroken friendships. Pisces and Scorpio are quite identical and complement each other well.

The avowed enemies of Scorpio are Gemini and Aquarius. Scorpios are a little moody and Gemini which is constant chatterboxes can have heated situations at any time. The two cannot change each other or stand each other due to huge differences in their elementary nature. The bond is most likely to not last for long. Aquarius is forgetful, whereas scorpions aren’t. Their intention to change others and inflexibility in changing their own signifies incompatibility. They both are the rarest buddies with no compatibility.


Sagittarius is the most friendly sun sign that doesn’t have to try hard in making friends. They can get along well the best with Aries and Leo. Happy-go-lucky, fun-loving, and adventurous are these sun signs, Sagittarius and Scorpio. Their compatibility test rating is full on full since they lack any confronting traits. Leo and Sagittarius are also great friends with the bond of trust and love highest. These two would never let down the other and would be by side of each other through thick and thin.

This friendship between Sagittarius and Virgo is not going to work anyways due to the major dissimilarities of approaches towards life-like vision, likes, energy, etc. One cannot imagine friendship between prey and hunter; likewise, friendship between the archer and a goat never works. Pisces seeks support of all kinds from its pals, whereas Sagittarius is an independent personality who hates to be an assistant of any kind unless it's family.


Capricorn is meticulous and looks for the element of like-mindedness or thought process while seeking best friends. Taurus and Virgo are best friends forever with Capricorn. This zodiac sign doesn’t have many friends since it believes in the quality of friends than quality. The logical approach towards life and disbelief in hallucination makes them the best of friends as per sun signs. Taurus and Capricorn value like-minded pals imbibing discipline and a practical approach toward life. They form an ideal friendship aligned with peace and concord.

Capricorn would end up storing hatred and bitterness if he puts an effort to have a friendship with Aquarius, Leo, and Gemini. Capricorn prefers to look before it leaps, whereas these sun signs act otherwise. Also, Capricorn prefers to be in his comfortable zone, whereas Leo and Gemini are adventurous and social birds.


Aquarius gets along well with Gemini and Libra, and has a strong bond with each other. They have an exceptional bond with Gemini and form the coolest friendship of all the zodiac signs. They both are a source of inspiration to each other. They both can be driving force to each other and secures each other truly.

The sun sign whose vibes do not match with the water bearer is Bull (Taurus) and Scorpio. The ruling and stubborn bull have nothing in common right from nature to skills. Taurus is self-centred, and hard to have a friendship with Aquarius, who is selfless.


Cancer and Scorpio are the sun signs that can have long relationships without ambiguity. Pisces and Cancer are emotional, compassionate, and humble. They both have best of the chemistry and understanding that lays the foundation for a great friendship. The differences between the traits do not hammer the friendship bond. Scorpio and Pisces, both form credible affinity. This match of introvert and empathetic sun signs result to best of companions.

Zodiac sign Pisces have only one prominent enemy, i.e. Leo. They are poles apart with no similarity in nature, ethics, and interests. The match between introvert and extrovert goes well neither in relationships nor friendships. The materialistic and flaunting propensity of Leo is different from that of Pisces, who likes to be deep-rooted and fly only when equipped with strong wings.

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