Bring These Things in New Year: Happiness Will Sure to Follow Them

24 January, 2023
Bring These Things in New Year: Happiness Will Sure to Follow Them Bring These Things in New Year: Happiness Will Sure to Follow Them

It is the Vastu Shastra that helps us to fill our lives with mirth and prosperity. There are some tips that have been hinted in this article to welcome the New Year. According to Indian traditions once we bring these things home in New Year, happiness will come for life in an automatic way. Vastu Shastra has made us known some tips to make the New Year bubbling with mirth and prosperity.

We have stepped into New Year 2023 leaving behind enough sorrows, despair, loss and sweet moments too. We all want that this New Year must be an ideal one for our entire life. So we go on trying and following various methods to beckon happiness. To do this we have to take help from the Vastu experts and astrologers who can lead us light in this regard. 

All these tips will relieve us from all sorts of troubles and add spices to our daily routine in the very New Year. Following these tips many of us bring home many new things to add specialty to life. We go on doing many things round the year but if we just try to follow the tips of these great experts to make out lives bubbling with mirth there is no problem. These things that you will bring in the happy New Year are sure to shower on you and your dear ones enough happiness. Let’s have a talk about these things in a nut shell.

Worshipping of nature

According to scriptures, the worship of nature and the related things has special significance in our life. Even we cannot deny the fact that Gods and Goddesses too have given the nature the top place among all things prevalent on earth, show their gratitude and hint at the importance of worship. We also have to know that some of the auspicious things associated with nature are worn by the Gods and Goddesses. Similarities of these things are also said to be very auspicious for human life.

Holy Basil or Tulsi

Every Hindu household considers Tulsi or Holy Basil among the most auspicious of plants. It is a great air purifier, and is said to heal coughs, colds, and other ailments. It can also kill bacteria, remove toxins from the blood, eradicate negative energy, and purify your digestive and circulatory systems. There are several varieties of holy basil on the market, but if you can’t find any, don’t lose heart. Traditional basil is also said to bring wealth, luck, and beauty. 

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Plant this one at home on the eve of the New Year. It can be told with ease that this plant will bring auspicious effects. If there is no basil plant at home, you can go for it and plant it in a perfect place. It is the importance of Holy Basil to bring in positive energy at home. On the other hand the members of the family will obtain grace of Lord Vishnu.

Peacock Feather

Peacock father is very dear to lord Krishna. It is generally told that Lord Krishna lives in that house where the peacock feather rests. On the other hand the family can get the blessings of Mother Laxmi too. To make the new vivacious Year and packed with positive energy, you may bring the Peacock Feather home and add enough enthusiasm and positivity. 

Astrologists are of opinion that one thing related to both nature and Lord Shri Krishna is the More Pankh or the Peacock Feather and it is sure to bring good luck if brought at home in the very New Year.

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Shri Krishna holds the Morpankha on his head and it was an integral part of his life. Many problems can be solved keeping the peacock in the house. Vastu defects of the house can be removed and happiness and prosperity can come straight in the family.

Happiness in married life also comes from peacock feathers.

Keeping 2 peacock feathers together at home ends the problems associated with married life and brings harmony in relationships. Vastu defects are also prevented from it. If the main gate of your house is not in a good direction, if there is Vastusadosh at the main gate, peacock feathers drive the effects of Vastu defects of the gateway..

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Peacock feathers also are very effective in dealing with the diseases. They are also helpful in providing a clean and better environment of the house. No insects around the place are noticed where the peacock feather is kept.

Dry Coconut

On the very New Year one of the great things to bring home is a dry coconut. Wrap the coconut well and keep it in the locker. If you can do so, you may be sure to be graced with wealth and prosperity. There will come no such time when you have to face the pangs of dearth of money. Poverty will never haunt you by all means.

Lucky Bamboo

You are sure to be luckier if you can plant a plant with the “luck” added with its name. Lucky bamboo associated with Feng Shui is a symbol of good fortune. You may arrange some stalks in vases of water with stones for specific meanings. Three stalks are for happiness, longevity, and wealth; five brings wealth; six is for luck; seven for health, eight for total growth; and 10 for perfect completion. If you can grow plants to 21 stalks, you will receive blessings of health and great wealth. 

Moti Shankh / Pearl Conch : 

Moti means pearl. If you can bring pearl conch at home and place it in the right place, you are sure to get good results. This holy conch is too pure to eliminate all evil effects caused by moon in astrology and offers inner peace.

According to ayurveda, this pearl conch has many medicinal uses. The main benefit of the pearl conch is that it can bring wealth. It is elaborated in scriptures that Ma Lakshmi who brings good luck is present in the Moti Shankh. This is found in the Purana. It is believed that presence of Moti Shankh at home will bring good fortune as it is the residence of Goddess Lakshmi. 

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Success comes through the Moti Shankha. You must go for Puja if you put it at home of worshipping. The puja is similar to one of Goddess Lakshmi. If the conch is rubbed on the face in the morning after bath, the skin of the face may be free from wrinkles. The face gains a new glow by regular use of this common easy process. 

Metal Tortoise

One of the great things you must bring in the New Year is Metal Tortoise. According to Vastu, there are many home decors, that, when kept in the right direction can prove extremely beneficial. Metal Tortoise is one of the home decors that you can bring at home from a good place. Not only does the metal tortoise hold a special place in Feng Shui, it has a strong link to Hindu mythology too. 

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Legends say that Lord Vishnu took the Avatar of a tortoise during the Sagar Manthan or churning of the ocean. When placed correctly, the metal tortoise brings good fortune and positive vibes. It is believed that the turtle brings bliss and success to the house. Just like Lord Kuber, it governs the north center of your home. Therefore, it should be kept in the north direction. You can place it in the north side of your office too.

The Metal turtle is also a defender. You can keep it at the passage of your home or office. It will act as a shield to protect you from all the negative energies. If you place it at the front entrance, the tortoise will suck negative vitality from entering into your residence or office. It can also fortify relationships between the members of family.

Metal Elephant

The significance of elephants in Hindu mythology is immense. In the New Year you can bring a Metal Elephant at home. In every household there are people who often keep elephant statues at home just to decorate their houses. But if the metal elephant is kept in the proper direction following the proper method the divine animal can attract wealth, fortune, and total wisdom. Elephants are the largest land animals that are better known for memory, knowledge, and total protection.

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Metal Elephants generally are kept in a home to bring good luck, health; all round prosperity. The removal of obstacles is also done with the placement of this divine element at home.

It is known that Lord Buddha’s mother dreamt of a white elephant before the birth of Lord Buddha. The metal elephant shows total serenity, wisdom, and of course enlightenment at your home.

Laughing Buddha 

In the New Year don’t forget to bring this one at your home to bring good luck and happiness. This is nothing but the Laughing Buddha, a symbol of prosperity, contentment, and total happiness. Placing it in the house fills the space with positive energy and happiness. The laughing Buddha is frequently found in homes, offices, and other places where one intends to fill the air with positivity. 

The laughing Buddha comes in different forms, which are actually meant to compound luck, wealth, happiness, family bondage, and other necessities of human life. 


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