Dark Secrets of Zodiac Signs

27 July, 2023
Dark Secrets of the Zodiac Signs Dark Secrets of the Zodiac Signs

In this world, you will not find such a person who seems to you crystal clear. The presence and personality even behaviors may dupe you every time. You may become a psychologist but it is not sure that you will fall flat on the ground of riddles. There are people in the world that you can never predict what types they are. To be too precise, there is your dear brother who does not disclose everything to you or your parents, even to any member of the family. You may wonder, why so? Yes, here lies the most secretive part of astrology or zodiac signs. There are dark secrets of zodiac signs that are crystal clear only to the astrologers, none else in this world.

You may try but at every step, there is enough chance to be baffled. For this reason, to open the curtain of mystery we are going to discuss some darkest secrets about zodiac signs. We hope this discussion will help you to bridge any relationship.

Understanding the Dark Secrets of Zodiac Signs

Actually, this is nothing but a trait of the zodiac sign. Among the 12 zodiac signs, all are not of the same type. Only a few are the darkest ones about whom we can never predict. But here lies the capability of an astrologer who can cast a glance at a zodiac sign and can foretell the dark secrets about the zodiac signs. Let us delve into the matter in an elaborate manner.

I hope you have tried your best to fathom a person’s soul, be your spouse or a lover. If you try to unfold the deep secrets lying within each person, there is astrology to help you. It is able to provide the key how to unlock the dark side of zodiac sign. Aren’t you interested to know the dark secrets of zodiac signs? If your answer is yes, go through this article to have an idea of the dark secrets of the zodiac signs.

Aries (March 21 — April 19)

Aries people often avoid the way of playing fair. They are prone to taking shortcuts and cheat their way by all means to success, regardless of the situation they are in. Behind bold and tough outwardly, Aries natives secretly wish to go for affection and love. They always crave the presence of their beloveds, but it is their shyness that prevents them from admitting that they are suffering from the fever of Love. They always fear that their feelings may be exploited by some means.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20)

Taureans always dwell in the realm of beauty. They think all the while that it is beauty that is ready to shower its grace on them. They take pride in their looks with the firm belief that they can easily surpass others in terms of mundane beauty. Even in the presence of great persons, they do not hesitate to express their thoughts that they are the great. They own an air of self-assuredness that they are the most attractive of all present there. They can never trust an individual quite easily as they suffer from past scars and past negative experiences. However, this phase passes away too soon the moment they find someone who they seem to be worthy of their adoration, they whole heartedly become ready to put their trust in them and forget for the time being the turmoil through which they had once to pass.

Gemini (May 21 — June 20)

Gemini people are so to say, short-term lovers. They are the only persons who easily lose interest in relationships and bring an end to it without substantial causes. They may go on blaming their partners for next to nothing that matters. But it is a part of their characteristics. In reality, these Gemini people are extremely fickle minded and this particular trait leads to easy breakups.

The Gemini people are always fun seekers, bubbling with joviality. In spite of these, having been too jovial and talkative, these people rarely reveal their true images. They are highly cautious about spreading the hand of close friendships and trust only selective ones fearing that their partners whom they have chosen so far may have been extremely vulnerable for them and even go against them.

Cancer (June 21 — July 22)

Although Cancer people often criticize their friends, they fail to go for an easy break-up. They are reluctant to sever ties with the persons whom they really love. They find extreme satisfaction in abusing their friends for no reasons but on the other hand they spare no time to go for their partners’ love. In this way they try to harbor both love and hatred towards the persons who have been able to win their love.

Cancer people are really dangerous souls who always try to conceal their true emotions from the people around them. They always try to maintain a clean image bubbling with strength. They always try to protect themselves from pain and manipulation.

Leo (July 23 — August 22)

Leo people are jealous people. When they desire something, their thoughts always hover around grabbing it for themselves, without brooding of the consequences around them. Leos always cherish the desire to be at the very center of everything. They always crave for the limelight and desire to be at the very middle of attention of everyone present all the while. They always want to share the glory with others but here crops up some problems. They do not openly try to express them quite courageously.

Virgo (August 23 — September 22)

Virgos often are vibrant with insincere compliments for their dear friends. Actually it is their effort to conceal their true opinions. Their remarks are always pampering and contrary to their genuine thoughts. They hide many things within willingly. They are overwhelmed with thoughts, think of various aspects of life. But the most relevant problem is that they always tend to assume the worst. In reality, things are often not as deadly as their imaginations are.

Libra (September 23 — October 22)

They are friendly and charming. But they can be highly manipulative and lack warmth. They always ready to use other people for their personal interest. They even boast of their manipulative qualities all the while. The Libra people always try their best to express their own emotions in a vibrant manner. They always hope that others will understand them, why they are so scared. Herein lays everything about the dark secrets of the zodiac signs.

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