Delay in Marriage According to Astrology Versus Modernity: What's the Difference Anyway?

Delay in Marriage According to Astrology Versus Modernity: What's the Difference Anyway? Delay in Marriage According to Astrology Versus Modernity: What's the Difference Anyway?

Delay in marriage according to astrology is a million dollar question. In modern society, it is generally seen that most of the people marry at a later date. Late marriage is a trend today. But according to age old scriptures and epics we come to know that the perfect age of marriage is 20. While going through different other Hindu scriptures we come to know that there were ideal times for marriage, conceiving a child, taking up work load and leaving the tasks at a certain age. The moment a man or a woman crosses the very age of 25 and remains unmarried, it is considered a delay in marriage as per the Vedic marriage horoscope.

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Thoughts and Modernity

Modern man can go on asking how can there be a hard and fast rule to be ready for marriage at the very early age. There are a lot of problems to brood over, such as age, education, getting a job etc. Going through all these hurdles how one can marry at the very early age? It’s quite impossible. But the scriptures were written thousands of years ago and at that period there were no problems prevalent on this beautiful earth, our dear planet. People can live after their own style.

Science Fails to Hint at Delay in Marriage

Now the time has become a problematic one, numerous problems are cropping out in this modern civilized world and keeping pace with it man is running backwards. According to scientific outlook we are living in a so called civilized and developed world, but on the other hand we are lagging behind in every moment though we have accumulated enough knowledge, scaled the mountains, fathomed the oceans and reached the moon to hoist a flag there.

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But there are lots of things that are yet to reveal by human beings. Man has unfolded many things but he has failed to disclose the intricate fallacy of religions, spirituality and obviously of many things embedded on the pages of scriptures of astrology.

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Delayed Marriage according to Astrology: Obsolete?

Let’s now discuss about the delayed marriage. The rituals that were once prevalent thousands of years ago in our society why seem obsolete right now? What are the causes behind it? Sometimes delayed marriage may be the cause of pain some persons. Significant questions revolve in the minds of some individuals and that of their parents.

The most common question that hovers in the minds of young men and women nowadays are- when they will get married, whom they will marry, if the marriage will be love or arranged. Will astrology help them to find the right person?

Normally for a young man or woman it is not bad to feel tense about his/her marriage horoscope. Finding a right partner seems a more difficult task as the marriage of the individual gets delayed.

If you are one among those who are experiencing a delay in marriage, then, it is better to approach this problem with astrology just to know if your marriage prediction could bring out a promising solution or not.

Why delay in marriage according to astrology

According to the Vedic philosophy, in Hindu marriage systems, it is the 7th house that plays the key role. Manglik Dosh, or marriage obstacles, may also be caused by the alignments of particular planets that play significant roles in influencing the age at which a person gets married.

According to marriage astrology, such planets like Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, and the Moon are regarded auspicious for marriage. At the same time, Saturn, Sun, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu are regarded inauspicious and can cause delays in a person’s marriage. So, the presence of Venus, Mercury, or the Moon in the very 7th house of the marriage horoscope indicates that the marriage will take place at an earlier date, at a young age 18 to 23. However, if it is noted that Jupiter is placed in the 7th house, it is assumed that marriage may happen at a prime age 23 to 26. And, if the inauspicious Saturn is found is in the 7th house in the marriage horoscope, then, the delay in marriage is obvious for the individual, may be beyond 35.

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During instances where the 7th house in the horoscope of the individual is empty and is not occupied by any of the said planets, then the alignment of other planets will be the key factor deciding when marriage will take place and what lies behind the reasons for late marriage.

7th house in the marriage horoscope and its importance

In Vedic astrology, in a horoscope chart we find 12 houses. Each house has its own quality and characteristics. Among all of them, it is the 7th house in the marriage horoscope that influences the sensitive relationship matters like marriage, friendship, enmity and obviously separation. When marriage s concerned the 7th house throws light on the nature of the relationship. It signifies how well one can adjust with the partner, how satisfied he/she can be and also what is predicted about the children one may have in the relationship. It is the 7thhouse in the horoscope that can offer insights into the type of marriage one may have the reason for late marriage and how one will fare well in married life.

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Again taking the 12 houses in numerical orders, in the marriage astrology, the first six houses deal with the person related and it is from the 7th house onwards that the relationship of the particular person with the surroundings is decided. The most important relationship of a person is with his or her partner. The 7th  house deals with marriage, married life, and of course family. The marriage horoscope throws light on the intricacies of marriage and tells about the natures of love and the obvious outcomes of it that could affect one’s marital life. Unlike traditional belief, the 7th   house is not just responsible for delay in marriage but defines the nature of the particular relationship.

Reasons for delay in marriage according to astrology

Delays in marriage happen due to alignments of some planets in the chart. As per the individual, the reasons are different and unique. But the most common reasons for delay in marriage according to horoscope are described herein.

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The marriage of an individual is delayed the moment 7th lord of marriage lord (Jupiter) is retrograded and Mars occupies the 8th house, the house of delays.

There is Manglik Dosh if the 7th lord (Jupiter) is weak and is placed in the 6th or 8th house in the natal chart. While the 8th house is the house of delays, the 6th house is the house of various obstacles.

The conjunction of the 7th lord (Jupiter) and Saturn makes them debilitated. This is another cause for the delay in marriage according to astrology.

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Extreme delays are found when a mutual aspect of Saturn and Venus in the birth chart is noticed and the Moon is in the 8th or 12th house. The 12th house highlights moksha or total freedom from mundane life.

Marriage takes place in old age when the planets Saturn and Venus are  there in the ascendant, and Mars is posited in the 7th house in the birth chart.

Another alignment that is responsible for delay in marriage is when the Moon is associated with Rahu in the 7th house, and the 7th house lord is totally debilitated. This aspects result in numerous obstacles, delaying the marriage of the individual.

Remedies for delay in marriage according to astrology

Jupiter is the vital planet regarding marriage. As per Vedic astrology, Jupiter represents elders. So it is respecting elders that can make marriage delays smoothen. Chanting Jupiter mantras also helps. If Saturn or Jupiter, the biggest of all planets, denigrate the 7th house, marriage delays are obvious.

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After Jupiter, Venus has the most prominent place in marriage. Venus is considered synonymous to womanhood. Pleasing Venus by being polite towards women is another way to make marriage triggered.

Saturn, the planet of karma, represents the deeds done in life. To bring an end to delays in marriages, Saturn must have offered favor. To pick up the fruits one needs to make good relationships with people working at home so called working people at home and in the office too.

To win the blessings of Rahu and Ketu, selfless tasks should be initiated. Helping of aged people and orphans, to be kind and a virtuous human being is the leading factors.

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To win blessings of the Sun and Moon, worshipping Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati are needed. Both Shiva and Parvati signify Sun and the Moon. Worshipping of them helps to make the 7th house in the horoscope strong. Mercury signifies relationships too. To please Mercury one should offer sweets, cosmetics and colorful clothes to girls at home and in the neighborhood nearby.

Besides, pleasing the planet lords, observing chanting Ganesha Atharvashirsha for the retrograde planets in the 7th, 12th and 8th houses are other ways to end delays in marriage according to astrology.

Astrologist: for delay in marriage according to astrology

There are few things that are not under human control. Manglik Dosh is one of them. Such problems cannot be solved by ordinary methods. So, considering a visit to an astrologer to find the root cause for delay in marriage according to astrology is not a bad idea.

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