Do we really need astrology chart readings?

17 August, 2022
Do we really need astrology chart readings? Do we really need astrology chart readings?

I had my first serious tryst with Astrology many years ago, when my aunt was advised by an astrologer to perform Mahamrityunjay Jaap as she had few years to live. My Uncle immediately organised puja at his place. After that, she lived on for the next 15 years. Unfortunately, she died much before her life expectancy. So the Puja must have extended her tenure but eventually, destiny afflicted her. That day, I realised the conformity between Astrology and Destiny. 

My quest exposed me to many facets of Astrology and its facts.

You cannot hold the hands of astrology and accordingly maintain the pace of your life. As doing so may obstruct you from performing your set of Karmas. However, it is always good to know in advance, the astrological predictions of your chart. Otherwise, It should be consulted atleast for crucial aspects of life such as at the time of birth, career, marriage, business, investments, or for sale and purchase of a property. 

At the same time don’t forget that these predictions are only indications, which will help you to take precautions or correct Karmas.

What is astrology?

It is the study or in-depth analysis of celestial bodies and their connection with the activities carried out by individuals during their lifetime. Various planetary readings are involved in astrology like the current movement of planets in correlation with your birth chart planets. 

Zodiac sign readings are different, it is just a speck of the vast stratum of astrological facts. 

Vedic Astrology reading involves looking at the whole array of the Universe, along with time date, and place of birth. 

Precisely for this reason, even those born during the same year, month and date are different from each other. Because planetary positions are not constant they keep changing like the moon moves every two and half days. There can be any transiting planet in your natal chart. 

You can get free Astrological readings and basic predictions based on your birth chart at Askganesha.

Let's understand the key elements involved

The zodiacs are stretched along the Ecliptic. Historically in various Eras, many calculations were derived, but in modern times it is believed that the constellations of the zodiac are arranged within a space extending 8° or 9° in celestial latitude, to the north and south of the ecliptic. Which is divided into the 12 signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. 

All the astrological Planets move along the ecliptic crossing over each of the Zodiac signs. 

Each of the Zodiac signs has its own traits based on which they are clustered into Four elements Fire, Earth, Air, and Water.

  • Fire Signs : Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius all have dynamic, passionate and ambitious personalities.
  • Earth Signs : Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn as the name suggest highly grounded, hard-working and balanced people.
  • Air Signs : Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are social and have strong intellect.
  • Water Signs : Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are family people and wear emotions on their sleeves.

There are other essential investigations in Astrology

  • Houses:-  Similar to 12 Zodiac signs there are 12 houses in the horoscope, representing different areas of life. So the planet's position is also analysed in association with each house in the chart.
  • Degrees:-  It tells the exact specific position of the planets in each sign. Especially helpful to understand the transiting plant effect on your horoscope.
  • Aspects:-  Shows the interaction between planets in the chart or the angle at which the two planets connect in your birth chart.

Further, these examinations have layers within them that‘s why you need a highly qualified astrologer who can collect information for you from the endless ocean of Astrology knowledge. 

There is a well-known quote by Dane Rudhyar old time Astrologer and author

“Astrology is a Language. 

If you understand this language, 

The Sky Speaks to You.”

When do people approach an Astrologer?

Many research has revealed that Stress, Uncertainty and Religious confusion largely drive people to astrology. As they feel they may get relief from their ongoing sufferings and also a peek-a-boo into their future. So it works like psychological support for some while few may relate it to Supreme power. 

In fact, in modern times we can see many celebrities don't hesitate to show their belief in astrology like Lady Gaga an American singer, plans her tour dates around astrological alignment. Our Bollywood Shehanshah Amitabh Bachhan gives credit for his comeback from major financial loss to the astrological gemstones that he wears.  

Many must be wondering if it is Genuine!!

Today you may find innumerable astrologers claiming to be an expert but not everyone has the intellect, intent, brilliance and intuitiveness required to implement the knowledge. 

So is astrology fake? No, the wisdom is as ancient as our Vedas and Upanishads. During ancient times in India, it was utilised to measure auspicious timing for Vedic ceremonies. Most of the major events like Upanayana, Rajyabhishka and suitable Battle timing, were scheduled only after astrology consultancy. Astrologers would engage in the Birth chart, horoscope compatibility, and marriages. There may have been geographical variations of astrology within Indian boundaries but the purpose of usage was the same everywhere.

Indian astrology developed noticeably from the 2nd century CE to the 12th century CE. All the major astrological writings such as Yavanajataka, Brihat Jataka, Brihat Samhita, Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra, and Saravali were authored by Sphujidhvaja, Varahamihira, Parashara, and Kalyana Varma during this time.

Probably in ancient times, they must have established some correlation between astronomical positions with weather conditions, disasters, misfortune, and fortunate incidents. And over years maintained records and developed wisdom through observations. 

Currently, it has flourished all the more with advanced technology and digitalisation.

But sadly it is difficult to differentiate between genuine and camouflaged advice, because of the wrong practices adopted by some astrologers. They are creating fear among people, instead of explaining solutions. 

Therefore, I would suggest that besides looking at the experience of the astrologer, his astronomy understanding and mathematical calculation should also be checked. 

Can Astrology completely rectify everything in life? So how exactly does it fit into your life?

Astrology is not a 100% remedy but it can lead you to the impending problem. And guide you through the solutions.  Not necessarily an Astrologer will tell only the problems, he can also provide information about education, marriage, birth, and financial gains in your life. 

It is highly unfortunate that most of the time people approach an astrologer after they experience some misfortune in their life. 

I would suggest it's better to spend some time with a qualified astrologer to gauge how planets are positioned in your horoscope.

But let me again remind you, that an astrologer can only navigate you to what is destined. His readings are solely based on cosmic interpretation. 

In fact, whatever analysis he shares should not be taken as God’s ultimate will for you. Rather understand with your astrologer the bottlenecks in the horoscope. The self-awareness gained from an Astrological reading will only help you to rectify the issues in life. And accordingly, you can accelerate the pace of your life. 

That's why in astrology predictions are made in advance so that measures can be taken to mitigate future challenges, through Karma correction or by being cautious at that particular time period. 

But for that, you need to know what karmas are affecting your destiny. An astrologer can surely help to know those Karmas. And even if rituals, religious actions or wearing gemstones are suggested do not doubt its results. As they are recommended for your well-being, your trust will give it more power and in return, it will strengthen your belief that ‘everything is going to be fine in the end. 

I heard somewhere that even those who regularly observe sadhana or meditation can do some predictions using their intuitiveness and intelligence. Here I want to draw your attention to the other side, they are able to predict because their meditation power widens their horizon to understand others better. However, what you need to know here, is that the facts on which they predict like characteristics, behaviour, and outlook are influenced by the planetary position at the time of birth. So what they can tell by observing you, an astrologer can inform by observing your natal chart planetary alignments. 

Therefore, the essence of Astrology wisdom in life is that it should not control your existence. 

Like everything else around us planets also influence, but it depends on you how wisely you can use astrology knowledge to control the influence. Even astrology is based on the truth that the destiny of life is fixed by your Karmas it only provides guidance so that you are well prepared for the journey. 

To conclude I would say, Astrological readings surely bestow knowledge, but how cleverly a person utilises it to solve the problem or builds the best out of the situation can change even the worst scenario. 

In fact, this quote by an American author very well summarises what I have understood about astrology and you may be able to relate to it

“Astrology is like a weather report; it tells you what conditions 

you’re likely to face in the future. 

If the weatherman says it’s probably going to rain, you bring an umbrella. 

If you follow that advice, you won’t get wet.”

– Lee Goldberg

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