Do You Know Which Yogas Hint at Divorce or Separation Yoga in the Horoscope?

10 April, 2023
Do You Know Which Yogas Hint at Divorce or Separation Yoga in the Horoscope? Do You Know Which Yogas Hint at Divorce or Separation Yoga in the Horoscope?

One cannot confirm fully or deny from the core of the heart the validity of astrology in predicting the most unwanted matter of this mundane world- the divorce. Astrology is a belief system that suggests that the positions and movements of celestial bodies may or may not influence human affairs and the events of the natural world. Though round the globe, some people find astrology to be a helpful tool in understanding the lives and relationships of human beings, its effectiveness in predicting divorce or other life events has not been scientifically proven according to so called international intellectuals. Divorce is so to say a very complex issue that can always be influenced by a wide range of factors, including compatibility, communication, personal values, financial issues, and a lot more. While astrology may provide insights into some of these crucial factors, it is unlikely to provide a very concrete and definitive answer or a reliable prediction of divorce. It is important all the while to seek professional advice and support if you are experiencing difficulties in your relationship matters, rather than relying solely on astrological predictions and related issues. It is a matter of human understanding so it is the human who has o brood over the issue first.

Lately, we notice divorces have become very common in our society. A minor misunderstanding or mistake leads to a divorce in no time. Nowadays it takes less time to get divorced than to get married. We have noticed that who were together for years and got married in a friendly way, however, in less than a year of togetherness, have been divorced. It is not the question of love alone, nor there are questions of just love marriages, we have noticed it among people bonded with arranged marriages too. They are also applying for divorces. There could be numerous issues behind the divorce. But, astrology is confident that that are some yogas behind all separations and divorces. There are yogas which may lead to issues like these.

Problems in Wedding

According to astrology there are planetary combinations that cause separation/divorce. The astrology hints that-

The moment 7th Lord is in the 6th house or 8th house, it leads to separation. 

Ruling planets of the 6th or 8th house placed in the 7th house, with the 7th Lord, will absolutely affect married life. It shall cause a high impact if it is aspected by a so called malefic planet and fails to have a benefic aspect.

The moment Mars is connected with 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th houses with another malefic ones there is a possibility of divorce. It is sure to cause disturbance in conjugal life and may even lead to divorce/separation.

The moment the 7th lord placed in the 6th house is aspected by planet Mars, there is possibility of sudden separation.

Another planetary combination for separation and divorce yoga is obvious the moment the 7th lord posited in the 6th house is aspected by Saturn. This will lead to prolonged court cases then ultimate divorce.

To get wedded in the dasha of planets signifying the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses may bring in the front the inauspicious yoga of separation or divorce.

Venus under affliction in horoscopes of males and Mars afflicted in the horoscopes of females may surely pose problems in married life.

Saturn and Mars aspecting each other in 1st and 7th house or 5th and 11th house in the girl’s horoscope leads to problems in married life.

Both Saturn and Mars together aspecting 7th or 8th house are sure to give problems in married life.

When Mars is placed in 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house, there is the chance of problems in married life.

The affliction of 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th, or 12th houses and their respective lords denote separation or divorce yoga in the horoscope.

Now, we come to know about the separation or divorce yoga, let us now brood over how these can planets lead to a severe problem like this. 

Planets Solely Responsible for Separation or Divorce Yoga

Planets like Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu play a major role in bringing about separation or divorce yoga.

Does Sun Lead to Separation/DivorceYoga?

Sun is a fiery planet and is absolutely authoritative in nature. 

If planet Sun is afflicted or not placed appropriately and seems connected with the 7th house, it leads to problems in married life. 

Again, if Sun is in the 1st or 7th house, it shall inflict problems between the couple. However, if the Sun is posited in a favorable or neutral house, it may create conflicts between the married couple too. 

They will try to blame each other or exchange harsh words and beckon arguments, but divorce will not take place. 

If Venus is along with the Sun, within 7 degrees and 30 minutes in 2nd, 4th, 7th, or 9th house, it will lead to separation. However, the astrologer must cast a glance at the D9 or Navamsha chart to be absolutely sure of the separation or divorce yoga. Looking at the Lagna chart alone seems not sufficient in this case. 

Lagna chart and D9 (Navamsha) chart both bring in divorce or separation yoga. So, if only one chart depicts divorce, the married couple may have constant conflicts between them.

Another important aspect to take into account is the association or aspect of a benefic planet. It reduces the malefic effects. In some cases, it eradicates the yoga for separation or divorce on the other hand.

Mars and Separation/Divorce Yoga

Mars is the planet of frequent quarrels, physical harassments and mental agony. When Mars is placed in 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house, it creates Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha. It leads to multiple difficulties in married life. 

The moment Mars connects with houses associated with marriage like the 1st or 7th, it beckons quarrel, arguments or  fight between the married couple. 

If Mars is connected with the 7th house only (house of the married partner), it seems to create problems or quarrels between the married couple. 

However, if it connects with the 3rd and 11th house and their respective lords, it creates such yoga where the girl may get physically assaulted by both of her father-in-law and mother-in-law. Mars himself is a significator of divorce and usually brings the parties to the court arena. But, in such a case, D9 or Navamsa chart indicate divorce or separation, too. 

If Mars forms Rajyoga or is present in his own house sans any affliction of other malefic planets or aspects, it is sure to cater long and happy married life. 

Saturn and Separation/Divorce Yoga

Saturn plays a vital role in determining divorces in a conjugal life. 

If Saturn is associated with houses like the 1st or 7th house, it turns the native to be suspicious in nature. He/she tends to doubt his/her partner. 

The moment Saturn is involved with marriage houses; it may keep the person dissatisfied in marital life. Both the husband and the wife always think of a better placement in conjugal life. The present situation or placement never makes them satisfied.

 Saturn is a very slow-moving planet; hence its effects are very slow and long lasting. Couples influenced by Saturn in houses associated with marriage, hide matters within themselves for a long time, and all on a sudden they burst out with very petty issues. 

Saturn sometimes leads to divorce and might keep the couple far from each other without legal divorce. It usually instills misunderstandings between the couple and instigates them to be associated with quarrels and conflicts between them. 

Rahu and Separation/Divorce Yoga

Rahu is generally termed as the planet of separation.

When connected with the 7th house with a malefic aspect, Rahu creates disturbances in conjugal life.

If Rahu seems connected with the house of sex, the person seems not to be satiated with one person and goes for multiple partners. 

He or she seems not to be pleased with one relationship for long and as the said character is a flirty type of personality. 

Ketu and Separation/Divorce Yoga

Different opinions are there when the question of Ketu comes in question regarding separation. A few are of opinion that Ketu gives separation or divorce yoga. According to many astrologers, it gives an indication of marriage and getting married only to have children. Well, it is observed that both opinions are true. 

Ketu is also called the planet of Vairagya , that means it could destroy all materialistic pleasures. 

Therefore, if Ketu is connected or is posited in the 7th house and is afflicted or aspected by a absolutely malefic planet, it brings hurdles in leading a married life quite peacefully. 

The said person may not be concerned about the respective partner. If Ketu is in conjunction with Venus, the person may have secret relationships. 

However, if Ketu is the influenced of benefic planets like Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, and Moon, it is sure to offer benefic results. 

To Conclude

It must be taken into account that the above discussion on planetary conjunction is insufficient to determine separation or divorce yoga. One should consider D9 or Navamsha chart and Vimshottari Dasha before judging everything disastrous.


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