Does Love Marriage in Kundli really live up to the Hype?

24 December, 2022
Does Love Marriage in Kundli really live up to the Hype? Does Love Marriage in Kundli really live up to the Hype?

Love marriage in kundli, can you tell about it beforehand? Can you clearly tell, if you are not in love with anyone, you will go for marriage after falling head and foot in love or will it be just a marriage arranged by your dear ones? How will you know what is in store for you? Perhaps it is unknown to you but it is known to an astute astrologer who with the aid of their keen knowledge can predict what type of marriage you are going to accept. What is destined in your birth chart? 

The astrologer knows well if there is any Yoga for love marriage or not. Even it can be told with extreme precision if you have any chance of falling in love, win love or just be in despair after being in despair without tasting the essence of love. Actually everything is inscribed in your kundli. You perhaps do not know but if you consult an astrologer, he will tell you everything in detail.

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Will you go for a love marriage?

Now come to the point, what is a love marriage? In ordinary style we can explain it in this way, when a boy and a girl fall in love and take decision to be well knit in the bond of marriage, it is called a love marriage. The marriage takes place according to the will of two souls. There is no participation of the dear and near ones of the boy and the girl. It may be so that the guardians of both the boy and girl do not accept and the sweet romance comes to an end or ultimately turn into a total chaos. The incident initiates a furor with the marriage between the families of the boy and girl and love is sure to bid good bye forever, what remains is nothing but bitter tears. 

Following Tradition or Breaking the Shackles?

Some may stamp the love marriage as untraditional and unsocial. But the trend is no new thing; it has been going on for ages. There are lots of illustrations that I can place before you as documents. But this is not the issue of our today’s discussion. What we are going to discuss is, whether there is love marriage in kundli or not. Is there detailed elaboration of arranged marriage in it? We don’t bother whether one marries after falling in love or marries as per the whims of his/her guardians. It is not our look out. We just want to bring before the reader the fact that if you have faith in astrology it can be told with ease if there is any chance of love marriage or not. You may be awestruck but it is obvious and true like broad day light. Astrology can easily reveal what type of marriage is destined for you.

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Love marriage in Kundli as illustrated by astrology

To predict the love marriage yoga in a Kundli what you have to know first is the planetary positions and above all the astrological houses. Planets and their internal relationships in various houses of your birth chart can tell beforehand the possibility of a love marriage. Even detailed study of a chart can reveal quite easily if the love marriage is going to happen between same castes or it is going to be an inter-caste one. 

Importance of Houses in kundli for love marriage

According to astrology to define love marriage in kundli the astrologer must cast a glance at the 5th and 7th houses. These houses contribute significantly in the formation of yoga of love marriage. Additionally, the astrological indicators of love marriage are found in the 8th or 11th house respectively.

7th house

 The 7th house is known to be the house of marriage. From this house you can easily predict in details about marital joy, sexuality, romantic compatibility, and the type of marriage between the duos. So, simply through the planetary placements and their relationship with the 7th house or its ruling planet, you are sure to know what the future has kept for you and your partner in its wallet.

5th house

According to astrology the 5th house in the birth chart refers to love, relationship and pleasure. It’s very vital to inspect it before going for a Kundli analysis for love marriage. It is noted that if the lord of the 5th house rests in the 7th, a conjunction between them is born, or the position of Nakshatra in the 5th and 7th house changes, native may go for  love marriage in his/her life.

8th house

The 8th house is associated with married life, in-laws, sexual pleasures and physical attachments. It is the house where passion and love take the toll. Significance of love marriage in astrology is found if the house is analyzed properly. Additionally, the planets and Nakshatras residing in this particular house hints at the love marriage in Kundli. Thus, the   presence of a great number of planets in your 8th house, hints at the marital relationship more complicated. 

11th house

The 11th house is regarded in astrology as the house of friendship. It controls the relationships, aspirations, and obviously the social circle. From the 11th house it is clear what kind of emotional relationship you may enjoy or how strong your love-bond can all be. Just a glance at the 11th house can cater you all sorts of revelations hidden within it. Therefore, it can be told that the aspects of planets, transits in the very house and their conjunction with other houses help to determine the prospects of a marriage falling in love.

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Planets those speak for love marriage in kundli

According to astrology love marriage yoga in a horoscope is the outcome of movements of several planets. However, some of them play the more vital roles than others. Let’s take a look at them.


Venus is the Planet of Love. It is love for our own selves and specifically with others. Romance and love are beautiful in this mundane world and all aspire for these two things. It is regarded as the most important Planet for marriage, love and of course romance. Venus is the ruler of romantic love. It symbolizes feminine energy and affects romantic love life. Attraction, Sensuality and social appeal are all governed by this romantic planet. Again, the placement of Venus and its interaction with other planets and the house lords indicate a love marriage.


Mars has fervor and tremendous aspirations. It hints at vigor, sex, bravery and of course assertion. Its presence in the chart suggests how and where you will focus your total efforts in the near future. Mars determines your craze for love and your interest in falling in it. In love marriage astrology Mars plays a special role. It inflicts Mangal Dosha if it is not positioned in a favorable position in the chart. During Kundli Matching, this specific dosha leads to obstacles, haughty arguments, and even to divorce or separation. The chance of a love marriage is mitigated when Mars and Venus rest together.


Rahu, a planet with nefarious powers, may persuade a person to go beyond the boundary. Its position is very crucial for astrological forecasts when we go all out for love marriage. The connection of Rahu with the 7th house in the horoscope causes malefic union. The native can go for love marriage if Rahu is in the ascendant and Jupiter aspects the 7th house.


Moon is responsible for intellect in Vedic astrology.  The negative position of Moon in kundli causes tension, stress, abnormal thoughts and a pessimistic attitude. The favorable one gives joy, zest, and peace of mind. According to astrology, Moon is a major factor in the male horoscope while considering a love marriage. The powerful Moon can assure a lovely woman, the aspect of Saturn always delays marriage.


Mercury is the planet of communication. It has youthful vitality and bridges friendship with the opposite sex. Therefore, it is very crucial to consider where Mercury is posited in the birth chart. The moment one wishes to marry the person one loves, a love marriage takes place if Mercury-Venus conjunction takes place in the 5th or 7th house.

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Other planetary aspects for love marriage in kundli

Keeping aside the positions of planets, houses, different aspects, conjunctions; there are other things to take into account while looking for a love marriage. When the lord of the 2nd and 5th houses connects, you may opt to marry a partner of your own choice.

  • Venus positioned in the very 1st 12th, 10th, 7th, or 8th house poses likelihood of a love marriage in the horoscope.
  • When planets Rahu, Saturn, or Venus are in the 7th house a love marriage is indicated.
  • When Rahu or Ketu is in the exalted signs of the 5th house lord, love marriage yoga is noticed in the chart.

To have a clear conception of love marriage predictions, one has to consider the association, aspect, or Rashi exchange among the lords of the 5th and 7th houses.

The moment the rulers of the 5th and 7th house are more powerful than the ruler of the ascendant, love marriage may be expected.

Marriage and romance without the influence of the 5th and 7th house are impossible. Hence, there is a great prospect of a marriage falling in love if the lords of the 5th and 7th houses respectively are in retrograde motions.

The 5th house in a kundali hints at children and pleasure, whereas the 11th house focuses on aspirations. Astrologers also go for the connections among the 2nd, 5th, and 11th houses when one goes to analyze the marriage yoga.

If Moon is connected with the 7th house lord or is aspected by Mars and Saturn, you may have such a marriageWhile going for the marriage, you should notice where the lords of the 2nd, 5th, 7th, and 11th houses are posited. If they are posited next to each other in positive houses of the chart, transiting through or going on aspecting them, you may enjoy immense romance in your marriage.

There is strong indication of a love marriage if any active Dashas transit through the 2nd, 5th, or 11th houses or if they form a connection.

The Final Words

Let me now clarify that be it a love marriage or an arranged one, you have to be very logical and transparent while selecting the life partner. The reason behind is this that any issue in the married life can affect your career too. It is recommended that you must have faith in astrologer as he is your only guardian to show you the right path and tell if there is love marriage in kundli or not. 

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