Birth Time Rectification Astrology Service

20 April, 2018
Birth Time Rectification Astrology Service Birth Time Rectification Astrology Service

What does "time of birth" really mean?

In lay mans language the time when a baby is born is called the birth time. But Astrologically, it is very difficult to determine a particular time for birth of a child, as for some the time of the birth might be when the baby is conceived in the womb of the mother, or it can be when the first part of the babys body, (be it head or legs) comes out or when the entire baby is out of the womb, or even when the umbilical cord is cut. It becomes difficult to determine the actual time of birth, all though when the child is entire out, that time is considered as the birth time.

The Importance of an Accurate Birth Time

Since the planetary positions give rise to different personalities, the movement is swift and the predicted meaning full shift every 3 minutes changes everything. Hence the traits move from foreground to back ground and that to with a difference of 15 minutes, would rather make the astrologer talk to and give advice to a practically distinct person. Since predictions are made on the accurate time, if the time is off by a few minutes, then the predictions of life time can vary.

Astrological importance of Accurate birth time: In Astrology, real time of birth is very important as it will determine the accuracy of predictions. It is a key to the birth chart and, it determines the movement of celestial body at the time of birth. As the birth time determines the Ascendant Sign of a person, so the importance lies in making of horoscope of the person and then predicting the accurate future. As Astrologers offer future predictions, in absence of the real birth time the astrological without prophecies could go wrong.

Common Mistakes That Are Encountered While Registering The Real BirthTime

Often while determining the time of birth, there are many mistakes that are encountered during noting down of the birth time, these can be attributed as the hospital watch shoeing a wrong time, the Hospital attendants not paying correct attention to the time. At times if there is a complication in the mothers body then the attendants cater to the mother even when the baby is out. Sometimes the baby is not born in a hospital so an approximate time of birth is noted. In rural areas, the delivery is not done in hospitals or in presence of a medical staff, at that time the birth time is determined by the pehar going on.

What if an Astrologer predicts without correct/ accurate time of Birth?

Since our accurate time of birth, enables an astrologer to make correct predictions, and future prophecies. Our correct time of birth tells volumes about our character, potentials and abilities and opportunities that determines our future. In the absence of the same, general predictions are made by any astrologer. These predictions are based on the Lagan sign, Moon sign and Zodiac sign. It does not determine any exact event or, it cannot determine the major event that is going to take place the life of the seeker. If the time is not correct then the placement of planets sign or house placement would be incorrect leading to wrong forecast. It would alter the Astrologers interpretation as the planets represent the basic areas and arenas of human life.

How to determine the correct time of Birth?

A method that is normally adopted by Astrologers is called as the birth time rectification. If the correct time of birth is not known, or if the time of birth is incorrect, both can be rectified and determined by Birth Time rectification process.

The Birth Time Rectification: A Nadi based method, also Known as the Tattwa Shodana theory. According to this theory, the 5 elements becomes the Lords of the planets, these are then arranged into specific order in each day. Since the birth of individual takes place in a particular time period, so the time is determine by the movement of planet and the element it is attached to. Another method is by preparation and study of Natal Chart. A natal chart is an astronomical snap of the sky based on the time, place and day of your birth. What it does is that it simply outlines, the planet and their positions, along with sign and house that they are in at that particular time. In astrology, natal chart determines the characteristic traits of a person, behavioural tendencies, desires etc.

Find your correct birth Time

A different method is adopted by our astrologer Mr. Abhishek Dhawan, though working on the principles of Nadi Astrology; he determines the rectification process by looking into significant event of a persons life. In order to get your birth time rectified, it is advised that you must know at least the date of handful of significant life incidents. For example timing of marriage, this can be done and predicted buy an accurate astrologer. Sometimes it becomes difficult to determine the time of birth of a child, so life events of his or her parents, are taken in consideration and a birth time is determined or rectified. If the time of birth is say for example 11 Am, yet the clarity is not there then, charts between 10 11 am, are prepared and various events such as status of education, marriage, promotion all are analysed. The one chart that fits into the criterion of all event is then considered the birth chart, and the time that chart shows becomes the time of birth of the individual . These significantevents of a person's life are considered and then matched with the horoscope created on the birth info furnished by the native. The entire horoscope is assessed and in case the events fail to match then the time is modified to produce the horoscope which fits with all the events of life. It is a long, tedious and time consuming process, but accurate results are guaranteed. All these processes are done by our well versed Astrologer. 

Tips to know your accurate time of Birth: Following are some tips that can be used to create an accurate or approximate accurate time of birth:

  • Ask your mother: asking your mother about your exact time of birth is a method to know your birth time. But then, her memory also depends on the information provided by the medical practioner, mother is not keeping a watch next to her while delivering her child.
  • The Birth Certificate: It becomes the first official document that states that your birth date, your birth place, and your parents name and yes your actual time of birth.
  • In case you are not satisfied with the birth certificate, you can visit the hospital where you were born to check the records.
  • Determine your birth time by your zodiac sign: Visit a astrologer who can create a chart based on your zodiac, and moon sign to determine the time of birth.
  • Jot down major events in your lives, or in case of minor, major events in the lives of your parents. Give this to the astrologer to make star chart predictions, you can compare and contrast the predictions with life events. Hence a time of birth can be achieved.

To get your birth time rectified consult our Astrologer Abhishek Dhawan.

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