Gandmool Dosha Formed in the Birth Chart Owing to These Reasons, Do You Have Idea How to Dodge Past It?

26 May, 2023
Gandmool Dosha Formed in the Birth Chart Owing to These Reasons, Do You Have Idea How to Dodge Past It? Gandmool Dosha Formed in the Birth Chart Owing to These Reasons, Do You Have Idea How to Dodge Past It?

Gandmool Dosha, is nothing but an astrological concept mentioned in Vedic astrology. It is believed to be an absolutely malefic condition that takes place when a person is born under some specific nakshatras. The said dosha comes to the forefront the moment a person is born under one of the six specific nakshatras or stars. They are:







These nakshatras are conjoined with the last quarter of the four fixed signs in Vedic astrology. They are Aries, Cancer, Leo, and Pisces.

According to traditional ideas, to take birth under these nakshatras is considered highly inauspicious, and it is believed that the persons who are born in this constellation must have surely to face various ominous situations. The persons have to face numerous challenges and obstacles in every aspect of life. 

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The problems mostly affect the prime situations of a human life. The life to some extent is cursed and faces numerous problems. Here rise problems associated with health related issues, financial setbacks, strains in relationships, and overall well-being is badly affected. It can be told with ease that the person who is born under this inauspicious Yoga has to suffer throughout his life and there is no end to these miseries unless the person goes for remedies or seeks the help of a prolific pundit or astrologer.

However, it is very important to cast a glance a he point that the impact of Gandamool Dosha may vary based on other astrological factors compiled in the birth chart of a person. It is the best way to seek the opinion of an astrologer who can provide absolute personalized guidance and hints at remedies if the Dosha is noticed in one's horoscope.

Let’s us cast a glance at the details of the said dosha. In astrology, it is the Gandmool Dosh that is always regarded as an inauspicious yoga, effective in a person's birth chart. We have already come to know it is formed due to the presence of Gandmool Nakshatras indicating unfavorable daily life, stress and health hindrances all the way. A person affected by this dosha may have unstable mental status, financial crunch to a great degree, loss of property both stable and movable, problems in conjugal life and numerous health problems. Therefore, according to Vedic astrology, measures have also been taken to reduce the effect of this malefic state by all means.

How is a Child Born in Gandmool Nakshatra?

As per astrology, the nature of a child born in the very Gandmool Nakshatra is highly prudent, generous and proactive. These types of people feel happy to help others and always try to create a bubbling atmosphere of cordiality with everyone. These are the persons who possess a special power to attract others and easily bridge relationships with others who ever he/she may be in the society.

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The people born under the spell of this Nakshatra are thoughtful and are highly confident to solve all their problems with the aid of their own intelligence. They highly believe to find solutions to their individual problems on their own. These children possess are highly enthusiastic in all matters and are keen on liking to use their own skills in various fields.

These children are ready to show high interest in education and excel in almost every subject. They are known for their specific actions and impulsiveness. These children go on fighting for their objectives in time to make their own plans successful. The behavior of these people is always straight and clear. They are frank with open minds and ready to talk in a slight initiative. The thinking styles of these people are straight and clear too and they work hard to achieve their specific objectives.

The people born under the spell of the nakshatra take more care of their health, never bother about bad thoughts those can spoil health by all means. Other people trust them because they are very sensible and take wise decisions to achieve their objectives by all means.

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How Gandmool Dosh is Formed in a Person's Kundali?

In astrology, Gandmool is regarded an inauspicious dosha, formed due to some specific placement of planets, houses and constellations in a person's birth chart. This dosha, as we have told earlier, causes many problems in the life of the native related to health, wealth, total prosperity, family issues, financial status, and conflicts. Due to the malefic Dosha, the life of the native is filled with horrendous experiences and makes them feel totally unbalanced.

This dosha is formed only due to a planet situated in the zodiac sign between the Lagna or ascendant and the Moon. In this situation, along with the Ascendant or Lagna sign, the Moon sign becomes malefic too. In Vedic astrology it is called Gandmool Yoga. Due to this particular yoga, the person has to face various types of problems in life.

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There are varieties of remedies mentioned in astrology to avert the malefic dosha. Adopting these measures the native can get relief from this vicious Dosha. The person affected by this defect in the referred horoscope should pay total attention to the fact that he must go for the remedies of Shani. Along with this, the Dosha in the horoscope creates an inauspicious yoga that gives results in the horoscope of the ill fated native. There are some major planets that create this defect by all means; among them Saturn is the most important to be mentioned hereby.

Formation of the Malefic Dosha

Various reasons are there behind the formation of the cursed Dosha. They are as such: 

Saturn Conjunction: When Saturn is noticed to form conjunction with malefic planets in the birth chart, it becomes an utter defect.

Position of Saturn: it is called that both the high or low position of Saturn is regarded responsible for the formation of the Dosha.

Defective House: When planet Saturn is located in a malefic house in the birth chart, it always poses a defect.

Malefic Nakshatra: When Saturn forms a conjunction with the malefic Nakshatras in the birth chart, Gandmool Dosha is formed.

Effect of Gandmool Dosha on the Life of a Person

This defect has always a negative impact on the life of the native. Due to the adverse effect, there pose many problems in the economic, social and personal life of the native. Some of the main problems are described hereby:

Economic crisis: The economic condition of a person with Dosha is absolutely thrashed. Repeated crises come on the forefront. It is very difficult for the native to deal with money related problems quite spontaneously.

Problems in work: Persons afflicted with the  Dosha have to face acute problems in work. They get failure in work in a roundabout way every now and then and they don't get proper respect in the society too.

Health Problems: Persons with this dosha have tremendous health problems. They remain physically weak and always are afflicted with various ailments.

Problems in Relationships: Due to this dosha, relationship problems arise in the lives of the persons. As per astrology, the Dosha is considered an inauspicious yoga, due to which there arise many problems in the life of the natives. The people of this yoga go through many types of problems in their life. People affected are seen to have financial, health, relationship and career related problems sprouting in life.

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Besides these, a person suffering from Gandmool Dosha has to face problems related to his education, finance, health, career and relationships. Due to this infliction, the native suffers too much that ultimately causes major setbacks for him in the future. Apart from this, the native suffering from this dosha often fails to sleep and have to deal with this difficulty at certain times of his life.

Performing Gandmool Dosh Nivaran Puja

In astrology, there is the mention of the removal of this dosha through various rituals and Pujas. These can bring benefits to the native. This Puja is dedicated to Shani Dev and with the grace of Him one can get rid of this dosha.

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It is Gandmool Dosh Nivaran Puja That Can Shower the Following Benefits to the Native:

• Due to this Puja, the person gets peace and happiness in life.

• This Puja helps to get rid of problems associated with money, family, health and business. 

• By performing the specific Puja, a person can be shielded with patience, stamina and balance to fight with the flooding ominous situations.

• This Puja helps an inflicted person to win the blessings of Shani Dev and protects him from his fury of anger.

• This Puja helps the native to get past the influences of the evil planets and negative energies that affect his life.

Astrological Remedies to Avert This Inauspicious Dosha

• There are some astrological remedies to dodge past the Dosh. These are as follows:

• If you have Gandmool Dosha in your horoscope, you can chant auspicious mantras like Shani Mantra, Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and Navagraha Mantra. These mantras can be helpful for you.

• Donating anything to he poor and destitute can reduce the effect of this dosha. Those who worship Shani should donate sesame, urad, kidney beans on a regular basis.

• As the remedy of Shani, Blue Sapphire can be worn. Apart from this, onyx and garlic gems can also be opted for.

• Gandmool Dosh can be dodged by worshiping Shani and fasting on Saturdays.


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