Gun Milan in Astrology and Numerology

Gun Milan in Astrology and Numerology Gun Milan in Astrology and Numerology

In the age when the rate of divorces is at an all-time high not just in foreign countries, but also in India, it is essential to look for the means to have successful marriages that can ensure compatibility between the couples. Vedic Astrology is said to store the antidote for broken marriages called Gun Milan. Gun Milan involves computing the compatibility between the male and female proposed for marriage based on the astrological recommendations. It is also called Kundali Milan. In this blog, we aim to acquaint you with the Gun Milan in Astrology and Numerology.

Significance of Gun Milan or Horoscope matching

Significance of Gun Milan or Horoscope matching

Gun Milan involves matching all the astrological parameters needed for the perfect matching of couples for matrimonial purposes. It plays an important role at the time of marriage since all the criteria like understanding, sexual compatibility, progeny, nature and other traits of both male and female necessary for a successful and blissful life are checked. Marriage, a pious union in Indian culture is assumed to be made in heaven, and to help the selection of the right partner for it, Gun Milan is immensely vital. Gun Milan also reveals the possible threats to a marriage and provides potential Astrology remedies to overcome the risks to marriage. Know whether the matrimonial association would be fruitful or life span of marriage with the horoscope matching of male and female with the Milan of their Gunas.

Gun Milan in Detail

Gun Milan in Detail

For Gun Milan of a couple, their Janam Kundali or natal charts form the basis of analytical study. The location of the Moon is analyzed in the birth chart of the proposed bride and groom. Eight aspects called “Ashtakoot” are scrutinized while concluding the matching between a male and female for marriage. The Eight Kootas are mentioned underneath:

• Varan/Jaati: With the matching of Varan of the male and female, spiritual camaraderie is tested. Varan implies the social group or status of a person. It is also helpful in disclosing the nature, behaviour, and mind-set compatibility of the male and female checking the prospects of a successful marriage. As per Vedic astrology, Jaati (caste) is segregated into 4 sections, i.e. Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishya, Shudra. Varan is said to be matched when both girl and boy belong to the same category of Jaati like both are Brahmins or Shudra.

• Vasya/Vashya: Vashya means control. By comparing Vashya of a girl and a boy, we can understand the dominant individual between the two. The degree of mutual attraction, power equation, and control status in marriage can be identified. It involves a comparison of the zodiac signs of a male and female. In a nutshell, the intellectual and emotional compatibility is checked through Vashya. Based on Vaishya, a person is categorized into five kinds, namely Manav/Nara (human), Vanchar (wild animals such as lion), Chatushpad (small animals such as deer), Jalchar (sea animals) and Keeta/Keet (insects). Individuals from the Vanchar category would dominate Chatushpad or Manav Vaishya.

• Yoni: With the analytical assessment of Yoni, intimate and romantic compatibility is recognized. Yoni Koot is segregated into 14 animals, i.e. Elephant (Gaja Yoni), snake (Sarp yoni), Horse (Ashwa yoni), Sheep (Mesha yoni), Rat (Mushak yoni), Cat (Marjar yoni), Dog (Shwaan yoni), Buffalo (Mahish Yoni), Cow (Gow yoni), Deer (Mriga Yoni), Lion (Simha Yoni), Mongoose (Nakul yoni), Monkey (Vanar yoni), Tiger (Vyaghra Yoni).

The result of yoni matching could sum up from any of the following categories, like Same Yoni, Friendly Yoni, Neutral Yoni, Enemy Yoni, and Highly inimical Yoni. Marriage isn’t recommended in the case of enemy and hostile (Inimical) yoni found on comparison. Compatibility of yoni would be hostile if male and female are of Cat and Dog, Lion and deer yoni. A marriage would be right if the yoni of both partners is friendly, neutral, or the same yoni.

• Tara/Dina: Tara refers to Nakshatra or birth star in which compatibility is investigated based on the star’s position and ruling planets at birth. It is used to study the relationship status, health, and financial prospects after the marriage. The reading of the state of life in forthcoming years is used to decide the result of matching. There are 27 types of Tara as per astrology.

• Graha Maitri/Rasyadipati: Graha Maitri is used to sum up the like-mindedness in the intellectual and mental state of a couple. The prospects of friendly relationship are found out from the analytical study of Graha Maitri Milan of a couple.

• Gana: It deals with the behavioural tendencies and energy of males and females. It deals with the energies of three loks, Prithvilok where human resides, Swarg Lok where deities reside and Rakshasa (Demon or monsters). The individual belonging to Dev lok or heaven is assumed to have Satwaguna (nature-like God). Likewise, folks with Manav Gana have human traits or Rajo Guna. People with Rakshasa Gana in their birth chart are arrogant, merciless and violent implying Tamo Guna. Devta and Human beings compatibility is better with each other or within the same Gana is recommended. Dev Gana is considered the best, whereas Rakshasa Gana is the last in the row.

• Rashi or Bhakoot: It relates to emotive bond and adoration compatibility between the partners. The planetary configuration in the natal chart of the bride and groom is analyzed, and if the planet Moon is positioned in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th house from the Moon of the bride and her birth chart matches, in this case is deemed to be inauspicious and not suitable for marriage. On the contrary, if the Moon in the birth chart of the female is in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th house from the male’s natal chart, it is considered to be a great match.

• Nadi: It refers to the status of Kapha and energy flow from top to bottom of the body. The prospects of progeny are identified with this Koota. Nadi is divided into three types, i.e. Aadi Nadi, Madhya Nadi, and Antya Nadi. A couple’s Nadi shouldn’t be the same, in other words, couples having different Nadi are considered suitable for marriage. When the Nadi of both the partners is found same, Nadi dosha is said to exist.

All above Kootas are termed as Gun which in total amounts to 36 Gunas. The maximum points contained in Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Graha Maitri, and Gana. Rashi and Nadi are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 respectively. Let us now see how much points in the process of Gun Milan are ideal for marriage in the content below.

Also Read- 3 Things to do when your Kundali not Match with Your Partner

Gunas Matching Ideal for Marriage

Guns Ideal For Marriage

There are lots of opinions about total number of Guns for marriage as some say a total of 36 matches are perfect, while some people believe that couples who have a total of 36 guns should not get married as Lord Ram and Sita also had the same number of guns and their married life was miserable. Let us check, what distinct counts of Guns say of marriage between the couple-

Less than 18 Gunas- When Guns between males and females on matching are less than 18, marriage isn’t recommended.

Between 18-24 Gunas- In this case, marriage is assumed to be average, and yet there is no harm in going ahead with it.

In between 25-32 Gunas- Guns matching between 25 to 32 give no reasons not to go ahead with marriage because anything between the two implies exceptional compatible and great matrimonial association between couples.

Between 33-36 Gunas- This indicates extraordinary match with immense compatibility and happiness.

Should A Couple With 18.5 Gunas Marry?

As per traditional astrology, bride and groom with gunas less than 18 must not marry in any case. 18.5 guns show a marginal increase of 0.5 guna above the minimum bar which is a red flag. Astrologers of different schools of thought differ on this. Now, many astrologers take into consideration other astrological conditions in the birth chart such as Nakshatra Dasha, Manglik Dosha, Navamsha chart, progeny, financial stability, emotional and romantic compatibility etc. before saying yes or no when deciding about the match of a couple.

Aspects like longevity of partner, background, cultural difference, and lifestyle are given importance while deciding about the marriage of a couple. If these aren’t derogatory, then there is no harm in saying yes to the marriage proposal. Consult an Expert astrologer for matching of Guns for matrimonial purposes and possible remedies to ensure a seamless blissful life. Mere rejecting a proposal on the basis of numbers isn’t right if other factors show great tuning between the couple. This is how you can find the right partner for yourself and lead a life full of all kinds of Ecstasy.

Find: Best Pujas for Marriage

Vedic Astrology- Helping You to Predict the Right Partner For You

Vedic Astrology- Helping You To Predict The Right Partner For You

It is also next to impossible to know that who will be your life partner. However, it can be identified easily with the aid of Vedic astrology that how will be your life partner. As per Vedic astrology, the planet’s position and movement lays impact all walks of life like careers, children, financial status, and important events of life, etc. Also, we can easily know about traits of our future life partner through Vedic astrology. To know in detail, scroll down the blog below-

Planet in 7th House Revealing About Your Spouse

The 7th house of your Kundali or birth chart stores the secret of traits of your life partner. This is known as the house of marriage also and planet residing in it helps in unfolding the qualities of a partner you will have. The presence of a malefic or benefic planet in the 7th house shows the chances of partner you will get. Jupiter, Mercury, Moon, and Venus are benefic planets that strengthen the possibility of finding a soul mate, whereas a malefic planet in house of marriage denotes a troubled married life. Ruling planet of the house of marriage, planet in the house and its zodiac sign unleashes the secret of the partner you will have. We unfold in short impact of distinct planets in the 7th house.

• When the 7th house in the birth chart has the Sun, the partner will be dominating, egoistic, aggressive, and self-centred.

• When Mars is in the 7th house of Kundali, the possibility of getting married to an impatient, discontented, quarrelsome partner is great. When Mars and Saturn placement in Cancer or Leo in the 7th house indicates extra marital affairs of your partner.

• When the Moon is in the 7th house of the birth chart, the partner will be highly committed and loving.

• When Mercury is in the 7th house, chances of finding a perfect match for you are high. Your partner would be rich, intelligent, empathetic, understanding, loving, good communication skills. In a nutshell, you will find your dream partner.

• Jupiter in the 7th house also denotes that your partner will have all the positive or good qualities and your marital life will be harmonious.

• Venus in the 7th house again is like hitting the bull’s eye and finding a great match for you.

• Saturn in the 7th house of marriage in Kundali denotes unsuccessful and unhappy married life showing troubles due to Karmic sins.

• Rahu in the 7th house shows discontent and divorce in the marriage. Those who are unmarried and have Rahu in the house of marriage will have delay in their wedding.

• Ketu in the house of marriage, i.e. 7th house will have partner inclined towards spirituality and non-materialism.

Do you know, apart from astrology, through numerology you can know the date of birth of your partner? With the help of numerology science, know date of birth of your partner through the date of birth matching in the content underneath.

Check your free Gun Milan

Know the Prospective Date of Birth of Your Partner

To know the secret of your marital life in numbers, you first need to know your destiny number. For this, you add every number in your date of birth like 05-07-1978. For instance: 5+7+1+9+7+8= 37. Now add 3+7=10 and finally as 1+0=1. Your destiny number is 1. When marriage happens between compatible destiny numbers, it would be successful, whereas when it occurs in incompatible destiny numbers, marriage would be bothersome.

Know the compatible number for your date of birth

Destiny Number Bad matches Good matches Best matches

Destiny Number Bad Matches Good Matches Best Matches
1 1,7,9 2,3,5,6 4,8
2 1,2,6 4,8,5 7,3,6
3 4,6 1,5,7,8 3,9,2
4 2,3,5,6,7,9 Nil 1,4,8
5 2,4,7 1,5,6,8 9,3
6 7,8,2,3 6,5 1,4,9
7 1,8,5 2,4 1,3,4,7 2,4
8 2,7,9,4,1 6,4,5,8 4,1
9 1,2,7,8 9,4,5 3,6

Kundali Milan by Askganesha Astrologers

As per the highly-practiced astrologers at Askganesha, Horoscope matching for matrimonial purposes only based on the number attained in Gun Milan isn’t right. Normally, during Gun Milan, only the Moon is scrutinized and other 8 planets, Yogas, dasha, and Doshas are overlooked. Our astrologers focuses on the other aspects of the birth chart like longevity, financial stability, health, mental compatibility, likeness, and childbirth also which are equally important as the Moon’s position is in the process of Kundali Milan. As said half of the knowledge is dangerous, and so is half of the matching of natal charts of the couple. We guide people only after complete horoscope matching of males and females seeking a matrimonial alliance. Talk to astrologers at Ask Ganesha and find the best match for yourself. Find the detailed Horoscope matching report to ensure a blissful and high compatible marital union.

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