The Lines on Our Palm Matter, They May Hamper Marital Happiness.

20 June, 2023
The Lines on Our Palm Matter, They May Hamper Marital Happiness. The Lines on Our Palm Matter, They May Hamper Marital Happiness.

To both man and woman marriage is nothing but a new life. But the question that larks on human mind is – when will be the ideal time to get married? How one can get happiness in marriage? Is it possible to know beforehand when will you be happy after marriage? Or the question may pose in front another question can I know in advance if my marriage will be filled with mirth and pleasure? How will be my post married period? It is absolutely true that with the question of marriage many men dwell in a colorful world. When will my marriage take place? At what age? Would I be able to marry the person whom I love? Will my family throw water in my love life? Many questions are there larking in the mind. But the most prolific question is this- will my marriage be a happier one? Would I be able to taste the flavor of married life? 

The line on palm that matters

Such types of questions peep in mind. Many may think that these questions are nothing but idiotic. But it is astrology that thinks, these are not absurd questions. Everything is written on our palms. The moment you look at your palm, you can easily guess how can be your post wedding life. It can be predicated too when your marriage can take place, when it comes to an end. 

It is not demanded that everything will be at par. There goes the saying that only palmistry is not enough to predict everything regarding marriage. Many other factors are there to predict so. But for a firsthand knowledge it is the lines on the palm that can offer a primary notion.

First of all you have to know which line does indicate marriage. According to astrology the line that hints at marriage is the Marriage Line. The line does not rest on the upper part of the palm. It rests on the side of the palm, just below the little finger. There is no single line there, multiple lines may be there co existing.

If the marriage line is too small and rests at the very close proximity of the little finger then it can be told at ease that marriage will take part in the later part of life. At least 40 years are mandatory to wait for a bride or groom to take entry in your life.

Marriage line and Heart line

There is a direct relation between heart line and marriage line. The distance of marriage line and heart line throws light on when the marriage will be arranged. The more distance, the more delay is indicated. The less distance it is indicated that early marriage is on the cards. Right at this moment the post marriage problems have been many. The starting goes well or the initial phase is worthy of mention. But the more the time rolls on the more difference in opinions ensures. 

Today the bride and the groom dwell in such a world that is very fragile. It can be broken with an easy effort. Beforehand we have watched both the husband and the wife in spite of their mental differences; they tried their best to carry on the marital standard. They had to go through various obstacles and problems, yet they never tried to undermine each other. Rather they tried to live together happily though thousands tsunamis tried to flood their conjugal lives. Actually they had patience that the current partners lack in a great manner. 

Today trivial matters lead to easy break up. An ordinary altercation may lead to separation and divorce. You believe it or not, this the real picture of our society. Man does not agree to bow down before anyone however dear she/he may be. At every household the picture is the same. But why do we see so? It is destined. Everything is written on our palms. If you try to find them out, you will discover the root cause of the malady. 

Cast a look at palmistry

Now let us try to throw light on the lines and palmistry that can tell how marriage line curses you. This marriage line leads to nothing but chaos and frustration. What is written on your palms can never be wiped out by all means. We shall try our best to throw light on this issue and try to find out the root causes of marriage line related familial catastrophes.

1. If the marriage line in the initial stage looks like branches and if these branches exist on both palms, the marriage life can be destroyed. The marriage can never last long.

2. If there rests an island like sign, then there is enough chance that the opinions never match. Again the marriage, if takes place, can face thousands of storms and gales. Anyone is sure to be cheated or duped. Both the husband and wife can suffer from bad health. Recurring health problems are seen. Even the husband and wife never come to a permanent point to solve any matter. There is always mismatch of ideas and opinions.

3. If there are 2 vivid marriage lines in a parallel manner, it may pose problems. Both the husband and wife and never come to compromise or ready to accept anyone’s proposal at ease. The husband and wife are sure to be arrogant and hostile.

4. If more than one parallel line is there then there is possibility of polygamy or misogamy. If the parallel lines are attached to one another it can be told with ease that the peon had affair with someone. It may be so that after marriage there may be post marital affairs or regular arguments and altercations.

5. If the marriage line is crisscrossed by a long line then there is no chance of marital peace. No one is ready to pay heed to what other one says. As a result there is created mental distance and regular quarrel. These two are sure to be deprived of peace and love.

6. If the marriage line takes s loop and joins with the heart line the person is sure to be a Mangalik. There is chance for easy breakup even a person may face accidents.

7. If the marriage line takes a curve and mixes with the finger of Mercury there is sure to be mismatch in thoughts

Do the lines on palm actually work?

There goes the belief that the lines on a person's palm may cause differences of opinion between couples. It is based on palmistry. It claims to predict a person’s future or personality traits by just examining the lines and shapes on the palm. 

The Lines Focus on Mental Conflicts

Lines on the palm, such as the heart line, head line, life line and others can provide insights into a person's character, relationships, and potential events. According to palmistry, if one of the couples has incompatible lines, it is believed to indicate a higher likelihood of disagreements between them.

It is worth to mention that relationship dynamics are influenced by various factors, including communication, compatibility, shared values, and obviously individual personalities. Palmistry may be of interest to some people among us, it's essential to approach it with a bit skepticism and it is not be ideal to rely solely on lines imprinted on the palm to predict  relationship issues by all means.

Building a strong and healthy relationship requires open communication, mutual respect, understanding, and compromise. 

According to palmistry the heart line that goes horizontally on the upper part of the palm, is associated with love, emotions, and particularly relationships. Different markings on the heart line may be interpreted as potential sources of conflicts within a couple.

Some palmists are of opinion that if the heart line is broken or has some smaller lines crossing it, it may hint at emotional trauma. There we may even see difficulty in expressing love. It potentially leads to problems in relationships. Similarly, if the heart line is too long or too short, it may be associated with some personality traits or emotional tendencies that can easily affect romantic relationships.

Lack of Evidence Behind Palmistry

It's crucial to keep in mind that any correlation between the lines on the palm and relationship problems is absolutely speculative and lacks enough evidence. Relationship issues are too complex to arise from a variety of factors. The factors are communication problems, differing values, or external stress factors.  But specialists are of opinion that in palmistry the heart line is the only line that expresses our emotions. This particular line can focus on actions going on in life in an effective form or in wrong manner. This particular line can give us news about worries, despair, love, filial affection, outburst of emotions etc. It cannot but be denied that except the heart line there is no line that can offer us the news related to emotions. This particular line can tell how a man can behave with another one. How a man can show love towards the opposite gender. 

Now the so called heart line starts from the mount of Jupiter and running below the mount of Saturn and Sun it ends at the mount of Mercury. This is the natural flow of the heart line. If a heart line without any crisscrosses is there in someone’s hand it may indicate good conjugality. If it is broken it may ensure difference of opinion among the partners.

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