Common Health Issues Based on Zodiac Signs

27 July, 2024
Health Problems according to Zodiac Signs Health Problems according to Zodiac Signs

Prevention is better than cure and knowing the possible health risks one is susceptible to may help change the habits and have a healthy lifespan. Astrology can be highly useful for all of us in identifying health issues that we may come across in whole life span.

There are 5 zodiac signs that are healthy, but changing planetary configurations can impact even healthiest and make them sick. In this blog, we aim to acquaint you with the Health problems according to zodiac signs.

Our body is divided into 7 Chakras. Root Chakra (Muladhara), Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana), Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura), Heart Chakra (Anahata), Throat Chakra (Vishuddha),Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna) and Crown Chakra (Sahasrara). We will study the possible chakra’s ailment as per zodiac sign. Medical astrology can unveil the health condition of your life.

Common Health Issues Based on Zodiac Signs

Common Health Issues for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries Health Problems

Dear Aries native, your third and crown Chakra are prone to ailments. You all must be careful with your mental health condition and practice meditation and other cerebrally reliving therapies often. Your body part above the neck is vulnerable to ailments. Head, brain, and face may trouble you at some stage. You are short-tempered and warm-headed, making you take on more stress in your brain. Depression is likely to disturb you at some point in your life. It is therefore suggested to take care of your mental health more prudently.

Taurus Health Problems

All natives of Taurus need to learn weight management and thereby, keep an eye on their weight. Folks with these zodiac signs are likely to get plum quickly or may lose weight all of a sudden for unknowing reasons. Apart from this, they are likely to be vulnerable to ailments in the eyes, throat, and nose (ENT) region. The throat chakra is expected to be susceptible to issues commonly. Sore throat, respiration organs-related allergies, common cold, and earache are a few common issues that they are likely to get infected mostly.

Also Read: Astrology Health Solutions

Health problems according to zodiac signs

Gemini Health Problems

Natives of Gemini zodiac signs most probably have feeble heart chakra and must be involved in activities that aid in keeping it hale and hearty. Organs such as lungs, shoulders, hands, and arms fall under this chakra. Gemini born will have to face issues in the above body organs sooner or later in their life span. Keep anxiety far from your life and pay attention to strengthening your immune system.

Cancer Health Problems

Solar plexus Chakra and heart chakra of folks born with Cancer zodiac sign need to keep an eye over issues in the chest, breast, and digestive systems. Their mental condition and eating tendencies are interrelated as during depression they would eat even without being hungry or they may starve for long. Their digestive system is prone to issues and may face other issues arising there from. A healthy diet is key to their health and they must know when to eat, when to put a stop, and how much to eat.

Leo Health Problems

People born in Leo zodiac sign have weak Muladhara Chakra and Heart Chakra and the organs coming under these Chakras can get diseased at any age. Deformity in the Spine, heart ailments like blockage, backaches, and infection in the blood are health issues that Leos are susceptible to. Blood pressure is a common ailment that may haunt them not just in adult age, but in young age too. They need to keep their head cool and take up life a little casually as full control of events of life is next to impossible. You cannot lead always and shouldn’t take things to heart too much because overthinking causes troubles like cardiac strokes.

Virgo Health Problems

Natives of the Virgo zodiac sign are prone to issues related to the digestive system like stomach and guts since they are ruled by the planet Mercury. Their solar plus chakra is feeble and may at any stage get troubles in the organs in the lower abdomen. They need to control their temptations and cravings. A balanced and controlled diet is the key to them to keep infections and health challenges away.

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Health problems for zodiac signs

Libra Health Problems

Libra zodiac sign is linked with sensitive skin. They catch skin infections easily and are inclined to skin issues for lifetime. They also may in a later stage get ailments associated with kidneys like stones or urinal infections. They need to keep their water intake adequate. Diet is also something they need to be extra cautious about. Eat right, eat limited, keep yourself hydrated, and follow the rule of eat half and walk double.

Scorpio Health Problems

This zodiac sign is likely to take medical assistance for reproductive organs irrespective of gender. It could be ovaries, testes, genitals, etc. They should be extra cautious towards the rectum and bladder too. Urine infection, constipation, PCODs in females, and UTI are what Scorpio females are highly prone to. Their root and sacral chakra area is small and they need to practice yoga or other strengthening activities. If not taken proper care, females may come across infertility issues as well. Physical exertion especially exercises to balance hormones is a must.

Sagittarius Health Problems

Folks born under this zodiac sign may face difficulties in the hip and thigh region. Sciatica nerve pain, weak bones in the hip girdle, or injuries may result in deformities at some point in life. Also, the lower spine region or tailbone part is likely to be the center of pain if not given proper care. Their third eye and sacral chakra region may get frail and reason for them to visit doctors regularly. Vision issues must not be ignored at all by natives of Sagittarius.

Capricorn Health Problems

Natives of Capricorn have feeble weak root chakra and thereby are prone to ailments in teeth, bones, skin, joints, and knees. They may suffer from weak tendons and ligaments at an early age could be due to an accident or internal. Fractures and bone injuries are common to them, therefore need to be vigilant not just in old age but from childhood to middle age. Sleep disorders are common to them.

Aquarius Health Problems

Aquarians are born with the weak root chakra. Issues in the lower body may give them blow in some time. The base of the spine, legs, feet, and ankle may give them time to see a doctor. Practices to relieve strains in muscles like massages, acupuncture, etc should be kept in continuity. Veins of the lower half of the body need to strengthen with workouts and diet. Keeping nerve-strengthening medicines on under the supervision of a doctor would be great as issues like varicose veins and sciatica pain are bound to trouble them now and then in later stages of life.

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Pisces Health Problems

Pisces, the intelligent zodiac sign is prone to mental stress and brain disorders. The nervous system is prone to issues like strokes, depression etc. Regular monitoring of BP is essential after the 50s to avoid troubles to the brain along with keeping the stress as low as possible. Foot injuries and other natural ailments are also likely to come sooner or later. They must look for healthy dietary habits and engage in physical workouts regularly.

Understanding health issues based on your zodiac sign

Above are some common health ailments of different zodiac signs that may develop sooner or later. Efforts can change your destiny and likewise, efforts made in shaping good health can help you overcome the generic health issues that you being part of a specific zodiac sign get vulnerable to. Seek remedial health consultancy reports, to live hale and hearty for the rest of your life. Talk to astrologers at Askganesha.

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