How Planets Affect the Education of your Child

29 August, 2024
How planets affect the education of your child How planets affect the education of your child

With the birth of a child, parent’s new journey of weaving dreams for future of baby also begins. Every parent starts planning the future, banking the money for the kid’s life and looking to give the right values to their kids. The first aim is to provide a good education for their child. It is said that genes play a role in the child's intelligence along with the efforts put in by parents to educate a child. At times despite providing the best environment, academic institution and constant good coaching, the child doesn’t do well in studies. Let’s find out about how planets affect the education of your child.

Astrology stores the answer for it as planetary configuration plays a pivotal role in the academic performance of the child. Do not scold the child, as along with Karma, planets are responsible for the education of your child. Know why your child is excelling despite of little efforts or why he isn’t doing well despite all the hard work. Let us take an Insight into the academic future of a child with astrology.

Planets and house for education of child

Planets and house for education of child

4th House- In astrology, the overall academic status of a student depends upon various houses in the birth chart. Education is usually determined by the lord of the 4th house. The fourth house symbolizes the intelligence, sharpness, quick understanding and learning abilities of a student. Fourth house also signifies the efforts of parents especially a mother in the qualification of a child. A child’s interest and disinterest in education depends upon the ascendant planet of this house. If the planet is beneficial and strong, the child will do well in studies, on the contrary child with the weak planet in this house doesn’t do well in studies.

2nd House- 2nd house of your birth chart denotes scopes of primitive education like pre-schooling and primary section. It is used to find the scopes of primary education of the child along with the financial status of the family. Through the planet aspecting the seventh house, we can comprehend the journey of a child in the realm of education.

5th House- 5th house in the natal chart decodes the remembrance power of the child. Such kids are exceptional at memorizing not just their syllabus but are awesome at remembering the records of everything. The native turns out to be highly fortunate in academics. The positive association between the 5th and 9th houses showers extraordinary higher educational opportunities.

9th House- 9th and 5th houses both promise sturdy higher education. When in a benefic state, these ensure a bright future with opportunities at a higher level of education. The results would be adverse when the lords of these houses are found in a malefic state. 9th house is also a reflection of the mentoring of forebear (father).

Also Read: Astrology Tips to have a Bright Child

Planetary structures supporting Educational Excellence

Planetary structures supporting educational excellence

Every house in the natal chart is occupied by one or more planets. The position of planets in the birth chart has a specific impact on an aspect of life. Planets that grant education and make the child academically outstanding are Jupiter, Mercury, Sun, Mars, and Moon.

The driving force for education- Mercury

Planet Mercury is the epitome of education and proficiency. Great focus in studies is made possible by Mercury planet itself. When Mercury dominates in the 5th house, the student marks success with brilliance in studies. When Mercury is in a malefic state and found in the 6th, 8th and 12th house, it gives a tough time to students by keeping them either not interested in studies or lacking focus in them. Due to the malefic state of Mercury, the child gives up studying permanently. However, harmful impact of Mercury can be controlled by performing the (Budh) Mercury Puja

When Mercury is positioned in the 3rd house for cancer and Aries lagna, it ensures smooth flight to higher education. At the same time, when Mercury abodes in the 4th and 10th house separately, it promises high achievement in academics. When Mercury nestles in the 8th house, it attracts name, fame and richness to the natives. Also, when Mercury is dominated by Mars and the Sun, students excel in mathematics. A student is likely to become an engineer when the Sun and Mars are in a beneficial state for natives. A student turns out to be exceptional orator and in writing realm when Mercury and Venus are associated positively.

Nurturer of Intelligence and Knowledge- Jupiter

Jupiter is a resource of knowledge and whoever has it in the benefic state in the natal chart is certainly going to get acknowledged for his knowledge and brilliance. A dominant Jupiter is a surety of marking success at the highest level of education. Fame and name are part of their life and will be socially hailed and when Jupiter aspect Mercury, completion of an exemplary educational course is guaranteed. A student possesses immensely impressive analytical skills. Jupiter when in the 9th house implies education overseas, whereas, a student is likely to procure the highest honor in the realm of academics when Jupiter is in the 10th house.

Get a detailed Education Report for your child, prepared by expert astrologers, to understand everything about their education.

Significant planets for Education and Literacy

significant planets for education and literacy


A finely positioned and strong Sun in association with Mercury gives inclination towards science and a scientific approach. When these two are in 2nd house, they have great command of words and language. Sun when in the favorable state in the birth chart lets the person gain an authoritative position.


Mars enables a person to possess thoughtfulness and immense attentiveness. An undeterred attention and a sharp mind are enjoyed by the native when talking about performance in studies. The combination of Mercury and Mars may result in disruption in studies.


A stable, focused and a healthy mind in a person is a result of a favorable Moon. A strong moon together with Mercury ensures a sharp and active mind.

To know more about your child’s prospects in the realm of education, consult the best Astrologer. Our astrologer with new approach believes that malefic state of planets can be transformed into benefic with the right astrological remedies. Find the best remedial consultancy report and shape future of your child.

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