How Reiki can boost overall well-being

24 February, 2024
Reiki can boost overall well-being Reiki can boost overall well-being

Reiki is a Japanese way of healing and a type of alternative medicine. It is used to nurture the overall relaxation and well-being of a person. Practitioners of reiki will place their hands directly on you or above you to channel healing. The person might feel heat or some kind of tingling coming from the practitioner’s hands. They use a technique called ‘palm healing’ where the universal energy is transferred to the patient to enable healing. We shall find out how reiki can boost overall well-being.

The principal form of reiki that is practiced across the world today was developed by Dr. MikaoUsui in the early 20th century. Even though reiki does not directly cure any sort of illness or disease. It can be used to promote the overall health and well-being of an individual. In this topic, we will look at the overall benefits of reiki and what can be expected from a reiki session. 

Health benefits of doing Reiki

Alleviates pain and anxiety

Reiki can be a great method to reduce pain and anxiety while also removing fatigue. In a 2015 study, it was found that when people who were being treated for cancer were given distant reiki. Their symptoms of pain, anxiety, and fatigue were reduced significantly. The levels of pain and anxiety were far lower than patients who received regular treatments and no reiki. In another study in 2018, it was found that when reiki was used for treatment of lower back pain it was as effective as physiotherapy. It was also more cost-effective and resulted in much faster treatment time. 

Treating depression

To mitigate depression for an individual an important treatment can be reiki. Researchers have looked at people who are experiencing pain or depression and have found reiki to improve overall mood and mental well-being. Other than these, there also have been reported increased relaxation, curiosity, and a better level of self-care. 

Enhances quality of life

It can increase the quality of one’s life and enhance overall well-being. In a study in 2016, researchers found that it had increased the quality of life for women with cancer. They also reported an increase in a sense of relaxation, inner peace, and overall calmness. At the same time, their sleep quality improved, and treated their depression levels. 

Elevates mood

By reducing levels of depression in one’s life it will help to boost a person’s mood. People who have had reiki sessions report better mood levels than those who haven’t had it. People who have had 30-minute sessions over 2-8 weeks have reported improvements in their mood levels. 

Other improvements

Regular reiki sessions will also help to manage symptoms of headaches, tension, insomnia, and nausea.  

Risks or Side Effects of Reiki

Reiki is known to be safe and doesn’t seem to have any side effects to it. Even though it is not expected to replace any doctor-approved treatment it can certainly have numerous health and mental benefits.  

What happens in a session

A classic reiki session will last for about 20-90 minutes. When you first meet your practitioner, he/she will give you a short introduction to reiki. Be sure to let the practitioner know about any specific points or spots in your body you would like them to focus on. Also, let them know about any injuries or sensitive spots that you might have in your body.  

Next, you will be asked by the practitioner to lie down on a mat or table. They will place a blanket over you. Most of the sessions will be done with soft and relaxing music playing in the background and there will not be much talking. But if you feel like letting the practitioner know about something you need to feel more comfortable, please speak up.

The practitioner will next perform reiki and move his hands all over your body. He/she might touch you gently and have their hands above your body. You will experience sensations such as tingling or body heat in your body. Many people have also reported seeing some visuals such as pictures or some old memories appear. Do not attach too much meaning to any of those and simply let them pass by. The more you continue to use reiki sessions the more profound experiences you are bound to have. 

Cost of a Session 

The cost of a reiki session will mostly depend on where you are living and the duration of your session. Generally, you can expect a reiki session to cost you around INR 2500 – INR 5000. Reiki treatments are normally not covered by health insurance.

Use of crystal during Reiki

Some practitioners prefer to use crystals along with their reiki sessions to boost your overall health and well-being. Crystals help to add an extra dimension of healing to the treatment by releasing mental or spiritual blocks. These crystals may be placed somewhere on your body, or you may even be asked to hold a crystal in your hands. Many people have claimed that the use of crystals has facilitated their healing and had an overall calming effect on their bodies. Some crystals that can be included are rose quartz, amethyst, moonstone, and aquamarine.  


Many positive benefits can be obtained through regular sessions of reiki. Most research has shown to bring out positive benefits to patients even though much more research is still yet to be done. It also shows us how positive energy can be a beacon of happiness in our life and reiki can facilitate those effects. Always remember that reiki is an alternative therapy and is not a replacement for curing many diseases that still require conventional treatment plans. Hence, in this way, reiki can be a great tool for healing and improving the overall health of an individual.

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