How To Use Transits for Life Events? Most Important Astrology Movements and Timings

14 December, 2023
How To Use Transits for Life Events? Most Important Astrology Movements and Timings How To Use Transits for Life Events? Most Important Astrology Movements and Timings

Astrology has long been a subject of fascination and a tool for guidance for people who believe astrology has some power and is meant to change thought patterns. However, even the saints say to take every religious advice with a grain of salt and personal rationality.

One powerful aspect connected to the roots of astrology is astrological transits, which are meant to ignite the power of decision-making and movements, timings, and other essential aspects. The study of transits is nothing but gaining knowledge and determining the position of planets along with personal growth opportunities. Using transits for life events is not rocket science. In this Blog we will study and understand the basics of How To Use Transits for Life Events.

Understanding Transits– Knowing it from Scratch.

The occurrence of any transit is counted when it makes a significant aspect to a point in your natal chart, such as angle, planet, and house cusp. These aspects have conjunctions, squares, trines, and oppositions. These have their unique energies and influences in your life. Whenever a planet in the sky contacts a point in the natal chart, it triggers a sort of particular theme or any event associated with that planet. This is how the concepts of transits exists and have emerged as a tool to guide individuals in various important movements of their life.

Key Transiting Planets with Their General Influences

1. Jupiter: This planet is known to bring prosperity and expansion in abundance for endless growth and wisdom. Its impact on life events timing matters the most.

2. Saturn: This planet influences the power of the sense of responsibility that one feels in one's life. It is associated closely with discipline, structures one's thoughts, and fuels one's ability to battle against challenges.

3. Uranus: This is the planet of transformation and innovations that can bring sudden changes in the lives of anybody.

4. Neptune: Dreams and intuition are the flourishing aspects of this planet, and they inspire creativity and imagination.

5. Pluto: The transit of this planet can be more transformative and intense, signalling profound changes and rebirth.

Know the Transit Aspects– The Building Blocks

1. Conjunction: This occurs when the transiting planet aligns with the planet in your chart. It signifies new beginnings, intensified energy, and the merger of two planetary energies.

2. Sextile: It creates harmonious and flowing energies, offering opportunities for positive changes and growth in specific areas of life.

3. Square: This is like an indication of a tense, challenging phase of life. It pushes you to confront issues that need the most attention in your life and demands transformation.

4. Trine: These are some of the easiest flowing aspects that bring ease, luck, prosperity, and opportunities in abundance. They indicate those areas of life where you can achieve positive results without putting in much effort.

5. Opposition: This symbolizes the need for balance and integration in life, often manifesting as external events or conflicts that push you to find the middle ground. It lets you settle for the decisions that bring the balance of satisfaction in your life.

Using Transits for Life Events– How it’s Meant to Work

1. Getting the natal chart: The very first step in transit study is to have your natal chart calculated. It is meant to offer a snapshot of the positions of planets at the time you were born. You can get your natal chart from Askganesha.

2. Identifying the significant transits: Now, you have to pay attention to the planets that are moving slowly, such as Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and Pluto. The influence of such planets is more profound and long-lasting.

3. Learn the pattern of aspects: Now, you must understand the patterns of aspects moving into your natal positions. Oppositions and conjunctions are found to be one of the most potent aspects. On the contrary, sextiles and trines are more harmonious, and squares are found to be more challenging.

4. Research all the interpretations: Many of the astrological resources offer interpretations of transits. This is how you get an insight into the potential themes and experiences that are connected to each of the transits.

5. Transit journal: As any of the transit occurs, you need to make a note of all the corresponding life events, feelings, and thoughts. Over time, you will start noticing the patterns and connections between the transits and the experiences you face.

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Take Note of Important Transits and Timings

Now is the time for us to have a close look at some of the most important transiting planets with the potential impact they have on our lives.

1. Saturn return: This transit occurs usually at the age of 29-30, 58-60, and 87-88, where Saturn returns to the same position it earlier had occupied in your natal chart. This is the period dedicated to self-reflection, life restructuring, and bringing more organizing aspects to life.

2. Jupiter return: After every 12 years, Jupiter returns to its natal position. These are the periods of personal growth, new opportunities, and expansion.

3. Uranus opposition: Uranus opposes its natal position around the ages of 42-44 and brings some unexpected changes into life. It lets one feel the desire for some liberty and some revaluations of life goals.

4. Transitioning of Pluto: The transitions of Pluto can be more long-lasting and transformative, with a particular emphasis on conjunction, opposition aspects, and square. These are the periods of significant personal growth and rebirth.

5. Eclipses: Lunar and solar eclipses are like the triggers of significant life events. This becomes like a mandate when these align with the key points of your natal chart.

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Astrology, in some realms, is a specific study of transits offering valuable insights for understanding the timings of life events along with personal growth and opportunities. By understanding and tracking the movement of planets and their interactions with your natal chart, you can have a glimpse into the experiences and themes unfolding during specific periods.

Astrology, however, should never be the sole determinant of your life events, and some personal rationality in decision-making is always advised. It serves as a helpful path-maker and guide in navigating the complexities of life.

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