Importance of Querencia

19 June, 2015
Importance of Querencia Importance of Querencia

Importance of Querencia for Total Security and Complete Well Being

We are now going to discuss about the important of Querencia that is a Spanish term to describe a place or state of mind where one feels safe, secure, and quite at home. It is a place where one feels a sense of deep comfort, and refuge. 

In Spanish bullfighting, the word meant a place in the ring where the bull felt safe and retreat to when it felt threatened. In contemporary usage, Querencia is often used to describe a state of being, rather than a physical location. It can be a safe place of emotional or spiritual settlement, where one feels protected. The concept of the Spanish word has been taken by various cultures and spiritual traditions, and can be taken as a universal human need for a sense of utmost safety.

It can be thought of as an emotional space where one feels a sense of familiarity and comfort. It is a place or state of mind where one feels secure, and where one can be without fear of judgment or rejection. This concept can easily be applied to different areas of life, such as personal relationships, work, or even personal interests. For example, a person may find it while spending time with close friends or family members, pursuing a creative passion, or being engaged in a spiritual practice.

Querncia can be a powerful source of strength and resilience, providing a strong sense of stability during times of uncertainty or challenges. Cultivating a sense of it can develop a deeper understanding of one, including one's own values, needs, and sources of mirth and fulfillment. It can also involve creating a physical or emotional space that feels quite safe and absolutely nurturing, such as a cozy corner of a room, a favorite spot far from home, or a routine meditation practice. By intentionally cultivating it, individuals can tap into a source of inner boldness and comfort that can help them to travel through life's ups and downs with greater ease and grace.

What is the Importance of Querencia?

Querencia is regarded important for safety and security which can be especially valuable during times of stress, uncertainty, or acute anxiety. Having a place or state of mind where one feels absolutely protected and grounded. It can help individuals feel more resilient and better equipped to cope with life's challenges.

The term promotes authenticity and self-expression allowing individuals to be their authentic selves sans fear of judgment or rejection. By creating a special space where one feels safe and accepted. Thus individuals can explore true selves and express themselves fully well.

Querencia helps individuals feel a sense of connection, which is a basic human need. By creating a special space or state of mind one feels accepted. Individuals can develop deeper relationships and connections with others.

It can be a powerful source of emotional and mental support, providing a total sense of stability and absolute grounding during times of agonizing stress or anxiety. Cultivating it can help people develop greater emotional resilience and total well-being.

Last But Not The Least

The importance of the Spanish word lies in its ability to provide people with a sense of safety, authenticity and emotional support. By intentionally cultivating querencia in one's life, one can create a foundation of strength and resilience that can help him navigate life's challenges with greater ease and glowing grace.


We all face a lot of upheavals in our lives that cause us to constantly move from one physical space to another, from one state of mind to another. Very often, this causes a lot of stress, anxiety and emotional turmoil. The constant movement takes its toll on us and we start deteriorating mentally as well as physically. It is when we wish for some sort of stability in our lives. The Spanish word Querencia means a place or a condition where one can feel safe, a place where we know exactly who we are and are able to voice our beliefs from this place. Interestingly, this word is derived from "corrida'"the ring of the bullfight. Querencia is a place where people cannot hurt us, where we are safe from physical and mental harm. "Querencia' might be a physical space like a writing desk, where a person is isolated and calm, or a mental state, such as which occur when we are singing, playing music and so on and so forth. It is important for us to have "Querencia' as amid our hectic lifestyle and constant movement, it is a place where we can be ourselves without any kind of fear, and it gives us respite from our everyday tensions.

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