Inauspicious Birth Time as per Astrology for a Child: Relevant Remedies to Dodge the Sequence

17 April, 2023
Inauspicious Birth Time as per Astrology for a Child: Relevant Remedies to Dodge the Sequence Inauspicious Birth Time as per Astrology for a Child: Relevant Remedies to Dodge the Sequence

In Vedic astrology, there are several factors that are considered to determine the auspiciousness or inauspiciousness of a birth chart. Some of the factors that astrologers take into account include the position of the planets at the time of birth, the nakshatra , the moon is in, and the lagna or ascendant.

It's important to note that all these beliefs are not scientifically proven and should be taken with a brief doubt. It's up to an individual to decide whether or not he/she believes in astrology and its various aspects. Ultimately, it's very important to focus on positive actions and attitudes and to try hard to create a happy and charming life regardless of what the stars may try to say.

A person who is born in an auspicious time is blessed with numerous good results. However, in case of an inauspicious birth time, they have to go through bitter periods.

An auspicious and inauspicious time in the birth chart differs regarding individual health and spouse in a native’s life.

Birth on Amavasya  

Birth on this date affects badly the financial condition of the parents. People who are born on Amavasya Tithi have to face financial constraints throughout their life. They have to make a lot of efforts to win fame and respect. To reduce this inauspicious effect from entire life because of auspicious time in birth chart, one must donate a shadow vessel of ghee, Rudrabhishek is highly effective and appeasing of Sun and Moon can reduce the inauspicious effects of birth on this date.

Birth During Bhadra Kal

Bhadra Yoga is kept aside from in any auspicious work. The reason is that the beginning or end whatever it is of the festival the position of Mars in the Bhadra period is seen inauspicious.

Bhadra Kal

The persons born in Bhadra have to face various difficulties in life. The natives should  go for Surya Rudrabhishek, Surya Sukta, Purusha Sukta to steer clear of troubles of life. Worshiping the peepal tree and reciting peace hymns also improve their conditions.

Birth During Sankranti

Birth at the time of Sankranti, is considered inauspicious. In total there fall 12 solstices of the Sun in a year. They also cast a different effect on people born in different sequences. The child born particularly at this time is not auspicious for the couple.

There are many types of Sankranti noticed in panchanga or in almanacs, such as Sunday Sankranti called Hora. On Monday, Dhankshi , Mahodari on Tuesday, Manda on Wednesday, Mandakini on the very Thursday, Mishra on Friday and the Saturday Sankrantis are demonic. The effect of birth is also different in different Sankranti periods.

People who are born on Sankranti date should donate cow and gold to Brahmins. This action reduces the inauspicious effect. Rudrabhishek and shadow character donation too can reduce the negative effects of birth during the Sankranti period.

Birth During Solar Eclipse

Both the Sun and lunar eclipses have been mentioned as inauspicious times in the scriptures. Born at this time, a person has to face physical and mental sufferings to a great extent.

Solar Eclipse

People born at the time of solar eclipse have to face economic problems. Possibility of death of those born in a solar eclipse is there too. To get rid of this dosha one should worship the ruler of the birth star. Worshipping of the Sun, Moon, and Rahu seems beneficial for alleviation of birth defects occurring in Sun and Moon eclipses.

Birth on Krishna Chaturdashi

Parashar has divided the Krishna Chaturdashi date into 6 parts and mentions different fruits for the person born in that period. According to this, birth in the first phase is auspicious, but birth at the second part is inauspicious for the father, birth in the third part brings inflictions on the mother. She suffers a lot due to such consequences. Birth on the fourth part brings crisis in the life of the maternal uncle. To be born in the 5th part is inauspicious for the offspring and birth in the 6th part is harmful for invoking money and th native too. In order to reduce the malefic effects on a child born in Krishna Chaturdashi, anointing should be done on parents and the native. Once should take care that enough donation to the Brahmin along with food and shade should be offered.

To reduce the inauspicious effects on the birth of a child in the very moment of Krishna Chaturdashi, anointing of the parents and the native should be done, 

Birth with The same Nakshatra

According to Astrology, if in a family father and son, mother and daughter, two brothers and two sisters are born in the same constellation, then both of those whose planets seem weak in  horoscopes have to face a lot of trouble in their life. To eliminate this negativity, it is auspicious to take proper help of an astrologer or an avid pundit.

Birth in Trikal Dosha

Trikal Dosha is a defect that highlights the moment a son is born after 3 daughters in a family or a daughter is born after 3 sons. In this Dosha, both the mother’s side and father’s side suffer the absolute consequences of obsolescence. Just to eleminate the inauspicious effects of this prolific dosha, parents should opt for remedies after going for dosha Shanti by prolific pundits or astrologers.

Birth During Gandanta Yoga

Gandanta Yoga is known as an inauspicious time for childbirth. At this time, if a child is born, the father should look at the face of the infant only after he finds in life. The negativity can be eliminated by donating bulls during the period of Tithi Gand cows in Nakshatra Gand and gold in Lagna Gand.

If the child comes of Guntas, the blame is to be incurred by the sheer consecration of the respective father and the child and by the consecration of the respective mother and child when they are born in the extreme part of the said Republic.

Birth in Sarpa-Sheersha

When there falls the third and fourth phase of Anuradha Nakshatra on Amavasya Tithi, it is called the snakehead. Sarpashirsha is regarded as inauspicious time. No auspicious work can be done in it. The birth defect of the baby is regarded complete in the head. Children born in this malefic yoga have sure to suffer the inauspicious effects of the said one.

Birth in Sarpa-Sheersha

In this yoga, all that should be done is the Rudrabhishek just after the birth of the infant.  Food items and donation should be given to the Brahmins. All these reduce the effect of dosha.

Birth in Mool Nakshatra

Birth in Moola Nakshatra is considered extremely inauspicious too. Birth in the first phase, the father feels guilty, in the second phase the mother feels so, in the third phase there is loss of money and social entity. Birth in this Nakshatra, may cause the death of the father within 1 year. The mother may die within 2 years.

There is tremendous loss of money within 3 years. Having been born in this nakshatra, there is a possibility of the death of the person within 1 year. The remedy for this particular inauspicious position is that whenever Mool nakshatra falls within the month or year, the original peace should be made. But it is known that the 4th step of the native is regarded auspicious for the person born.

Birth in Yamaghanta Yoga

Apart from these ones, detrimental yogas are galore in Astrology. Birth in these other yogas is considered inauspicious. Some of these malefic Yogas are the Yamaghanta Yoga, Validriti or Vyaptipata Yoga and Dagdhadi Yoga. If there is a birth in these yogas, it must  offer malefic results.

Birth in Yamaghanta Yoga

Yamaghanta seems an unfavorable time, carrying with numerous disappointments. One ought to abstain from promising.

How to determine the inauspiciousness of one’s birth time?

Determining the birth time is inauspicious or not according to astrology, one must make the analysis of the birth chart done by a qualified astrologer. 

Have your birth details: The first step is to collect accurate information about everything regarding your date, time, and obviously place of birth. This information will generate your birth chart, a map of the positions of different planets. It involves other celestial bodies too at the time of your birth.

Consulting an Astrologer: 

The next vital step is to consult an experienced astrologer who can analyze your birth chart properly. He can hint at any inauspicious doshas. The astrologer is sure to use various astrological tools and techniques to assess the planetary positions and their effects on your life.

Understanding the doshas: The astrologer will explain doshas present in your birth chart. He will also explain their effects on various aspects of life. He will also discuss the severity of the doshas and prescribe suitable remedies to mitigate negative effects.

The astrologer will analyze the positions of different planets and their relationships with each other to determine overall impact on life. He will also look at the houses referred in birth chart that are associated with different aspects of life, such as career, relationships, health, finance and so on.

Based on the prolific analysis, the astrologer will prescribe remedies to minimize the negative effects of the doshas. These remedies may include specific pujas, homas and certain rituals, wearing of gemstones, observing fasts, and making charity.


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