Interesting facts about Hindu mythology

21 February, 2024
facts about Hindu mythology facts about Hindu mythology

Hinduism is one of the oldest known religions in the world and has some of the most epic and ancient stories and legends which has been passed through generations in this country. This is simply why Hindu mythology will forever be a topic of conversation and curiosity among various people. These epics and legends form an integral part of the Hindu culture and form how the practice of millions of Hindus across the world. The most interesting part is that most of these interesting mythologies have been corroborated and confirmed by modern-day science itself. Let's Discuss Interesting facts about Hindu mythology.

Few interesting facts about Hindu mythology to increase your knowledge


Creation of the Universe


Although according to Hindu mythology, there are several theories that have been bounced around as to the creation of the universe, the one most believed by people is that the universe was founded when the famous expression OM was expressed. Other scriptures and Vedas also note that the Universe was formed when Brahma along with the two other Gods: Shiva and Vishnu created the universe also known as the cosmic trinity.   


Vedic Epics 


The two most ancient epics that have shaped Hindu mythology are Ramayana and Mahabharata. The Ramayana narrates the life of Lord Rama and his rescue of his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana and is written by Valmiki. Valmiki was an astrologer and has made many astronomical references to the position of planets in the Ramayana. The Mahabharata revolves around the famous war of Kurukshetra which is caused by the dispute between the Kauravas and the Pandavas which is presented in the book Bhagavat Gita and performing Gita Homam can bring a lot of benefits. These books very much have a scientific and practical outlook of the world and are as relevant today as they were back then.   




Hindu mythology is a vast array of Gods and Goddesses each with its own unique set of attributes and abilities to offer to each one of its followers and devotees. As mentioned above the holy trinity that is Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are the creator, preserver, and destroyer of the universe. On the other side of the Goddesses, Hinduism has Lakshmi who is the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Then there is Durga, she is fierce and mainly focused on combating evil entities that threaten peace, prosperity, and dharma on Earth. Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge, wealth, art, and abundance. Every god or goddesses that you see in your dream can have a different meaning. 


The Yugas 


According to Hinduism, the world is made of four Yugas, each Yugas consists of tens of thousands of years. The four Yugas are Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and finally Kali Yuga. Satya Yuga is said to be the golden age of enlightenment and truth. In this period of humanity, everyone is leading a life of honesty and truth and far away from lies. Next is the Treta Yuga, in this age, the presence of Truth slowly has started to decline and fade away. Darkness in human nature has started to penetrate every human being and is slowly taking over. The Dvapara Yuga is the third age and is when there is not much difference between good and evil and the scales are evenly balanced. Finally, Kali Yuga represents the time and age when dishonesty and ignorance have taken over.   


Reincarnation and Karma 


A central principle of Hindu mythology is the concept and belief of reincarnation. It is the belief that we are eternal beings and go through a process of birth, death, and rebirth in different forms. Karma is the law of cause of effect, it is the belief wherein the actions and deeds of a person have consequences that affect their future experiences. In Hindu tradition, the only way to break free from the endless cycle of reincarnation in this birth is to achieve liberation or moksha and become one with the divine.  


Symbols and Animals 


Hindu mythology has several significant symbols and animals representing various things such as Cow which is considered sacred and is worshipped for its fertility, abundance, and motherhood. Feeding a cow can bring positive and love into our lives. The lotus is a symbol of divine beauty and purity and has a common occurrence in various Hindu art and architecture. The snake which is considered as a divine entity signifying and associated with Lord Shiva is a powerful animal. Offering milk to snakes can offer us the blessing of Lord Shiva.  


Therefore, in conclusion, Hindu mythology has a vast array of characters, stories, symbols, animals, and gods/goddesses that represent almost every part of human nature and its inner workings. Modern science and researchers to this day are trying to uncover the deeper truths and meanings behind most of these stories and characters and what they mean to us and signify for us as a whole humanity. Hence these deep mysteries and truths provide us with a great insight into the workings of the universe and our quest to find the meaning of life. 


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