Know How Does Chanting Om Benefit You to Get Rid Of Anger and Anxiety

27 May, 2023
Know How Does Chanting Om Benefit You to Get Rid Of Anger and Anxiety Know How Does Chanting Om Benefit You to Get Rid Of Anger and Anxiety

In this particular article we are going to discuss on chanting of OM, and how the chanting of this great Pranab Mantra benefits a person to get rid of anger, stress and all kinds of anxiety. The sound has long been regarded as a sacred one and is an honorable symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other notable religions. It is a powerful vibration that represents the essence of the universe and every creation. The sound of Om is known to be the sound of the cosmos, and it is the chanting Om that is believed to bring peace, harmony, and absolute spiritual awakening. Om is also used in meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices. 

Should You Chant Om or Aum?

Spelling OM, often spelled Aum too, is a common practice in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other spiritual traditions. It has numerous healing and transformative effects on the human mind, body, and spirit. Here we are trying to put forward some tips on how to chant OM in a proper way:

All you have to do first is to find a quiet and peaceful place so that you can concentrate and relax. 

Light a candle, burn incense sticks, play soft music so that a calming atmosphere is created.

Now sit in any comfortable position, either cross-legged or on a chair. Keep your shoulder straight. Let your shoulders relax.

Before start chanting, opt for a few deep breaths to clear your mind.

Let the sound of “O” fill the lungs. Once you exhale, let the sound of “M” resonate in your body. Now go on chanting it as many times as you like loudly.

Feel the vibration in the body. 

Try to focus on how the sound resonates in different parts of the body, chest, throat, and head and so on.

Go on visualizing the symbol of Om while you chant. 

Having finished chanting, sit silently for a few moments and fee the essence of the chanting

When Should You Chant Om?

You can chant Om during meditation any time of the day or night. But there are particular times when it seems to be particularly beneficial. 

Start your day with Om chanting. This can help you feel focused. It can also create a positive vibe for the rest of the day and helps you approach your schedules with much clarity and eagerness.

Om chanting is done in yoga practices to intensify the meditative aspect of the practice. Chanting of OM before or after the yoga practice enhances all the benefits of physical postures. At the same time it increases a sense of relaxation and inner peace.

Om chanting can be a helpful enough to manage stress and anxiety. The moment you feel overwhelmed with anxiety or fear, go on chanting Om for a few moments. This chanting helps you calm your mind and regulate your breathing in a superb manner.

Chanting OM before retiring helps you relax and prepare for a restful night time sleep. It helps you to disperse all negative thoughts, tension or worries and throw you in a pool of absolute relaxation.

Om meditation can be a potent addition to all sorts of meditative practices. Chanting of the OM as a special mantra helps you to focus your mind and enhance spiritual awareness by all means.

There may be some myths regarding chanting of OM. But as such there are no rules and regulations behind chanting this vibrant mantra OM. There is even no scheduled time to start chanting OM. Be it morning, noon, evening, night, you can go on chanting is great Mantra to ease yourself and enjoy heavenly pleasure. All that needs is to find a proper time when you can find leisure to go on chanting OM.

Benefits of Chanting OM

Our scriptures are replete with the benefic outcomes of chanting OM. Since time immemorial the sound has been regarded the most powerful sound of the world. Even the scientists can never rule out the vibes of the cosmic sound and its effect on human body and mind. Here we are trying to mention some of the potential benefits of chanting OM:

Om chanting can calm the mind and reduces mental torpor. 

The vibration of the sound shifts the brain into a more relaxed state and reduces stress and anxiety.

OM meditation improves spiritual understanding and connects an individual with a keener sense of purpose.

Also chanting OM involves deep, rhythmic breathing that helps to improve lung function supplying enough oxygen to the blood. This is particularly helpful for individuals suffering from respiratory or anxiety-related breathing problems.

Om meditation helps to reduce physical tension and stress. 

The vibration of the sound penetrates deep into the body, thus helping you to relax muscles.

Focusing on the sound and vibration of the chanting, you can train your mind to remain focused.

Chanting OM stimulates the chakras and boosts the energy level of the body. This is particularly helpful for individuals who feel sluggish all the way.

OM helps to release negative emotions like anger, frustration, worry and sadness. 

Deep breathing along with the vibration of the sound helps activating the parasympathetic nerves promoting a feeling of calmness and relaxation.

Benefits of Chanting OM 108 times 

Chanting "Om" 108 times has significant spiritual and psychological benefits. Here we are trying to discuss on some potential benefits:

Chanting "Om" repeatedly helps calm the mind and improve total concentration. The rhythmic nature of the chanting aids in redirecting attention away from distractions leading towards a particular point of focus.

The vibration and sound produced by OM chanting has a soothing effect on the nervous system. It can reduce stress, anxiety, and promotes overall relaxation. 

In many spiritual traditions, OM is regarded a sacred sound symbolizing the essence of the very universe. Chanting it repeatedly creates a deeper connection with the divine or one's own inner self, fostering a particular sense of spirituality and inner peace.

Chanting of OM harmonizes the energy centers or chakras in the body. Each repetition of the chanting helps to activate and balance the flow of energy promoting a sense of total well-being and harmony within.

OM serves as a form of mindfulness practice. It brings all attention to the present moment. It enhances self-awareness and helps you become more attuned to your thoughts and emotions.

Some are of opinion that chanting OM is a purifying practice. It cleanses negative energy, promotes positive vibrations, and facilitates personal transformation and growth.

Chanting OM involves controlled vocalization. It is associated with conscious breath control too. Regular practice strengthens the vocal cords, improves breathing capacity, and enhances overall vocal and respiratory health.

It's important to mention that the benefits of chanting OM vary for individuals. The experience can be subjective too. It is always recommended to approach the practice o OM chanting with an open mind and observe how it resonates personally.

Astrological Significance of OM Chanting 

In astrology, chanting of OM impacts one’s spiritual and emotional well-being quite significantly. Here we are trying to highlight some of the astrological significances of chanting OM.

Chanting of OM aligns the individual with the cosmos. It brings him/her into harmony with the universal energy. The sound resonates with the vibrations of the universe. It helps to balance the energies of the body and total mind.

Chanting OM enhances the positive impacts of the planets in one’s kundli. By chanting Om, one can activate positive energies of planets and reduce the negative impacts of malefic planets.

Chanting of OM inspires all round spiritual growth and helps a person develop a very deep understanding of the prolific nature. 

Om mitigates the ill impact of planetary transits and helps individuals sailing through difficult periods safely. It can help calm the mind and reduce anxiety and stress. In this way a person can cope with challenging situations quite effectively.

The chanting strengthens intuition and psychic abilities, making it easier to dip delve into the deep levels of consciousness. OM sound reverberates with the 3rd eye chakra that is associated with intuition and keen spiritual insight.

Is There Science Behind the OM Sound? 

OM is primarily associated with spirituality and some religious traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. From the scientific perspective, the effects and interpretations of the sound of OM vary. Here we are trying to bring before our readers a few points to consider quite minutely:

It is known to all that scientifically, sound is produced through vibrations. Later on it travels through a medium, like air or water. The sound of "Om" is thought to represent the basic vibration of the universe. The moment the idea of vibrations and resonance is scientifically valid, the specific claims with the universal significance of the OM sound go beyond the scientific understanding valid at present.

Many individuals go on practicing chanting "Om" or trying to incorporate it into their spiritual practices. They report subjective experiences of total tranquility, focus, and a sense of inner connection. These experiences are valid to the individual. They fall into the realm of personal perception and discard direct scientific explanations or universal significance as a whole.

It must be taken into account that science and spirituality operate in different domains. Science aims to understand the physical and natural world vide empirical methods, spirituality on the other hand deals with personal experiences, emotions, and keen questions about the nature of existence. It may not be directly examined or measured by scientific means.

Ultimately, whether the OM sound is scientific or not depends on the specific context and claims made against it.


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