Know How to Perform Complete Shradh Ritual on Pitru Paksha (Shradh) 2023

05 June, 2023
Know How to Perform Complete Shradh Ritual on Pitru Paksha (Shradh) 2023 Know How to Perform Complete Shradh Ritual on Pitru Paksha (Shradh) 2023

In this article we are going to put forward our readers some basic details about Shradh ritual on Pitru Paksha, known as Shradh too in Hindu culture in details. The ritual goes for 16 days in the Hindu calendar to honor and pay respects to one’s ancestors or pitrus. It generally falls in the month of Ashwin (September-October) when the souls of departed ancestors pay visit to earth to their descendants. During this period, Hindus living in every corner of India perform various rituals and offer food, water, and various other offerings to their ancestors to seek their blessings. It is an important time to seek their favor and perform acts of charity towards the destitute. 

List of Dates for Pitru Paksha (Shradh) in 2023

Friday, September 29, 2023: Purnima Shradh

Friday, September 29, 2023: Pratipada Shradh

Saturday, September 30, 2023: Dwitiya Shradh 

Sunday, October 1, 2023: Tritiya Shradh

Monday, October 2, 2023: Chaturthi Shradh  (Maha Bharani Shradh)

Tuesday, October 3, 2023: Panchami Shradh

Wednesday, October 4, 2023: Shashti Shradh

Thursday, October 5: Saptami Shradh

Friday, October 6: Ashtami Shradh

Saturday, October 7: Navami Shradh

Sunday, October 8: Dashmi Shradh

Monday, October 9: Ekadashi Shradh

Tuesday, October 11: Dwadashi Shradh 

Wednesday, October 12: Trayodashi Shradh

Thursday, October 13: Chaturdashi Shradh

Friday, October 14:  Amavasya Shradh

History Related with the Shradh Ritual on Pitru Paksha (Shradh)

The practice of observing Shradh ritual on Pitru Paksha has been in vogue since ancient past and it is elaborated in ancient Hindu scriptures such as the Garuda Purana and the many other great Indian texts like the Mahabharata. As per these texts, during Pitru Paksha, the souls of the deceased ancestors or pitrus come down from their heavenly abodes to meet their ancestors on Earth.  The very word “Pitru” refers to the departed forefathers, and “Paksha” hints at fortnight or the 15-day period.

The tradition is linked to the concept of “Shradha” or the offerings catered to ancestors to express heartfelt gratitude and seek their blessings. It is the Garuda Purana that elaborates in detail the rituals and offerings made during this specific period to ensure the happy sojourn of the departed souls.

Again it is known from scriptural sources that Lord Krishna initiated the tradition of Pitru Paksha right after the vicious Mahabharata War. As per the epic, the moment Arjuna asked Krishna how to show honor to the departed souls of his ancestors slain in the battle, Krishna suggested him to arrange a ritual during the Pitru Paksha fortnight.  Since that time honoring ancestors during this period came to be an important Hindu culture.

The importance of Pitru Paksha also is highlighted in the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita, where it is seen sated that one should perform their duties properly and offer food and water to their departed ancestors during this period so that they find peace and happiness in afterlife.

In addition to all these rituals and offering food to the forefathers, Pitru Paksha is the high time to seek grace and favor from them and go on performing acts of charity towards the destitute. Thus, by opting for these actions during this period, one can be sure of the well-being of their deceased ancestors and win their blessings.

Rituals to Perform on Pitru Paksha 2023

While performing the Pitru Paksha rituals one must follow precisely some steps one by one. Here we are trying to put before our readers how they should perform Shradh ritual on Pitru Paksha 2023:

The first thing that you need to do is to choose a clean and desolate location to perform the Sharadh, in the presence of a priest.

Now place a picture or photo of the deceased ancestor on a platform with flowers, lighted incense sticks, and an oil lamp.

Invoke Lord Ganesha to remove obstacles that may hinder the performance of the Sharadh. You can do so by chanting the Ganesha mantra and by offering flowers and fruits to a statue or picture of Lord Ganesha.

Next, pray to Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe and the One who has the power to bless the ancestors. You can chant the Vishnu Sahasranama offering flowers and fruits to the Omnipotent Lord Vishnu.

Offer water to your ancestors by pouring it into a silver or copper vessel. Then pour it again into another vessel. The process symbolizes the offering to the ancestors. Accompany the process with chanting of mantras like the Pitru Gayatri mantra.

Offer food items to the ancestors that include rice, lentils, vegetables, and various sweets. You have to place the items on a banana leaf or a plate and offer it with proper prayer. There goes the belief that the ancestors having taken the essence of the food you offer are highly pleased.

Now you have to go for Tarpana to seek their blessings and offer them heartfelt gratitude.

Pour water through the fingers clockwise into a vessel..

Offer Pind that is offering small rice balls and sesame seeds to the ancestors. It can help them receive the essence of the offerings. It helps them in their journey in their later life.

Beg pardon from the ancestors for the wrongdoings or mistakes committed by you knowingly or unknowingly.

At last all you have to do is to end the ritual by offering Dakshina to the priest and seek their blessings. It is also important to distribute prasad to the family members and guests who are present.

Performing Pujas on Pitru Paksha (Shradh) 2023

The Pitru Paksha period is the time when Hindus take part in various Pujas to honor their ancestors just to have their blessings. Here are some Pujas you can perform on Pitru Paksha 2023.

 Vishnu Puja during the Pitru Paksha (Shradh) 2023 can help the ancestors attain peace and blessings. 

 Chanting the Gayatri Mantra during Pitru Paksha helps the ancestors attain moksha or salvation. The mantra helps to have the ancestors’ blessings.

Navagraha Puja is performed during Pitru Paksha to appease the planets and seek their blessings by all means. Planets play a crucial role to determine one’s destiny. Therefore, going for this Puja, one can attain their blessings and overcome all sorts of obstacles in life.

Shradh Puja is done to honor the ancestors and seek their blessings. It is a comprehensive ritual that involves various steps like offering water and food and doing Tarpana. This Puja is to offer utmost honor to the ancestors and seek their guidance.

Significance of Shradh Ritual on Pitru Paksha 

16 day long Pitru Paksha in the Hindu calendar is dedicated to honor ancestors. The word “Pitru” means ancestors who have left for heavenly abode, and “Paksha” means fortnight or 15 days. During this period, Hindus, wherever they live,  go on for various rituals to honor the ancestors and invoke their blessings.

Pitru Paksha is a vital time to show respect to the ancestors who have left this mundane world. By performing numerous rituals and offering prayers, Hindus round the country, seek to acknowledge and express their appreciation for the sacrifices and various contributions of their ancestors.

It is the belief of the Hindus that their ancestors have played significant roles in their lives when they were alive on earth. Even after their departure from the mortal world they are ready to guide and bless their successors. By performing various Pujas and going for prayers, they seek blessings of their ancestors for a prosperous and vibrant life.

The period of Pitru Paksha is always regarded an auspicious time to perform good deeds and going for charity. Performing various activities related to   kindness and generosity, one is sure to attract positive karma and blessings from their ancestors who have sailed away to the outer world for good.

Again it is the Pitru Paksha that is the time to cement family bonds and foster unity among the members of the family. Coming together to perform rituals and Pujas, family members can build a strong sense of community and express their utmost love and respect for their deceased ancestors.

To Conclude

According to the Sanatan Dharma the ancestors visit earth on this particular time to bless their successors and offer them blessings. In this particular period Shradh and tarpan rituals are performed to satisfy them. The main aims of the rituals are to bring prosperity and happiness in family. One should respect the Brahmins when Shradh ritual on Pitru Paksha is performed. Foods offered to them in the form of Pinda, is the main part of the ritual. 

If the ancestors are enraged then they cannot curse but numerous ominous situations loom large in the families. It may be told that when some of your tasks are held up without any proper reason, it can be apprehended that the ancestors perhaps are displeased with you. Besides, turmoil and furor are noticed in the families and money matters can be disturbed by all means. Even children have to face grave situations every now and then. So everybody should go for the Shradh ritual on Pitru Paksha to avert problems looming large in life.


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