Know Why It Is Auspicious To Apply Tilak on the Forehead and What Its Astrological Benefits Are

05 April, 2023
Know Why It Is Auspicious To Apply Tilak on the Forehead and What Its Astrological Benefits Are Know Why It Is Auspicious To Apply Tilak on the Forehead and What Its Astrological Benefits Are

Since time immemorial in Sanatan Dharma, applying Tilak or vermillion on the forehead is considered highly auspicious. Scientific studies have also been done on the benefits of applying Tilak on forehead and the result is highly appreciated. Apart from the religious meaning, the scriptures have told a lot of many benefits of applying Tilak on the forehead. 

In Hinduism, this particular ritual and belief have been going on for ages. Even today people who have deep devotion to gods and goddesses follow it with full enthusiasm. There is special importance of applying Tilak on the forehead of the devotees in the Hindu religion; they apply Tilak to consider it as a part of their culture. Applying Tilak is very common too. Tilak is also applied on the forehead during various auspicious rituals and marriage.

It is believed that the applying of Tilak on the forehead activates a person’s “Ajna Chakra” (the area between the eyebrows). This chakra is supposed to be an energy channel, and in yogic science, it is considered to be the third eye and a carrier of mighty power.

According to religious belief, there is a law i behind the application of tilak on the forehead. The ingredients needed are kumkum, vermilion, red sandalwood paste, turmeric, white sandalwood paste or ashes.

Along with the spiritual feeling behind applying Tilak on the forehead, there comes in front of many reasons of using tilak on the forehead.

Astrology is of opinion that, there are 7 chakras in the middle of the forehead which are regarded to be the centers of energy. Applying Tilak on this particular area brings auspicious benefits in one’s life and helps in opening the doors of both spirituality and materialism.

Applying Tilak, a Symbol of Purity

In astrology and Tantra , applying Tilak is considered a symbol of righteousness. It is said that it is the presiding deity who resides in the middle of the forehead and by applying tilak on the forehead; the presiding deity is respected and energized. There also goes a belief that applying Tilak means showing reverence to one’s family deity or presiding deity who is daily worshipped at home.

Awakening of the Ajna Chakra

If we turn on the Yoga system, we shall be able to know that there are 7 energy centers in the body which are also mentioned in various Holy Scriptures as the storehouse of power. It is the Ajna chakra in the middle of the forehead just between two eyebrows that is the most important of the seven chakras and it is the carrier of unending power. Three Nadis of the body have traveled through the body and meet in this chakra, that’s why this Chakra is given the prolific importance. It is the most prolific seat of bodily consciousness.In yogic science too it is often referred to as the third eye. This is the reason why it is very important to apply Tilak or Bindi at this place. At the time of meditation,, the mind becomes concentrated and is placed at the center of the forehead.

Symbol of Faith in God

In religious scriptures like the Puranas, Tilak is considered to be a symbol of utter faith in God; therefore Tilak was applied before every auspicious work in the previous days. It is believed that the application of Tilak on the Ajna chakra caters peace and utmost energy.

Decreases Stress

In our body it is the pituitary glands that become active by applying tilak on the forehead. Due to this man’s laziness departs forever. Brainpower comes and the person who applies the tilak starts feeling refreshed. Mental stress is abated and the person starts feeling peace in his personal and domestic life.

Positivity Restored

The scientific reason behind the application of tilak is that as the mind gets peace and coolness it becomes serene and remains at the state of total ranquility. Useful chemicals are secreted in a balanced amount in the brain, due to which feelings of negativity, apathy, and despair never come to bother the human being. The person is always busy in thinking and it remains positive all the way.

Diseases Bid Good Bye

The precise activation of the Nadi Mandal starts when a person applies tilak or tika on the forehead. By doing this regularly one can get rid of various diseases like insomnia,   sinus and various other psychological problems. Such diseases can be cured by applying Tilak on the forehead. This is the reason why in Hinduism women have been asked to apply tika on their forehead on a daily basis.

The Main Theme

In Hinduism, applying Tilak on the forehead is considered highly auspicious. It is applied on the forehead in every auspicious work in Hinduism. According to Hindu Puranas, the seven chakras in the human body is the main center of energy. The Ajna Chakra is located between the eyebrows. Applying Tilak on the forehead thus improves the power of concentration in the body of a person as a whole. Tilak or Tika provides positive vibes in the person’s character and In Hindu rituals, applying Tilak on the forehead is always considered very auspicious. They apply Tilak while thinking it as a part of their culture. 

Upanishads, Puranas and Vedic Scriptures depict the significance of Tilak. There are cultures in the Sanatan Dharma that blatantly state that vitality, strength, and eternal feeling comes to the individuals who apply Tilak on the forehead.

There are Tilaks of different varieties, depending on the god/goddess one worships, or one’s caste, religious sect and so on.

Lord Shiva and the Tilak

Followers of Lord Shiva always apply Vibhuti/Bhasm on their forehead, which means ash. It is traditionally gathered from burnt woods from Yajna sthal (the place of yagna) where cow dung cake or incense sticks are offered after prayer. It is believed that applying Bhasm/Vibhuti(ashes) on one’s forehead brings glory and can destroy all types of evil forces and protects everyone from ill health by all means.

The Vaishnavs, followers of Lord Vishnu

Devotees of Lord Vishnu also apply the paste of Sandalwood (Chandan) in a  U shape that extends out towards nose. The U pattern represents lotus feet of Lord Vishnu.  Devotees of Lord Vishnu apply this Tilak on their forehead.  More than a religious mark it is the paste of Sandalwood (Chandan) that is also known for its highly cooling impacts and curing headaches.

Goddess Lakshmi and Tialk

It is said that the application of Kumkum Tilak is compulsory for a married women. It is called so because women are always said to be Goddess Lakshmi riding at home. Kumkum is a special religious item that is made with turmeric powder, turned red by adding lime. It is usually worn in round form during prayers or various auspicious occasions. The sweet fragrance produced by kumkum can draw and radiate the divinity of the deities. It is believed that a lady who wears kumkum daily is shielded from negative energies and common setbacks as kumkum emits positive frequencies round the clock.

Scientific Perspective so to Say 

Now it is scientifically proven too that applying tilak on the forehead is absolutely beneficial because tilak is worn in exactly at the same place where the Ajna Chakra highly praised place in the human body is located. It is the place of the third eye. So while describing the benefits of applying Tilak here come lots of benefits that are praised highly in Indian age old scriptures since ancient time.

Medicinal Properties of Tilak

We have so far illustrated in details everything about the application of the tilak on the forehead. But it is not suffice. Hindus since time immemorial have studied the science of the physiology and related it with human rituals. In the old Hindu scriptures we have found galore of praises of applying tilak on the forehead. The scriptures did not falter to praise highly of tilak as it can cure mental stress, insomnia and many other maladies. Very similar to Ayurvedic remedy like Shirodhara that means dripping oil on the forehead, the tilak applied on the very Ajna Chakra or at the very middle portion of the forehead just between the two eyebrows acts in the same manner. Application of sandalwood, Bibhuti or kumkum tilak regularly can eliminate headaches and can offer instant relief from stress for good.

Application of Tilak cures sinuses. The joint of the eyebrows also has a nerve named as trigeminal nerve. The moment it is squeezed it clears sinuses by increasing the pressure of blood to the nose.

A tilak on the forehead also helps to get a wrinkle free young skin. There lies the supratrochlear nerve that interfaces with a handful of filaments and muscles of the eyes and skin on the forehead. They are stimulated when mild pressure is applied at the center of the forehead. The pressure diminishes dark circles by providing oxygen and boosting blood pressure. At the same time the eyesight is enhanced and the skin becomes flawless by all means.

The regular use of tilak keeps infectious diseases at bay. Sandalwood is used by individuals and fashion oriented females in summer as cooling face packs. When applied on the forehead, where the facial nerves assemble, it keeps the body cool.

To Conclude

So we can hope quite easily that applying tilak on the forehead is not just a cultural or spiritual part of belief but it is one such thing with scientific background. In Hinduism, there are many rituals and customs we follow because they have come down to us through tradition and of course legacy. But there is a reason behind every tradition, story, culture and legacy that is always important to brood over.


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