12 Laws of Karma everyone should know

24 August, 2024
12 Laws of Karma 12 Laws of Karma

Everything in this world has two aspects, good or bad, as the law of Karma encapsulates. The law of karma acquaints human beings about right and wrong or good and bad in life. It acts like a guiding force to people by helping them with a clear idea of things to do and not to have curse free life. These are sets of rules that every individual should follow to justify their existence as a human being. Karma is the tool to improve your next birth and improve your present. It says that what you do today will certainly get you tomorrow. Your thoughts and actions are shapers of your life etc. Take a look at a detailed insight into the Laws of Karma and its types in this blog, Laws of Karma- The life lessons must be imbibed by all of us.

Types of Karma

Types of Karma

Vedas, the ancient scriptures of Hinduism unfold three types of Karma.

  • Sanchita Karma- The total karma bagged by a person in a previous life.
  • Prarabdha Karma- This refers to the Sanchita karma of past life, whether good or bad, due to which the individual is either enjoying a boon or facing hardships in the present life. It is like rejoicing or paying for the deeds done in previous life.
  • Agami Karma- This refers to karma in which an individual is engaged in action in the present and will face its outcomes in future lives.

In a nutshell, Karma done in the past will either be settled in the same birth or will be settled in upcoming birth. All your actions done in the present age will be settled later in this age or in the next incarnations. Positive karma done now or in the past will bring lucrative results. Your action of helping someone in need in the past may result in a helping hand to you at the time you need help.

12 Laws of Karma everyone should know

12 Laws of Karma everyone should know

A Boomerang of Karma hits you back many times harder than you hit it initially. Every emotion, idea and opinion is energy. Whatever kind of energy you create comes back to you with the same properties. Negative karma bags negative consequences and positive energies will get back to you fruits of bliss.

The power of thinking, uttering and action encourages human beings to be more considerate of thoughts, words spoken and actions carried out. Follow the laws of karma in your daily life to embellish your present and future with bliss and harmony. Get acquainted with the 12 laws of Karma to make sure that you do not violate any of them and unintentionally cultivate sin. Take a look at them in detail.

1. The Universal Law of Cause and Effect

When we talk about karma in general, it refers to the law of cause and effect. It means that when you invest your energy in any deed or mostly think about it, the cosmos gives it back to you. The cause is your thinking or actions and the effect is the outcome that comes back to you. Idiom as you sow and you reap defines it in the best manner. For instance, if you want people to be nice to you, you must be nice to them to expect good behaviour from others. Positive or good energy has positive effects and vice–versa.

2. The Law of Creation

The law of creation highlights and emphasizes the significance of being a creator. For the kind of life that you like to lead or the position you want to attain, you have to identify and create the path and opportunities to reach the fantasized state. Action is the focus of this law since mere imagination can never take you even close to your objective. Your karma is co-creator needing you to put efforts towards goals. Magic won’t happen on its own, efforts should be done and kept on.

Also Read: Astrology and Karma

3. The Law of Humility

The law of humility states that don’t live in a bubble and come out of it humbly with admittance to your mistakes and misdeeds along with good ones. Self-recognition is a must to identify yourself and your actions. Accept whatever phase you are in is due to your actions, good or bad. In simple words, your achievements are yours and so are your failures. Admit that the failure is a consequence of your refusal, reluctance and negligence. Keeping excuses to almost nil and taking on responsibilities of your own deeds most humbly is the law of humility.

4. The Law of Growth

The fourth law of Karma is about growing with every day, every incident, every mistake, every failure and every achievement. Grow from the inside and imbibing maturity is a must. This law isn’t all about monetary and materialistic growth or expansion. Initiate growth in yourself first, like charity begins at home, growth should also start from within. It also involves control over emotions like anger, love, jealousy, enmity etc. The fourth law also refers to learning to deal with the good and bad like success doesn’t empower you to misbehave with anyone. Also, failure or detachment doesn’t collapse you completely. Focus on controlling yourself instead of dominating or keeping control of others.

5. The Law of Responsibility

The law of responsibility is taking responsibility for every action of your life, irrespective of good or bad. It is like admitting that the life you are living was your choice. Also, you are responsible for how the world addresses and treats you along with how you are treated by people. Things happening in your life may not be in your control, but control of how you respond to them is vital. The law of responsibility can be summed up as your life or you are the choice of yourself.

6. The Law of Connection

The sixth law of karma unleashes the connection between the past, present and future. Your actions in the past shape your present. Your deeds in the present and past will paint your future. In other words, everyone you meet in your lifespan has some links with you including everyone you will meet accidentally in the future. What you do today is the outcome of the past and what you will be doing in the future will be the outcome of present deeds.

7. The Law of Focus

The law of focus declines the theory of multi-tasking. The law of focus emphasizes concentrating on one thing at a time. Put your energy on one thing at a time as energy diversified doesn’t give the same quantum of result as one would attain in the case of focussing on one thing at a time. The theory of the law of focus is based on the belief that a person attains more or is more effective and successful when aiming at one target. When you are completely focused on more important things, the lesser ones will distract or disturb you less.

8. The Law of Giving and Hospitality

This law encourages one to become selfless and a giver. Keeping your word is also a part of it. Aligning your actions with words is the message of this law. First of all, be a giver to be served to you by others. To get happiness, first give happiness to others, similarly to get love, first give love to others. What you give to others is received by you in a nutshell as per this karma.

Also Read: How Karma affect your life?

9. The Law of Here and Now

This law is about now and only now i.e. Your present. In an age where relations are temporary, mental stress and hardships persist widely, the law refers to cuddling your present with open arms and heart with nothing negative even grudges in yourself. Forget the past, live in the present and prepare for the future. Living in the past would keep you away from the joy of the present along with focussing on it. In a nutshell, focus on your present.

10. The Law of Change

Like the trends that keep on striking back, likewise, history repeats itself until you learn the lesson and put an end to it. The law of change also states that change is inevitable and immortal. Nothing is permanent, but a change in this world, and we must stay equipped to accept the change with time be it in our relationship or our environment. Accept changes to be with the time and shape up your future. Those who do not have the time and accept change, lag always.

11. The Law of Patience and Reward

This law preaches to stick to anything with patience and consistently to procure reward. To have desired changes in the future, work consistently today. To be fit as a fiddle in the future, be consistent in following a healthy lifestyle now. Consistent effort towards goals now is bound to fetch bag rewards in future to you.

12. The Law of Significance and Inspiration

Our world is like a theatre in which every one of us has a role to play. Every one of us is contributing a small or huge to the universe. Your role and your input could be an inspiration to someone’s life and could make a huge difference to them. Your contribution is important to this world. Here’s where the law of significance and inspiration comes into the picture when you are hit by the emotion of being unworthy, useless and directionless. As per this law, your every small input or act makes a difference to the world. Your birth itself is a mission and only you can do the wonders as there is no substitute of you. Therefore, live the life and work.

Final Thoughts on Laws of Karma

Final Thoughts on Laws of Karma

The 12 laws of Karma act as a guiding principle for conduct and approach in life. These laws can help human beings to evolve as better human beings and open the spiritual window to you. Your thoughts and actions are deciding factors of your future and perhaps a reflection of what you were in the past. The clock of karma constantly ticks, and based on your every action, repercussion is bound to come to you sooner or later. Follow these 12 karmas and fabricate a better future and births.

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