Lucky Mobile Numbers as per Numerology

31 December, 2024
Lucky mobile numbers as per Numerology Lucky mobile numbers as per Numerology

Your journey of life is hidden in planets and numbers governing you. Astrology and numerology are the sciences practiced to improve the present and shape the future. The number of your birth date is the center of your life that unleashes about your qualities, your future, and luck. Do you know the number of your house; mobile number, vehicle number etc too are deciding factors of your present and future? In this blog, we focus on decoding the lucky mobile numbers as per numerology.

It is all about picking your lucky number for your mobile or vehicles etc. Lucky numbers are the numbers that favour you or aid in making life smooth by attracting luck, abundance, love, health, etc.

Lucky Mobile Number Based on Numerology

Lucky Mobile Number Based on Numerology

Every number sends energy or message to the Universe which affects your life. An unlucky number would harm you by impacting a specific aspect of your life. So, be smart, don’t pick any number randomly as you know your fortune is ruled by numbers in your mobile number. Take a look at Lucky mobile numbers as per numerology that would compel the Universe to bless you with the best.

Mulank Number 1 (Ruled by Sun)

If you are born on 1, 10, 19, or 28 of any month from January to December, your mulank number is 1. The good luck attracting numbers for mulank number 1 natives are 2, 3, 4, and 9. The sum of all the ten digits of your mobile number should be 2, 3, 4, and 9. By choosing a number that adds up to the above number, positive vibrations will be received by the individuals which empowers them to be authoritative, full of powers and successful. The numbers that are red flags or big No for Mulank number 1 people are the addition of all numbers to 6 and 8.

Also Read: Destiny Number 1

Mulank Number 2 (Ruled by Moon)

People who are native of 1, 22, 20 and 29 of any month of a year have mulank 2 number. Numbers that will attract peace, happiness, confidence, and abundance in their life are mobile numbers with add-up equal to either 1 or 5. These lucky numbers when aligned with your birth date amplifies self-confidence, flexibility, and concord. They must avoid a mobile number that sums up to either 2 or 6.

Mulank Number 3 (Ruled by Jupiter)

People born on the 3, 12, 21, or 30 of any month have Mulank number 3 and are ruled by Jupiter. Such individuals should choose a mobile number where the total of all digits adds up to 1, 2, or 9. Whereas, 4 and 7 must be completely ruled out as they would attract hindrances and bad luck to them. Picking a lucky number for them will help them have command over the language and impress people around with convincing communication skills. These lucky numbers promotes good luck, sanguinity, concord, and leadership.

Also Read: Destiny Number 3

Mulank Number 4 (Ruled by Uranus)

Anyone born on the 4, 13, 22, or 31 of any month of a year has Mulank number 4 which is ruled by Uranus. The sum of all digits of the mobile number that fosters stability in the life of Mulank 4 is 5, 6, or 8. They must also restrain taking a mobile number which adds up to 3, 4, or 8. These lucky numbers attract the energies that pave the way for abundance, stability, harmony, and bliss.

Mulank Number 5 (Ruled by Mercury)

Everyone born on the 5, 14, or 23 of any month can choose any number that adds up to 1 or 6. These are easy-going and flexible people. Lucky mobile numbers aid in striking balance in their lives. These self-motivated people will enjoy uninterrupted focus on their ambition with a lucky mobile number. Positivity and optimism in them will increase and assist in achieving their aim. It should be made sure that they should not have a mobile number that adds up to 2.

Also Read: What does Angel Number 111 mean?

Mulank Number 6 (Ruled by Venus)

If someone is born on the 6, 15, or 24 of any month, their Mulank number is 6. To bring good luck and attract blessings in their life, they should choose a mobile number where the total of all digits adds up to 4, 5, 7, or 8. The resonation of the number 6 with the harmonious energies amplifies growth and prosperity. They should avoid mobile numbers with a total of 1, 2, or 6. With birth date and mobile number sum aligned together, individuals attract success and growth in life. Lucky mobile numbers fosters luxury and materialist comfort in life.

Mulank Number 7 (Ruled by Neptune)

The lucky total of mobile numbers for natives of birth dates 7, 16, or 25 of any month is 6 or 9. They should avoid 3, 7, and 8 total mobile numbers. The lucky total of mobile numbers 6 and 9 pacifies an individual mentally and leads life on the track of harmony. This number ensures a switch in life to a more positive and firm side.

Mulank Number 8 (Ruled by Saturn)

People with birth dates from 8, 17, or 26 of any month of a year should choose the total of their mobile number to be 4, 5, or 6 to stabilize their life with steady growth. Mulank number 8 should avoid 1, 7, 8, and 9 strictly. The energy of Saturn and the above lucky number together adds harmony to the life of Mulank 8.

Mulank Number 9 (Ruled by Mars)

The lucky sum of all digits of a mobile number for people with a date of birth on 9, 18, or 27 of any month of the year is 1, 2, 3, or 7. Picking a mobile number with any of the above numbers proves to be auspicious because of enhanced positivity, spiritual awakening, and influential proficiency in communication. 8 is the number that must be avoided in my Mulank 9 numbers.

What are the Benefits of a Lucky Mobile Number?

What are the Benefits of a Lucky Mobile Number

Underneath are some of the potential outcomes of having lucky mobile numbers as per numerology. Numbers have hidden mysteries with the potential to transform life with more money, growth, success and harmonious relationships. Look at the amazing benefits of having a mobile number in sync with a lucky mobile number!

  • 1. Foster's luck- Lucky mobile number amplifies the luck of natives with positivity, opportunities for business, education, career, relationships, and harmony in all walks of life.
  • 2. Positive approach- A lucky number brings positivity and diminishes dark traits like anger, envy, annoyance, etc.
  • 3. Improved communication- It leads to impressive communication skills.
  • 4. Diminished anxiety- Lucky mobile numbers can foster strong mental strength with tranquillity.
  • 5. Enhanced Confidence- Lucky mobile number ensures transformation from a weak or fickle-minded individual to a highly confident person.

Go for personalized consultancy to procure all the benefits of a lucky mobile number. Improve your life with the right mobile number based on your Mulank number or your date of birth. Get a complete guidance and analysis of your Horoscope and future, Talk to the best astrologers at askganesha.

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